Anne, a visionary from Ireland, has received permission from her local ordinary, Bishop Leo O'Reilly, for the distribution of messages which she receives from Jesus, God the Father, Our Blessed Mother, the angels and saints (see article, "Discernment of Lay Apostolate of Jesus Christ the Returning King," Marian Private Revelation section). The following messages from Our Blessed Mother are directed to bishops, priests and religious throughout the world. – Ed.
August 11, 2003
The Blessed Mother
My son, I wish to tell you about Our plan for you. You are to be the recipient of the graces necessary to implement this plan for priests. It is through you we wish to send information, instruction, and grace. For a time, We will communicate in this way. Later, We will communicate more directly. Be assured, dear one, that mistakes are not possible in this endeavor because it will be Our work and therefore divine. In the beginning, much groundwork must be laid. This will involve talking to a great many priests about commitment and renewal. You will want to assess whether or not certain men are willing to follow your direction in a dedicated fashion. We want follow through now and will not tolerate anything less than a full implementation of this plan. Let nothing remain undone if you feel We are asking you to do it. Such faith you are practicing but you are not alone and you will soon be appraised of others who are being asked to work in this way. Our plan is perfect. It cannot be improved upon. So remain focused on its simplicity and you will find your way easy. So easy, you will wonder. But it is to be this easy because of the vast amount of grace attached, grace that was not available at any other time in history. This life-saving grace is what is going to move this plan and persuade souls that this is the only way for each of their lives at this time.
Such relief and joy will be felt, my son, because my poor priests suffer silently. They suffer in isolation, even from each other, because none want to admit that they feel empty and directionless. Only the few who are relying on me, their heavenly Mother, continue to experience the flow of grace. Again I say, this is because of the great darkness. My son, spend much time in prayer now. Limit conversation because you are being infused with both knowledge and love. The love in your heart will be from Christ and will steady you in such a way that your only course is Our course. How grateful We are for souls willing to serve. Have no fear. We are with you and all of heaven stands ready to assist with your mission."
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