Saturday, January 02, 2010

An e-mail newsletter from my friend Sadie: Good Advice for the New Year!

                                                     From Sadie’s Desk…..

A blessed and holy 2010 to all of you!   
January 1, 2010
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus:
I pray this email finds you all in the peace of Jesus despite the many different trials that most people of the remnant are going through.  The difference between "the remnant" and the world is that if we truly have the peace of Jesus reigning in our hearts we react or respond differently to the crisis or the problem or whatever the trial is.  That is the miraculous gift of Jesus' peace, his peace carries us through the trials.  
Sometimes the holidays seem to be the perfect time to feel the alienation from family members that have chosen to disown their mother, father, brothers, sisters, grandmas, grandpas etc.  Or miss that loved one that has been taken from us.  But it is also the time to thank God for the blessings we have.  To be able to say "I believe"......"I love Jesus and Mary" see our cups half FULL instead of half empty.  To know that despite the trial and problem God will bring good out of the bad!
I lost my dear mother on November 28th.  Many of you who have been on my mailing list know this was the primary care and concern of mine these last 3 or 4 years.  I want to thank all of you who sent wishes of condolences, and Mass cards.  This means so very much to me and I am sure my mother will remember you and intercede for your intentions.  There are many of my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus who have passed on to that place where we hope and long to go one day.  I asked them to greet my mother and to pray for me that  I fulfill the Divine Will of God in my life. I truly could feel your prayers during this time.  Thank you!
There is still much work to do...and time is short.  Yes, time is short.  2009 was not a good year for many people.  I personally do not look for 2010 to be any fact I believe it will be even more difficult. 

But our Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, says this:
"Listen and let it penetrate into your heart.  Do not be troubled or weighed down with grief. Do not fear any illness or vexation, anxiety or pain,  am I not here who am your Mother?  Are you not under my shadow and protection?  Am I not your fountain of life?  Are you not in the folds of my mantle?  In the crossing of my arms?  Is there anything else that you need?"  Our Lady of Guadalupe says this to all of us. 
Therefore quickly consecrate yourself, give yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that SHE may be the arc of your salvation in these troubled times... She will protect, lead and guide you.  This has been her request over and over in the many apparitions heaven has graced us with.  These end times have been given to Her, for SHE will crush the head of the serpent and the evil that seems to swallow everything around us will be placed under Our Lady's feet.  Praise God!
Noah was instructed by God to build the arc before the flood came and destroyed all mankind,  Noah and his family believed God and entered the arc, probably as people were laughing at people do to us now in these days of tribulation.  How much longer will the enemies of God be laughing?
One of my favorite books in the bible is the book of Sirach or Ecclesiasticus in the Douay-Rheims version of the bible.  Chapter 10 begins as follows:
The virtues and vices of men in power: the great evil of pride.

1 A wise judge shall judge his people, and the government of a prudent man shall be steady. 2 As the judge of the people is himself, so also are his ministers: and what manner of man the ruler of a city is, such also are they that dwell therein. 3 An unwise king shall be the ruin of his people: and cities shall be inhabited through the prudence of the rulers. 4 The power of the earth is in the hand of God, and in his time he will raise up a profitable ruler over it. 5 The prosperity of man is in the hand of God, and upon the person of the scribe he shall lay his honour.

Footnotes:  1 "Judge his people"... In the Greek it is, instruct his people. 

                   5 "The scribe"... That is, the man that is wise and learned in the law.

The verse that jumps out at me is verse 4.  " The power of the earth is in the hand of God....."
If the heads of governments and nations held this truth in their hearts and governed WITH this truth, what a different world we would have.
If we were referring to priests it would mean a holy priest makes his people holy.  By the same token in days long ago, it was given to kings and persons of leadership to be wise in the Lord and rule as the Lord Our God intended.  Then God would BLESS that nation.  The EXAMPLE of a persons ACTIONS and how they live their life preaches louder than any words.
Its all there in the bible.  The Bible...what the founding fathers of this nation founded the Declaration of Independence on.  Escaping persecution from England, they wanted to be sure that for them and the future generations of people no one would be able to dictate WHAT religion a person had to follow.  
Not too long ago I heard on EWTN about the Manhattan Declaration. A Call of Christian Conscience.   (  I read the declaration and immediately signed it.  
Because it ended like this:     Because we honor justice and the common good, we will not comply with any edict that purports to compel our institutions to participate in abortions, embryo-destructive research, assisted suicide and euthanasia, or any other anti-life act; nor will we bend to any rule purporting to force us to bless immoral sexual partnerships, treat them as marriages or the equivalent, or refrain from proclaiming the truth, as we know it, about morality and immorality and marriage and the family. We will fully and ungrudgingly render to Caesar what is Caesar’s. But under no circumstances will we render to Caesar what is God’s.
Now this may have put me on a "list."  Not the kind of list that a person would want to be on, but a a "hit list."     Because I believe ALL the truths Holy Mother Church teaches, I believe ALL that the bible says and teaches.....soooo if THAT is going to make me a target for the enemies of God, then so be it.  Because I AM prepared to die...for this faith....for TRUTH.
Sadly I believe many Catholics have not, or do not read scripture, nor do they really know all that Holy Mother church teaches, much to their loss.  Because how can you argue with God?  If GOD said it, then shouldn't a devout soul say, "Lord, thy will be done."?
 As most of you know I lost my previous email list in May of 2009.  But through the 3 presidential elections that I have tried to shout from the rooftops through the newsletters or the personal speaking engagements the precepts of the church regarding the election of leaders, I was sorely tested.  Not every one was/is patting me on the back.  And THAT is how I know I am doing the Lords work!
Because if everyone would be patting me on the back every time I spoke, I would be compromising the TRUTH.  And I will never do that.  Daily I pray for the courage to speak the TRUTH that the Lord inspires me to write.  Daily I pray that he send me to my just punishment if I am deceiving myself and others.  Daily that is my prayer.
And my truth is this:  I am neither Democrat nor Republican.  I am CHRISTIAN.  And I WILL fight as much as I can for the Kingdom of the Father to be realized here on earth.  On this earth that seemingly has become the victory of the devil in spewing his filth, his lies, his lust for power and his false belief that he will destroy all that is God's. For the consciences of men are dead, or so it seems.  Every vile sin is accepted as normal.  Mankind is tempting the anger of God because of these sins and I believe that we have run out of the mercy and soon the just hand of God's anger will fall on us. 
Let one of your resolutions for this year of 2010 be to read the bible!  A person cannot serve two cannot say you love and serve the Lord and do the things that are abominations to God.  So if you don't KNOW what God says about how we live our lives, then how can you DO it?
I also want to remind you to pray for our beloved priests in this year dedicated to lifting them in prayer.  Not only this year but always.  We need to cover them with prayer so that the seeds of faith will flourish by their example, preaching, and celebrating the Holy Mass and administering the 7 sacraments.  No priests, no Jesus!  And no, there will NEVER BE WOMEN PRIESTS.  In case you have forgotten this is a 100% totally Catholic newsletter.  Smorgasborg Catholics will be highly irritated!  You cannot pick and choose what you want to believe in our beautiful faith. 
May the Peace of the Christ Child reign in all our hearts this year of 2010 as trials, tears, and tribulations continue to come at us....I leave you with a favorite quote of mine from the book of Sirach, Chapter 2 (New American Bible version):
My son, when you come to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for trials.  Be sincere of heart and steadfast, undisturbed in time of adversity cling to him, forsake him not; thus will your future be great. Accept whatever befalls you, in crushing misfortune be patient; For in the fire, gold is tested and worthy men in the crucible of humiliation.  Trust God and he will help you; make straight your ways and hope in him.
May we ALL remember this in the coming days.
Until Next Time,
Love in the Two Hearts,
Go to Mass as frequently as possible; confession too.  Pray your rosary as a family if possible, and remember there is power in community prayer, so don't give up on your prayer groups.  Live your lives in PEACE and do not fear.  Follow the promptings the Holy Spirit will give you, for you are a temple of the Holy Spirit and He WILL guide and prompt you to do something that you need to do to prepare.  Whatever you do, do it for the LOVE of Jesus and Mary, and it will be of great merit......contrary to what the world says, the vocation of motherhood is the most esteemed after the priesthood and religious life.
And know that in the twinkling of an eye our lives will change forever.....however, NEVER, NEVER FEAR! Be joyful in the Lord, for He comes to deliver His people!

Posted via email from deaconjohn's posterous

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