Friday, January 23, 2009

Tribulation Times -

Tribulation Times


January 23, 2009    


Psa 46:11) Be still and see that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, and I will be exalted in the earth.

LINK: The Silence of Mary 

by Father Ted – January 15, 2009:

My dearest Lord Jesus, once again today You urge me to listen to You, to the Father, and to Your Holy Spirit.

In the first reading from the Letter to the Hebrews, You declare, through the Holy Spirit – "Would that today you would hear His voice …" Then He adds – "Harden not your hearts." You want me not only to hear You and the Father and Your Holy Spirit speak to me. You want me to respond positively to that voice.

You give me a tragic example of a negative response in the Gospel for today when the leper who had been cured disobeyed You by proclaiming his miraculous cure to others – which You had sternly warned him not to do.

Today You remind me of two things: one – to listen for You or Your Father or Your Holy Spirit to speak to me – either directly or through Your Word.

You want me to be open to listening.

Normally that means that I must be quiet. For most of the time You speak very softly.

Though sometimes You speak quite loudly – over the noise that frequently surrounds me.

When You speak, You tell me either what to do, or what not to do.

I do not have to understand why You speak the way that You do. I want to know why I should do something or why I should not.

I know that this is hard at times – that You tell me should be enough.

Secondly, You want me to do what You ask me to do. Or to not do what You tell me I should not do.

This is obedience. To obey is a love response.

When I do listen to You, or to Your Father, or to Your Holy Spirit, and then carry out Your or Their request or command – or not do what either of You forbids, then not only do I get blessed, but so do many others.

My Jesus, may I listen for You or Your Father or Your Holy Spirit speak to me each day.

May I prepare myself to listen to You – again through reflective silence.

May I, as was indicated in the opening prayer for this week at Mass - may I do it with courage and with faith.

I love You Jesus. I love Your Father. I love Your Holy Spirit.

May I show that love by doing what You Three ask of me.

VIA Christian Witness: Where We Learn Silence

How wonderful is the silence of Christ in the Tabernacle
Silence is the greatest lesson ever preached
Silence under irritation:
Silence under criticism:
Silence under disappointment:
Silence when rebuffed:
Silence under ingratitude:
Silence under jealousy in oneself:
Silence under the jealousy of others:
Silence under disloyalty:
Silence when self-pleased:
Silence in sorrows of all kinds.

No practice seems of more value than silence.
It gives the impression of latent force.
It wins confidence.
It secures deference.
A judicious reserve clothes a person with an air of mystery,
often the most interesting aspect of personality.

SILENCE has also a positive quality in forebearance.
There are forbearances of speech that constitute most effective replies;
which work persuasion that a torrent of eloquence cannot accomplish.

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 14- "On that clamorous mistress, the stomach"

15. The perfect find their time of gladness and consolation in freedom from care in all things; the warrior-ascetic delights in the heat of the battle; but the slave of the passions revels in feasts.   

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