Saturday, December 20, 2008

TEACHINGS TO LIFT YOU UP by RITA RING Post 51, November 4, 1993

Love the Unloving

God's Blue Book I Cover

November 4, 1993 - 5:00a.m.

Jesus speaks: Today I want to talk about your enemies. To be like Me you must never have any enemies. Does that sound impossible? Every soul is a soul created by Me to love and be loved. When My children are willful and allow Satan to be in control, they become very sinful and do very many unloving things. So why love them if they are sinful?

These children need My love more than anyone. All My children need My love, but these children become engulfed in darkness. They continue to only look for their reality in the dark corners and make their world reflect only darkness. This gives them the room to continue in darkness. Darkness to them makes sense. They are surrounded by it. But you come along and you may be with them and you love them. Your light, in contrast to all their darkness, shines out. It makes their dark world have a ringer in it, so to speak. It stops and they take notice. What is this? I hate you and you love me? All I see on TV is surrounded by hate. Their hearts are hate. They look at darkness only. They see only hate and you come along and love?

They must take notice of your love in this dark world. What sets you apart, they ask themselves? They may struggle with admitting I am what makes you different, but indeed they must, if they want to really know, admit it is the God in you that makes you love when everything else in their life is hate.

So you think your kindness means so little? To a person who only sees darkness, your kindness is as a bright light in the darkest night. The darker the night, the more your little light shines.

If people are ugly, who wants to be nice to them? But, you say, why love the unloving? Because that is the way Christ would do it. It is your little light shining in the darkness that makes them have to take notice. Let your light shine. It is I Who shine from you. That is how I reach My sick children in the darkness. They will never come to Me. You may be the only touch they receive from Me. But your touch will not go unnoticed. It is powerful and carries much weight. Even when they continue to hate you, you continue to love. That is My way. Not to get upset in the ugliness of others. That is their way. That is not My way. When they hate you and persecute you for My sake, remember your reward will be great in heaven.

I am here, little one. Listen to Me. You do not and never will understand My ways, but My life I give to you as a model to live by. Study Me and know how I am. My ways I make clear to you. To love the unloving is indeed a challenge, but your love may save their souls. Be of Me in all things. Do not get attached to the ugliness of your sick brothers. You know what powers them. Do not get pulled in by their hate. It is not of me. Continue and love and pray for strength. This is My work, to love the unloving. I love you, little ones. Will you be My candle in the dark world? I give you My power and My love. It is not a big job, you say, but it is the job that preaches to those in darkness. Will you preach My love today to your unloving brothers?

To be nice to only those who already love is not hard. To be nice to those who are ugly is very hard, but the rewards may be so great for their souls. This is My true job for you, little ones. Love the unloving. They need to be touched by Me. Pray for strength and do what I ask of you and you will know a freedom as you have never before experienced. You are not reacting to their hate. You are still staying fixed in Me. Don't bow to Satan. He wants you to get mean in return. That is Satan's way. My way is the way of love. I am filled with love for you. Come and get your supplies. Spend time pondering My ways. Spend time with Me and get your strength. You need Me to go to the dark world. Without Me you get caught up in their darkness. You need your supplies. Come to Me and you will not run amok. You will run and not get weary. You will fly on eagles' wings and I will love through you. Love the unloving. That is the greatest gift you can give to your sick brothers. I love you. Come that you might do My work and minister to your sick brothers. You can't do it without My supplies. I love you.

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