WASHINGTON, Oct. 5 /Christian Newswire/ -- Rev. Rob Schenck (pronounced SHANK), who recently visited the controversial Mojave Desert war memorial whose constitutionality will be considered by the US Supreme Court this Wednesday, Oct 7, will hold a news conference with attorneys and other religious leaders Tuesday, Oct 6, at 11:00 AM. Rev. Schenck's organization, Faith and Action, filed a brief in the impending case Salazar vs. Buono, arguing the simple cross along a lonely stretch of desert road comports with the Constitution and reflects long-held American traditions A federal district court and appeals court ruled against the cross made of common pipes and ordered it covered with a plywood box. After driving into the desert to see the cross for himself, Rev. Schenck said, "This small, unimposing, humble, almost makeshift tribute to America's fallen heroes has stood quietly in the desert for 75 years. Because of the complaint of one person, the federal courts have wasted thousands of tax dollars and critical man-hours making a mountain out of a molehill." Wednesday's news conference will take place in front of another contested monument in the garden of the ministry center operated by Faith and Action. Schenck fought a legal battle with the District of Columbia that claimed the 3-foot sculpture of the Ten Commandments violated the so-called "separation of church and state." Schenck and his group won that contest when the DC Legal Department conceded he had a right under the First Amendment to display the timeless words. Schenck will also participate in a prayer service in front of the Supreme Court on Wednesday morning just before he goes inside to take his reserved seat for the arguments. News Conference Details--- What: News Conference on Mojave Desert War Memorial Cross Supreme Court Case (Salazar vs. Buono) When: Tuesday, October 6, 11:00 AM Where: Front garden of Faith and Action Ministry House, 109 2nd St, NE, Washington, DC 20002 Who: President of National Clergy Council and Faith and Action Rev. Rob Schenck (Amici), Constitutional attorney and author of case brief, Bernard Reese, National Director of Christian Defense Coalition Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney and other religious liberty advocates Second event: Prayer service for Supreme Court Justices Prayer Service Details--- When: Wednesday, October 7, 9:00 AM Where: Sidewalk in front of West Steps of the US Supreme Court Who: National Clergy Council president Rev. Rob Schenck, National Director of Christian Defense Coalition Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney and other religious leaders and First Amendment advocates For more information or interviews contact Peggy Nienaber of Faith and Action at 202-546-8329, ext 104, peggy@faithandaction.org or mobile 202-236- 0953.
Mother Mary said at Fatima: "My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the sure way which will lead you to God." St. Thomas Aquinas said: "The things we love tell us who we are!" With that in mind, I will try to post each day something about Our Blessed Lady, items about the Holy Roman Catholic Church, and public domain Catholic books too! I pray you enjoy my ministry! Below are two albums of pictures that I created: 1. Our grand daughter Adrianna. 2. Tears of Mary!
Monday, October 05, 2009
DC News Conference on Supreme Court Cross Case: Tuesday, 11 AM:
Recent eyewitness to desert war memorial says federal courts making mountain out of molehill
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