Tribulation Times
May 07, 2010 THE TRIB TIMES WILL RETURN NEXT WEEK, GOD WILLING (James 4:15).(Zec 12:8-10) In that day shall the Lord protect the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and he that hath offended among them in that day shall be as David: and the house of David, as that of God, as an angel of the Lord in their sight. And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour out upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace, and of prayers: and they shall look upon me, whom they have pierced: and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for an only son, and they shall grieve over him, as the manner is to grieve for the death of the firstborn.
VIA John and Gloria: Thank you asking me for "a Catholic perspective on Israel, Iran and the "peace" initiative". This is a tricky task, because I do not think for one moment that Catholics have a single perspective on Israel or on anything concerning this country. But let me try to put it this way. Within the last decade, there have been many regional and global changes that have placed the survival of the State of Israel, the largest Jewish project for two millennia, in the balance. The principal changes have been: 1. the breakdown of the Oslo peace 'process' and the launching of the second intifada,
2. the radicalization of Islamic populations in the region and throughout the world, including those of the West Bank and Gaza,
3. the bizarre alignment between the radical left-wing parties in Europe and radical Islamic movements, leading to their joint demonization and deligitimization of the State of Israel,
4. the rise of Iran as a regional power and its growing military alliances with regional states and militias (Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Hizballah, Hamas),
5. the waning of Western, mainly American, influence in the region, and last, but by no means least,
6. Iran's quest for nuclear weapons to consolidate its regional superpower status and to 'wipe Israel from the map'. With the survival of Israel at stake, there will be Catholics who rejoice and there will be Catholics who mourn. There will also be Catholics, like myself, who wonder where this rampant surge of anti-Israel hatred and bigotry is leading to. Most Israelis have little doubt that it is leading, very soon, to another regional war. Please pray for us.
Jim Woolsey: Nuclear Iran 'Extremely' Likely
Catholic displaced in 1948 to light torch for Israeli celebrations
Israel Prepares for Possibility of Summer War with Lebanon EDITORIAL: Deal Hudson, Ph.D. Asks, 'Remember the Palestinians'
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 26- "On discernment of thoughts, passions, and virtues"
35. If through our activity God arises in us, His enemies will be scattered; and if we draw near to Him by divine vision, those who hate Him will flee from before His face and ours (cf. Ps 67:1).Prayer request? Send an email to:
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