Tuesday, November 09, 2010

November 8, 1989 : The American Catholic

Twenty-one years ago today my wife and I arrived home from buying software for our Commodore 64 (Yeah, it is that long time ago.) and watched stunned after we turned on the tv as we saw East Germans dancing on top of the Berlin War, tearing into it with sledge hammers. It is hard to convey to people who did not live through the Cold War how wonderful a sight this was. Most people thought the Cold War was a permanent state of things. Not Ronald Wilson Reagan. He knew that Communism would end up on the losing end of history and throughout his career strove to bring that day ever closer. His becoming President so soon after John Paul II became Pope set the stage for the magnificent decade of the Eighties when Communism passed from being a deadly threat to the globe to a belief held only by a handful of benighted tyrannical regimes around the world, and crazed American professors. In most of his movies, the good guys won in the end, and Reagan helped give us a very happy ending to a menace that started in 1917 and died in 1989.

Interesting too is Our Lady appearing to the three children at Fatima in 1917, and as prophetess, fore-telling the spread of Russia's errors and wars throughout the world. "In the end, Russia will be converted, and an era a peace will be granted to the world." We, among many others, await that "era of peace." May it come soon!
Deacon John

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