Friday, January 16, 2009

Children of Medjugorje January Newsletter

Sister Emmanuel has a lot to say about abortion in this Newsletter.
Deacon John

© Children of Medjugorje 2009
Permission is given to spread the text of these reports under two conditions: 1) no words are changed,
2) "Children of Medjugorje" is cited along with our website



January 15, 2009


Dear Children of Medjugorje, praised be Jesus and Mary!                                                           

1 - On January 2nd, Mirjana Soldo received her monthly apparition at the Cenacle. After the apparition she gave us the following message, "Dear children! While great heavenly grace is being lavished upon you, your hearts remain hard and without response. My children, why do you not give me your hearts completely? I only desire to put in them peace and salvation - my Son. With my Son your soul will be directed to noble goals and you will never get lost. Even in greatest darkness you will find the way. My children, decide for a new life with the name of my Son on your lips. Thank you."

Mirjana said that Our Lady was sad throughout the apparition.

2 - A basket turned upside down!   To say that a great grace from Heaven "is being lavished upon you," the Gospa used a Croatian word that illustrates the simple gesture that every woman does when she returns from the market: she takes her shopping bag, empties it on the table, then before putting it away, she turns it upside down and shakes it vigorously to drop the rest of its content onto the table. The Croatian word expresses this gesture of "turning upside down and shaking vigorously."

If we relate this gesture to what God does for us today, the picture is vivid!  God does not keep anything for Himself.  He empties Himself of everything that He has to give us, and He does it with force and passion!  In fact we have everything! Everything is offered to us so that we may live in peace, and so that there is no room for any frustration or complaint. Frustration starts when we do not accept and use the gifts we are given and when we let ourselves starve next to a table covered with food. We are, after all, "in a time of grace."  There are tables all around us filled with spiritual food and Our Lady constantly invites us to make good use of this food – this time with her!  If we are too occupied by other foods that do not fill up our hearts, instead distracting them, even poisoning them, then the Gospa calls us to change direction and focus on the only One who can fulfill us and give us true Life!

We will always be frustrated if we do not become people of deep prayer. In order to do that, we need to win a hard battle against ourselves and our surrounding world.  Instead of praying, we think too much.  Instead of praying, we speak too much. Instead of praying over the events, we multiply useless comments, and we complain instead of leaving the problems to God. We lack trust in Him. These areas of "no-prayer" become open doors through which satan can squeeze in more easily in order to harm us. It is no wonder then that satan does everything he can to stop us from praying, using the most subtle excuses of work or pious activities. Prayer connects us to The Source. Let's not be disconnected! Let us not run the risk of walking past the blessing!


3 - Killed at 9 months?   We are right in the middle of the worldwide Novena for Life, before the American Congress decides on January 21-22 of 2009, about the Freedom of Choice Act. If made a law, all limitations on the massacre of innocents will be lifted.

The Freedom of Choice Act mandates that:

1.)  All hospitals, including Catholic hospitals, will be required to perform abortions upon request. Forcing some hospitals, many of the 30% Catholic hospitals, to shut down;

2.)  Partial birth abortions would be legal and have no limitations, up to 9 months;

3.)  U.S. tax payers would be forced to financially support abortion;

4.)  Parental notification will no longer be required from minors to have an abortion;

In addition, it is estimated that if FOCA passes, the number of abortions might increase by a minimum of 100,000 babies annually.

This plan can be paralleled with a threat of war.  It is just as horrendous and what's worse is that the virus of the culture of death could quickly reach Europe where the level of respect for human life and dignity, unfortunately continues to degrade.  Let's stop the enactment of this law by praying for the Senators! The Gospa indicated the only two powerful weapons to prevent or stop wars are by fasting and prayer (see PS1). A world-wide effort has already been started in this direction through a Novena.  Let us join these thousands of believers and men of good will who have committed themselves to fight it.  Each one may decide what he or she will offer to our God of Life to quell this tidal wave of death! (see PS2)


4  New From the Vatican! A Blessing service for children in the womb

November 11th Nancy Frazier O'Brien of the Catholic News Service reported that  Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli of New Jersey, chairman of the Bishops' Committee on Divine Worship, introduced a document that will give the Church community an opportunity to witness to the life of an unborn child by blessing him or her in the womb.  The blessing was unanimously approved and will be added to the Church's official "Book of Blessings." (See details in PS3)


"May almighty God, who has created new life, now bless the child in your womb," the blessing says. "The Lord has brought you the joy of motherhood: May he bless you with a safe and healthy pregnancy. You thank the Lord today for the gift of your child: May he bring you and your child one day to share in the unending joys of heaven."

We are greatly comforted by this initiative! Let us make it known, and especially circulate this prayer to all the parishes and families that we can!

5 - Canceling an abortion!   Recently my friend, Irene, shared this powerful testimony with me while I was visiting her family:

"Five years ago Janine, a 35-year old woman, came to my house brought along by her mother.  In her hand she was holding a pill called RU-486 or "the abortion pill."  She told me, 'At 2 o'clock I will take this pill.  It was 1:30 p.m.  We started talking. (I was secretly praying.)  An hour went by and we continued to speak.  I was explaining that children are a gift from God, and what a grace it always is to have children, and how they deserve to be loved; but Janine confided to me, in tears, that her husband did not want the child.

'We already have two daughters,' she said.  'They are older and now he does not want a third child.  He asked me to have an abortion.'

I strongly replied, 'Listen, do not fear your husband, fear God!  Because one day when you get There, the Lord will ask you why you did not accept this child that He gave you. He'll ask your husband too, and He will judge him. Yes, Jesus is merciful, but he is also a Judge.'

We spoke until 3 o'clock. Since the appointed time to take the pill had passed, she didn't swallow it.  I promised her to pray a lot, and I said, 'You'll see, you'll be even happier in your family!  Perhaps one day this child will save a life in his turn!'

 In the five years that followed, I received no news from Janine. But on November 7, 2008, this couple came to my house.  They were carrying a beautiful bunch of roses 'to thank Jesus.'  With them was a little 5-year old boy.  He was the child they wanted to abort!  Didier, the father, told me right away, 'My child saved my life!' They then told me their story.  You see, he is a building contractor in France. In May 2008, on his building site, he wanted to check if the truck dump was tightly closed. He moved his head forward and at that same moment the truck driver backed up, ran over him and violently tore his face, especially his nose. 

He told me, 'I looked at myself in the mirror of my car and I was scared of myself. I had become a monster! The pain was excruciating, but my first thought was 'My son! For my son I have to live!'  I felt I was going to die, but for my son I held on to life. I thought, 'My wife is young, she is only 40, she will find a husband. But my son will never find a father.' The firemen arrived, and I could only think of my son. The helicopter transferred me to Toulouse.  I was in a coma.  The operation lasted from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.  They needed 250 grafts and 32 metallic plates to put my face back together. That very day someone offered to buy my company. They were already burying me! But as I was barely awake, I told Janine, 'No, we are not selling. Let's ask all the religious communities to do a great chain of prayers!'  Everyone prayed for God to make a miracle. I was able to go back home quickly. According to doctors, I have been miraculously cured!'


Irene said, "Today you can barely tell that Didier had an accident, his face came back to what it was.  He works with his company and takes good care of his little boy, always saying, 'It is he who saved my life.'

I am giving this testimony for all the mothers who want to abort because of their husbands.  Do not be afraid! Do not fear men, rather fear God! It is God who gives us happiness. Make the right choice. Even if you are afraid that your husband leaves you, and that your children find themselves without a father, do not sacrifice your child! The Lord is there. Have great trust in Him, the Master of our lives!"


Dearest Gospa, please do not tire in working on our hearts, even if they are still "hard and without response," for we do want to give them entirely to you!


Sister Emmanuel +

(Translated from French)
Nota Bene: Have you picked up your Heavenly Pal for 2009? It's not too late! The special protector who chose our little family of 'Children of Medjugorje' this year is St. John of the Cross. Our task is to "Pray to God that He may give us holy priests and holy spiritual directors."  We have work to do! You may want to look up our list of saints at


PS 1 – "The best fast is on bread and water. Through fasting and prayer once can stop wars, once can suspend the laws of nature. Works of charity cannot replace fasting." (07/21/82) - "The devil is trying to conquer you. Do not permit him. Keep faith; fast and pray. I will be with you at every step." (11/16/81)  For guidance and encouragement on this ancient discipline of fasting try listening to Sr Emmanuel's CD on Fasting (a brief version of her book:  Freed and Healed Through Fasting)!  It might help to unlock the power of fasting for you!


PS 2 – We highly recommend to pray - from the heart of course - to the Holy Infant Jesus and also the Holy Innocents of Bethlehem for such an issue! At home, each one of us wrote our own prayer to them, it's a nice option. One may also chose the beautiful and powerful Litany of the Miraculous Infant (see below).


PS 3 - The blessing includes intercessions "for our government and civic leaders that they may perform their duties with justice and compassion while respecting the gift of human life" and "for a safe and healthy pregnancy for all expectant mothers and for a safe delivery for their children."

It also expresses concern "for children who are unwanted, unloved, abandoned or abused, that the Lord will inspire his people to protect and care for them."

If used as a blessing outside Mass, the service includes introductory prayers, Scripture readings, intercessions, the actual blessing of the mother and child, and a concluding rite.

There is also an optional blessing for parish communities welcoming a newborn: "May God bless this parish community as it welcomes the gift of new life and joyfully accepts the responsibility of sharing in the spiritual formation of this child (or children)."

For more information see: O'Brien, Nancy F.  "Bishops Approve Blessing Service for Children in the Womb", Nov-11-2008. © 2008 Catholic News Service/USCCB.

PS 4 - Great news!  COM just put out a wonderful DVD: "Preparing for a Successful Marriage!" with Fr. Tim Deeter. It will help you build your marital muscle by helping you to train for marriage (or for the rest of your marriage) like you would train for an Olympic event!  So flex your marital muscle with Father Tim and see how you fare!


PS 5 – Melinda wonderfully accompanies the Holy Hours in Medjugorje with her violin. Her mother, 53, was her only family and she returned to the Father the other day by a car accident in Italy. Let's pray for them!


PS 6 - Read it. Spread it! The Hidden Child of Medjugorje, by Sr. Emmanuel. You won't regret giving this book to a friend as a shower gift or a wedding gift!  In the US go to our store: then click "Shop COM"

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Spanish: "Hijos de Medjugorje", Barcelona. +34 62979 2849 -

Portuguese: 13€  (holding an Imprimatur!) at Diel, Lisboa -

German: 22€ Parvis Verlag, Swizerland +41 269 159399 - 

Polish: 8€ Wyd. Marianow, Warsaw +48 22 6425082 -

Italian, 9€ Shalom, Ancona +39 071745 0440 -

Dutch 15€, or +32 56 777373

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PS 7 - Litany of the Miraculous Infant

Lord have mercy, (Christ have mercy)
Lord, have mercy.


Christ hear us, (Christ graciously hear us)


God the Father of heaven, * Have Mercy On Us
God the son Redeemer of the world*
God the Holy Spirit*
O miraculous Infant Jesus*
Infant Jesus, Whose omnipotence is manifested in a wonderful manner*
Infant Jesus, Whose wisdom searches our heart and our minds *
Infant Jesus, Whose goodness continually inclines to aid us *
Infant Jesus, Whose providence leads us to our last end and destiny*
Infant Jesus, Whose truth enlightens the darkness of our hearts *
Infant Jesus, Whose generosity enriched our poverty *
Infant Jesus, Whose friendship consoles the afflicted *
Infant Jesus, Whose mercy forgives our sins *
Infant Jesus, Whose strength invigorates us *
Infant Jesus, Whose power turns away all evil *
Infant Jesus, Whose justice deters us from sin *
Infant Jesus, Whose lovely countenance attracts our hearts *
Infant Jesus, Whose greatness holds the universe in His hand *
Infant Jesus, Whose love-inflamed heart kindles our cold hearts *
Infant Jesus, Whose miraculous hand raised in benediction fills us with all Blessings *
Infant Jesus, Whose sweet end holy Name rejoices the hearts of the faithful*
Infant Jesus, Whose Glory fills the whole world *

Be merciful, spare us, O Jesus
Be merciful, Graciously hear us, O Jesus

From all evil *Deliver us, O Jesus
From all Sins *
From all distrust of your infinite goodness *
From all doubts against your power of miracles. *
From all lukewarmness in your veneration *
From all evils and misfortunes *

Through the intercession of Mary Your virgin Mother and Joseph Your foster father, *We beseech you, hear us
That you would pardon us*
That You would preserve and increase in us love and devotion to you sacred infancy*
That You would never withdraw your miraculous hand from us*
That You would keep us mindful of your numberless benefits*
That You would inflame us more with love for your sacred Heart*
That You would graciously design to hear all who call upon you with confidence *
That You would preserve our country in peace*
That You would free us from all impending evils*
That You would give eternal life to all who acts generously towards you*
That You would pronounce a merciful sentence on us the Judgment*
That You would in your miraculous image remain our consoling refuge *
Jesus, Son of God and of Mary *

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, Spare us O Jesus

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Jesus
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us

Infant Jesus, hear us, Infant Jesus, graciously hear us

Our Father…

LET US PRAY!   O Miraculous Infant Jesus, prostrate before your sacred image we beseech you to cast a merciful look on our troubled hearts.  Let your tender Heart, so inclined to pity, be softened by our prayers and grant us that grace for which we ardently implore you.  Take from us all affliction and despair, all trials and misfortunes with which we are laden. For Your Sacred infancy's sake, hear our prayers and send us consolation and aid that we may praise you with the father and the Holy Sprit for ever and ever, Amen.


© 2009 Children of Medjugorje, Inc
PO Box 18430, Denver CO 80218  Tel: 877-MIR-MEDJ

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