Tuesday, June 08, 2010

An Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus:


this important Act of Reparation 
on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


 Friends, The month of June was dedicated specially to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by determination of Pope Leo XIII (reign 1878-1903).

This devotion is rooted in the Gospel, when the Apostle Saint John rested his head on Jesus’ chest to hear His heart. According to the Sovereign Pontiffs, this represents the infinitely merciful and redemptive love of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the perfect union of the human and divine natures in the Savior.

As True God, Our Lord loves men with an infinite love. As True Man, He loves men with human sentiments, with a perfectly ordered sensibility. The human aspect of this divine love was expressed in Our Lord’s p a i n and in His tears upon learning of the death of His friend, Lazarus.

His love brought Him to Lazarus’ grave, where He gave the majestic command: "Lazarus, come forth!"

And Lazarus was resurrected from the dead.

Inconceivably, in contradiction to the determination of Pope Leo XIII (reign 1878-1903), a new presidential proclamation "proclaim[s] June 2010 as 
L e s b i a n, G a y, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month."

The Pope determined one theme for June, the president another. As Catholics, we will always honor June as the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

And that is why we are organizing a national prayer campaign of reparation on June 11, which you are invited to join.

CLICK HERE for a prayer to the Divine Savior that Catholics across America will say on Friday, June 11, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

There’s no way that men can justify sin, much less find reason for pride in it. Nor can the civil authority, by means of a proclamation, transform acts, ways of being, and relationships that contradict human nature and divine Revelation, as well as the constant Magisterium of the Church, into a kind of pride for the entire nation.

What can be more offensive to the Sacred Heart of Jesus than to transform the month dedicated to Him into the month exalting unnatural sin?

It is our Catholic duty to offer special reparation to the Sacred Heart, who so loved us yet was so rejected by us, for this offense of a public and official character.

Tell your friends about our special Act of Reparation on June 11, feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

By rejecting Divine Mercy, our country may be deprived of graces that God would have sent if this presidential proclamation had not been made.

With this in mind, please CLICK HERE for a prayer of reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Thank you!

Sincerely in Jesu et Maria,

Robert E. Ritchie
America Needs Fatima

P.S. Please share this special Act of Reparationto the Sacred Heart of Jesus on June 11 with your friends. This is a way, besides prayer and sacrifice, to offer extra love and reparation to His Offended Heart. 

Posted via email from deaconjohn's posterous

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