Friday, February 13, 2009

TEACHINGS TO LIFT YOU UP "A Prayer for Holy Communion" by RITA RING Post 91, December 9, 1993

A Prayer for Holy Communion

God's Blue Book I Cover

December 9, 1993

R. As I give more and more of what I am attached to away, nobody can have a hold on me. I become, more and more, the little dependent baby in His arms. I depend on Him for everything. It is hard to let go of this to be as a little baby, dependent on Him for everything.

If, when I receive Jesus, I receive God, then so, in some form, I receive the Father and Holy Spirit because how do you separate them?

And the doors to the tabernacle open wide and in it we behold Jesus, Son of God, God-made-man. His presence is to be honored, His name worshiped and adored. His glory is forever.

Jesus speaks: I come as a little baby into your midst. I died out of love of you. I come to you today in Holy Communion. This is God-made-man, Son of God, coming in your hearts to dwell with you. Do not focus on your unworthiness. Focus on His love, just for you, to come to you today. I love you so much and God is truly in your mouth. Be close to Me. Let go of yourself. Enter into total union with Me, soul to soul. Be united with Me totally in your spirit. Forget all the cares of this world and let Me dwell in you and work in your heart. Let Me heal your weary soul.

Open wide your gates and I enter in and you remain changed, never the same because Jesus Christ, Son of God, came to you and dwelt in your soul. You are My temple.

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