Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Mary TV Daily Reflection 9/4/2012

Ivan sees Our Lady on Jan 31, 2012 
(c)Mary TV 2012
Ivan gazes into the eyes of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
in Kalamazoo, Michigan, January 31, 2012


September 4, 2012


Dear Family of Mary!


"Dear children, as my eyes are looking at you, my soul is seeking those souls with whom it desires to be one - the souls who have understood the importance of prayer for those of my children who have not come to know the love of the Heavenly Father. I am calling you because I need you. Accept the mission and do not be afraid, I will strengthen you. I will fill you with my graces. With my love I will protect you from the evil spirit. I will be with you. With my presence I will console you in difficult moments. Thank you for your open hearts. Pray for priests. Pray that the unity between my Son and them may be all the stronger, that they may be one. Thank you." (September 2, 2012)


Our Lady is so human. She is just like us. With her eyes she looks at us. Her gaze is upon us. We all know what it is like to be gazed upon. We may find ourselves at home with family, or in public, in a store or at school. We may be in church, or at the park. All of a sudden we are aware of someone looking at us. Their eyes are trained on us. We are in their line of vision. We are seen.


I think that we humans have a primordial sense of alert when we are a looked at. We can feel it when eyes upon us, even if the person is behind us. There is just something about being gazed upon that communicates itself to us.


And when we are gazed upon, we can somehow tell if the gazer is friend or foe. We can somehow read their face to see if they are disinterested or curious or just bored. It is part of our human communications system that helps us understand our environment and the other people near us. We can read so much in a gaze.


So what is Our Lady telling us about her gaze? She says that her eyes are looking at us. If we could see her, what would we see in those eyes? Ivan, the visionary, has looked into those eyes many times and he commented about what it is like to look into the face of Our Lady during his talk in Kalamazoo, Michigan on January 31, 2012 :


[Our Lady] carries us in her heart. She has placed us in her heart. And tonight during the apparition she was so happy and joyful. That joy was seen in her face and in her eyes. So great is her love. It is 30 years now since Our Mother has been with us, our Mother, who teaches us and who is raising us. Our mother is a great pastoral teacher and a teacher who raises us pastorally. Her son has sent her to guide us. She said, "My dear children, my Son has sent me to help you." To be with Our Lady for 30 years... just imagine if you were able to spend just one minute with her for 30 years! To be in that light of heaven! It's not so easy to return to this earth after that. I wish I could remain with her hours and days, kneeling before her. Just to look at her smile, her beauty, truly it is a great gift. And I don't know if I will ever be sufficiently thankful for this gift in my life. It is a great gift and also it is a great responsibility. I know that God has given much to me, but I also know that He has asked a lot of me.


Clearly Ivan is unable to put into words all that he sees when Our Lady looks at him. He is overwhelmed with her love, her joy, her peace, her compassion, her tenderness and her beauty. And I believe that it is very hard for Ivan to recover from that look, from her eyes gazing upon him. He says it takes hours to return to normal after the apparition. Our Lady's gaze is so powerful, so overwhelming, that Ivan is transfigured by it.



Our Lady tells us in this message that she is looking at us. We can't see her. But I believe that in prayer we can sense her gaze just as we can sense someone looking at us from behind. We can tell we are being looked at. She is gazing at us, but not with terror or fear, with menace or curiosity. No, she is looking at us with love...intense, pure, and powerful love. She is gazing upon us with Motherly care, and with the desire to be one with us. This is the gaze of love, and it will change us if we receive that gaze with open hearts.


Thank you, Mother Mary, for looking at us with your heavenly love. We want to be seen by you, to be in your gaze at all times.


In Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Cathy Nolan

© Mary TV 2012


PS.  Fruit of Medjugorje last night was awesome!  Pawel Marie Wisocki shared his life's journey with Our Lady of Medjugorje - from conversion to his complete donation of self to her plan.  It is a wonderful story of consecration to Mary!   www.marytv.tv


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