"As a consequence of a fall in his own bedroom, during the night, the Holy Father suffred a light fracture to his right wrist.
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Friday, July 17, 2009
Pope Benedict slipped and fell in his vacation house during the night, fracturing his right wrist
Benedict Slips and Falls
By Robert Moynihan, reporting from Rome
VATICAN CITY, July 17, 2009 — Pope Benedict XVI, who turned 82 in April, went to the hospital this morning in Aosta, in northern Italy, after slipping and falling during the night and fracturing his wrist, according to Italian press reports.
The reports said that a cast would be placed on his right wrist, but that otherwise the Pope was fine.
The Pope's Press Secretary, Father Federico Lombardi, said in a press release:
"The Holy Father during the morning nevertheless celebrated Mass and had breakfast, after which he was accompanied to the hospital in Aosta where he was doagnosed with a light fracture and it was determined to immobilize his wrist."
Here is a picture of the press release in the Italian language as it was given out in the press office this morning (photo):
The Italian news agency ANSA quickly published the following more detailed report, in Italian, this morning:
PAPA IN OSPEDALE AD AOSTA, PICCOLA FRATTURA AL POLSO (Pope in Hospital in Aosta, Little Fracture in the Wrist)
ROMA - Papa Benedetto XVI viene operato al polso destro, dopo essere è caduto stanotte nella sua camera da letto, nello chalet di Les Combes, a 1300 metri di quota in Val d'Aosta, riportando una frattura scomposta. (Pope Benedict has had his right wrist operated on, after having fallen last night in his bedroom, in the chalet of Les Combes, at 1,300 meters altitude in Val d'Aosta, suffering a compound fracture.)
Secondo fonti vaticane, il pontefice è scivolato e non ha avuto alcun malore o svenimento. (According to Vatican sources, the pontiff slipped and did not have any sudden dizziness or fainting.)
In ogni caso lo hanno subito controllato il suo cardiologo ed il suo rianimatore personale. (In any case, his cardiologist and his personal doctor immediately took a look at him.)
A confermare le condizioni discrete del papa vi è il fatto che stamani - ha riferito il portavoce vaticano, padre Federico Lombardi - ha celebrato messa come ogni mattina, e ha fatto colazione. (In confirmation of the good health of the Pope is the fact that this morning -- as the Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, said -- he celebrated Mass like every morning, and had breakfast.)
Poi è stato accompagnato, con la sua auto nera, all'ospedale di Aosta, dove è giunto alle 9 e 45 circa. (The he was brought, in his black car, to the hospital in aosta, which he reached at about 9:45 am.)
Il pontefice è sceso dall'auto, protetto come sempre in questa vacanza da imponenti misure di sicurezza, ed ha percorso a piedi il lungo corridoio di ingresso tra una piccola folla di curiosi e malati che lo hanno salutato. I sanitari lo hanno subito sottoposto ad una radiografia, e anche a un check up completo. (The pontiff got out of the car, protected as always during this vacation by massive measures of security, and walked on foot down the long entrance corridor among a little crowd of curious and sick people who greeted him. The doctors immediately did an x-ray, and also a complete physical check-up.)
Secondo quanto riferiscono ufficiosamente fonti ospedaliere, gli esami generali non hanno riscontrato alcun problema. (According to what the hospital sources say unofficially, the general exam did not reveal any problem whatsoever.)
Il papa ha dovuto però rimanere nel nosocomio, sotto osservazione, in attesa che i medici decidano il da farsi per la frattura. (But the Pope had to remain in the waiting room, under observation, until the doctors decided what to do about the fracture.)
E' probabile che debba subire un piccolo intervento, con anestesia locale. (It is probable that he must undergo a little operation, with local anesthetic.)
Quindi il polso verrà ingessato. (Then his wrist will be put in a cast.)
In serata, dicono i suoi collaboratori, dovrebbe fare rientro a Les Combes. (In the evening, his collaborators say, he should return to Les Combes.)
Ottimista anche padre Lombardi. (Father Lombardi is also optimistic.)
"Niente di grave" ha assicurato ai giornalisti. "Credo proprio che proseguirà le sue vacanze". Il portavoce vaticano si trova attualmente a Roma e dovrebbe raggiungere il pontefice domani sera, per l'Angelus di domenica, a Romano Canavese. ("Nothing serious," he assured the journalists. "I believe for sure he will continue his vacation." The spokesman is currently in Rome and is supposed to join the Pope tomorrow evening, for the Sunday Angelus, in Romano Canavese.)
More to come....
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