Monday, November 08, 2010

Mary TV Daily Reflection 11/08/2010




November 8, 2010

Dear Family of Mary!

"Dear children! With motherly perseverance and love I am bringing you the light of life to destroy the darkness of death in you. Do not reject me, my children. Stop and look within yourselves and see how sinful you are. Be aware of your sins and pray for forgiveness. My children, you do not desire to accept that you are weak and little, but you can be strong and great by doing God's will. Give me your cleansed hearts that I may illuminate them with the light of life, my Son. Thank you." (November 2, 2010)

Mother Mary points out to us that we are weak and little.  

She tells us that we don't want to accept this fact about ourselves.  
She's right, of course.  We spend a lot of effort trying to disprove that we are weak and little.  We save lots of money, we work to get ahead in the world, we worry about our dress and our appearance, we measure ourselves against others, all in the hope of proving to ourselves that we are not weak and little.  We want to be big and strong!  

But, alas, in this world there will always be somebody who is bigger and stronger and richer and smarter than we are.  It is a hopeless and fruitless exercise because we are weak and little. Especially compared to God, we are really nothing.  

St. Therese of Lisieux understood this truth very deeply.  She lived it as much as she could, day in and day out.  Her "little way" is now celebrated by the Church!  Maybe she can help us to understand our littleness: 

"To be His, one must be small, small as a drop of dew!  Oh! How few souls there are that aspire to stay so small.  'But,' say they, 'the river and the brook are surely more useful than the dewdrop? What does it do? It is good for nothing, save to give a few moments' refreshment to a flower of the fields which is today and tomorrow is no more.'

"They are right, of course; the dewdrop is good for no more than that; but they do not know the wild Flower which has chosen to dwell in our land of exile and remain here during the short night of this life.  If they knew it, they would understand the rebuke Jesus gave Martha long ago (Luke 10:41).  Our Beloved has no need of our fine thoughts - has He not His angels, His legions of heavenly spirits, whose knowledge infinitely surpasses that of the greatest geniuses of our sad earth?

"So it is not intellect or talents that Jesus has come upon earth to seek.  He became the Flower of the fields solely to show us how He loves simplicity --- What a privilege to be called to so high a mission! ---but to respond to it how simple one must remain." (Letter to Celine, April 25, 1893)
We are indeed little dewdrops before the Lord.  He sees us in our littleness and understands. All He asks of us is to give ourselves to Him as dewdrops, and let Him use us as He pleases. If we are to be the refreshment for Him in His suffering on earth, the ones who stay at His feet and listen to Him, who refresh His Heart with our surrender and devotion, is that not enough? Our Lady has called us to be such little dewdrops, through her messages.  She asks us to pray, pray, pray.  She asks us to open our hearts to God, to surrender to Him, to listen to Him, to put Him in the first place.  She wants to build an army of little dewdrops who, through prayer, will bring in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.  

I believe that these are the days of that triumph, and that we who are responding to Our Lady's call in Medjugorje, are creating an environment of grace through our surrender to God and our prayer of the Rosary.  It is because we are weak and little that we can live this call.  We need the Rosary.  We need to stay at Jesus' feet.  This is what we are made to do!

In Jesus and Mary!
Cathy Nolan

PS.  Every day at 11:00 am EST, Denis and I pray the Rosary, live, at  We are experiencing much peace and power during this Rosary due to the many people who are joining us every day!  It is only a collection of dewdrops, but think how much refreshment we can bring to the world if we are joined together in the Heart of Mary!  Join us! 


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