Mary Vitamin for October 4th
Odilo says, '[The Blessed Virgin Mary] frequently visited the places of our Lord's Nativity, Passion, and Sepulchre.'" St. Alphonsus di Liguori, The Glories of Mary, (Tan Books: 1978), 499.
Many attribute to St. Francis the devotion of the Way of the Cross as well as the Christmas Creche. Both devotions involve returning to the important scenes of Christ's earthly life - something Our Lady did frequently. St. Francis displays his essentially Marian spirituality in the beautiful prayer pattern of the Stations of the Cross.
"We have seen that on the Way of the Cross, Paul found the zeal of his faith and kindled the light of love. We have seen how St. Augustine found his way: as well as Francis of Assisi, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Maximilian Kolbe and Mother Teresa of Calcutta . So it is that we too are invited to find our place, to discover with these great, courageous saints, the way with Jesus and for Jesus: the way of goodness and truth: the courage of love. Let us pray to the Holy Mother of Jesus, the Mother of Mercy, that we too can be men and women of mercy, and thereby contribute to the world's salvation, to the salvation of creatures: to be men and women of God. Amen!"
In honor of the feast day of St. Francis, I will try to visit the Stations of the Cross today. If I cannot pray them all, I will try to keep the stations in my heart by accepting the Crosses of every day life in imitation of Our Lady and St. Francis.
Marian Vow:
Salutation to the Virgin Mary by St. Francis
Hail O Lady, Holy Queen, Mary,
Holy Mother of God:
You are ever a Virgin,
Chosen by the most holy Father in heaven,
Whom He consecrated with His most holy beloved Son
And with the Holy Sprit, the Paraclete.
In you there was and is all the fullness of grace and every good. Hail, His Palace!
Hail, His Tabernacle!
Hail, His Home!
Hail, His Robe!
Hail, His Handmaid!
Hail, His Mother!
And hail, all you holy virtues,
which through the grace and light of the Holy Spirit are poured into the hearts of the faithful so that, healing those who are now unfaithful, you may make them all faithful to God.
I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.
Posted via email from deaconjohn's posterous
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