Saturday, April 04, 2009

The Fire of My Love "Put on Christ in All Your Ways" by Rita Ring, January 9, 1994

Put on Christ in All Your Ways

God's Blue Book II Cover

January 9, 1994 7:00 a.m.

Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. He who abides in Me will have the light of life.

God The Father: My gift to you is My Son. This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.

Jesus: Come and partake with Me at My Mass. My Mass is a glorious event. I am eager for you to come and worship.

What are the ways of the Lord? To you I give My love. If you forever focus on this love you will be right in your ways. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God, and I long to teach you My truths. To know Me and My way, you must spend time with Me and study what I am teaching you. Every minute I am teaching you some lessons. It may just be acceptance. It may be union with Me. It may be doing what you are doing for God, for My Will. You are constantly being taught. You are tried and tested in fire that you may learn the ways of the Lord.

My ways are the ways of righteousness. My ways are the ways of truth. No man comes to The Father except through Me. You must learn to follow My example in your living. You seek first the will of The Father and then you do it.

If you are to have peace and joy in your hearts, you must follow the path that I am directing you on. You do not falter. You follow Me and I lead the way. Be in union with Me to know My ways. You don't for a few hours worship and adore Me and pray to Me, then put Me away and go off and act as the world wants you to!

By your example you teach others mighty lessons. By your example others are being taught your ways. Are your ways rooted in Me? If your ways are constantly My ways, you teach My lessons. Strive to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Strive to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. Where I trod you likewise must walk. My life is the prescription by which you live.

But My ways I make known to you in these letters. If you read and reread these letters and listen to them spoken to you, My life becomes ever real. I am Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, and I live in you! If you focus on My words here in this book, My life will radiate from your very soul. My life cannot and will not ever be contained! My life is mighty and active. It finds its launching pad in your hearts.

Your heart is the key to My life within you. Make ready a path for Me. Open your hearts wide. Come and sit with Me awhile in silence. Be taught by the Master. I wait for you at every moment. Remember all you do here is useless if it does not have its origin in Me. Come unto Me, My little ones, and I give you the secrets of My life within your breast.

You will become My warriors in a cold war. Love will pour out of your heart to your brothers and you will touch the hearts of the coldest man. "Me?," you say. Yes, you have mighty power when I dwell deep in your heart.

You needn't ask, "How do I act here?" You act according to how I direct you. Your ways become My ways. There is a sense of acting immediately in My ways. You become Me more and more to this cold world, as you ever more let Me possess you. This is what I call you to do, to put on Christ in all your ways. My actions flow from your very soul.

Keep these letters by your side and read My Blue Book. My life will grow in your hearts and you will be acting as I act toward your brothers. No one can ever contain My life alive in your hearts.

The world goes on its merry way. But is it merry? The world is in a state of numbness. People think they need to operate the way they do. If they could stop and look at how silly are most of the treasures they are holding on to. If they would see the sickness! But they continue, and fall into the ways of the world. The ways of the world are ever changing. What was bad yesterday is good today. That should tell you something is wrong there!

My ways are direct and steadfast and never changing. They are constant and without error. They are peace and joy. They are the way to follow. The world is sick. Do not follow where they walk or you will be sick also. You cannot be part God and part world. This world is a mess. Your lives are a mess when you try to make your lives make sense to the world.

Make ready a path. The Son of Man is coming and His ways He has imparted to you daily in these letters. Do not tarry. Take your hearts to God. Pray to the Holy Spirit. Ask for all I have to give you. Live in Christ. Let Him permeate your very soul. You are My Body. You are Christ, living within you, in the world. They stop and take notice, for your ways are the truth. Your ways are peace and gentleness, love and kindness. Your ways are constant and never changing. Let Me live in your heart and operate in your soul. Be My life to the world and walk the path of glory in a darkened world.

For you trod where He trod and He lives in you and you are His chosen ones.

Alleluia. Praise the Lord. Alleluia.

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