Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Write to Pope Benedict for Mary and for the World


We find ourselves in a world scenario that is in several ways unprecedented. Moral degeneration has never been worse. Abortions, family breakdown, human trafficking, pornography, child abuse, rape and disrespect for women, homelessness and starvation – all of these moral crises are presently in record proportions.

Our global economic instability is, like never before, a grave financial danger for the entire world. Geo-political conflicts, particularly but not exclusively in the Middle East, and increasing international terrorism are also reaching new proportions. Even natural disasters in the last few years have cost humanity in life and in economic recovery more than in any other comparable time period.

The world needs help. Heaven is offering help.

From 1945 to 1959, the Mother of Jesus appeared to a woman in Amsterdam, Holland with predictions of precisely the types of moral, economic, geo-political, and natural disaster crises which we are now experiencing.

Mary, under the title of “The Lady of All Nations” not only predicted the specific crises we presently face, but also offered heaven’s remedy which would bring peace to this troubled world: a prayer and a dogma.

On February 11, 1951, The Lady of All Nations revealed this prayer, which she requested should be prayed by all peoples of the world:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father
send now your Spirit over the earth;
Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations,
that they may be preserved
May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary,
be our Advocate.

The Mother of Jesus stated that this prayer would bring about a new descent of the Holy Spirit for our world, and would also prepare for the second aspect of the heavenly remedy to bring global peace: a new “dogma” or solemn pronouncement by the Pope, that Mary is the “Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate.”

On May 31, 1954, the Lady of All Nations called all people of good will to “Work and ask for this dogma. You should petition the Holy Father for this dogma.” She went on to say: “When the dogma, the last Marian dogma in history has been proclaimed, the Lady of All Nations will give peace, true peace to the world” (May 31, 1954 Message).

On May 31, 1996, permission for personal belief in the apparitions and messages of the Lady of All Nations was granted by Bishop Bomers of Amsterdam-Haarlem. On May 31, 2002, Bishop Punt of Amsterdam-Haarlem declared the apparitions and messages of the Lady of All Nations to essentially “consist of a supernatural origin.”

Now it is up to us.

The Lady of All Nations has requested two action steps from each one of us:

1. To pray daily the Prayer of the Lady of All Nations;

2. To “petition the Holy Father for this dogma”

To fulfill the first action step requested by Our Lady, free copies of the Prayer of the Lady of All Nations may be obtained by contacting us at, or you may simply pray the Prayer as it appears above.

To fulfill the second action step, we are now, during this great Marian month of May, 2012, inviting all peoples of good will to write a brief personal letter to Pope Benedict XVI, and to respectfully request that the Holy Father proclaim the dogma of Mary as Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate.

You might be thinking right now, “Who am I to write to the Pope”? The correct answer is “You are a child of God, and good fathers are always open to listening to the heartfelt desires of their children.” Pope Benedict XVI is indeed a “great father” and does listen attentively to the expressed desires of the People of God. We can actually assist our Holy Father by letting him know that we do support him to fulfill of Our Lady’s request for this fifth Marian Dogma, and that his proclamation of this Marian dogma will truly be at the service of the faithful and of the world.

Please, during this month of May dedicated to the Mother of Jesus, take a few moments, as an act of love for Our Lady and for the precious fruit of world peace, and write a brief personal letter to our great Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, in support of the Fifth Marian Dogma.

You can mail your personal letter to:

Pope Benedict XVI
Apostolic Palace
00120 Vatican City

Sometimes the most effective solutions to the most complex dilemmas are the most simple. Let us obey heaven’s simple remedy for solving the complex contemporary dilemma for world peace. Pray daily the Prayer of the Lady of All Nations, and write your personal letter of petition, support, and love to Pope Benedict XVI. Then, we can marvel at heaven’s victory over the present global crises through the infinite graces which come from the cross of Jesus Christ and through the intercession of His Mother and our own.

Dr. Mark Miravalle

President, VoxPopuliMariaeMediatrici

May 1, 2012 | St. Joseph the Worker

Posted via email from deaconjohn's posterous

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