Monday, August 15, 2005

The Assumption

What a wonderful day! Mass was so peaceful as we honored Our Lady's Assumption body & soul into Heaven! It gives a person a lot to think about, especially our own spiritual journey, our road to Heaven too! I was meditating on that glorious day when the Lord Jesus will raise up all His followers, His children, on that Last Day, and take us up to Heaven, body & soul! And our bodies will be spiritulized, made whole, transfigured, perfect, as our souls will be perfect. "Be ye perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect." Said Jesus. (St. Matthew 5: 48). By ourselves we can do nothing but with Jesus & Mary we can be perfect, cause being consecrated to Mary, our Mother, she will obtain from Our Lord and bestow the graces we need to be images of Christ. Then the Father will see His Divine Son in us and will allow us to enter His Kingdom in Heaven.
O Mother Mary, take me in your arms as a little infant and change me into an image of your Divine Son, Jesus & thee!
Another surprise! I just went to the mail box and received a precious gift, a CD from the Monks at the Benedictine Monastery in Oklahoma! And the title of the CD is: Gregorian Chant: FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, Chants for Mass and the Office of Vespers.
Thank You Lord and Our Blessed Lady for this gift. I've been longing for some spiritual music to pray with and now I have it.
Blessings from
Deacon John G.

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