Friday, November 05, 2010

Mary TV Daily Reflection 11/5/2010

November 5, 2010

Dear Family of Mary!

"Dear children! With motherly perseverance and love I am bringing you the light of life to destroy the darkness of death in you. Do not reject me, my children. Stop and look within yourselves and see how sinful you are. Be aware of your sins and pray for forgiveness. My children, you do not desire to accept that you are weak and little, but you can be strong and great by doing God's will. Give me your cleansed hearts that I may illuminate them with the light of life, my Son. Thank you." (November 2, 2010)

Our Lady asks us to examine our hearts, to stop and look within ourselves to see our sinfulness and seek forgiveness.  She is urging us to the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, i.e. Confession!  In the Catechism of the Catholic Church this sacrament is categorized as one of the healing sacraments!  Healing!  Isn't that beautiful!  The whole process of discovering our sins and going to Jesus to be forgiven and reconciled to Him is a healing process, because sin is killing us.  Sin is making us sick and miserable and ugly and sad.  Sin destroys us.  It is a cancer that eats away at our insides until we are empty.  Sin is not our friend.  

So Our Lady is calling us to healing in this message.  What a wonderful invitation this is.  To quote the Catechism:

"'The whole power of the sacrament of Penance consists in restoring us to God's grace and joining us with him in an intimate friendship.'  Reconciliation with God is thus the purpose and effect of this sacrament.  For those who receive the sacrament of Penance with contrite heart and religious disposition, reconciliation 'is usually followed by peace and serenity of conscience with strong spiritual consolation.'  Indeed the sacrament of Reconciliation with God brings about a true 'spiritual resurrection,' restoration of the dignity and blessing of the life of the children of God, of which the most precious is friendship with God." (CCC.  1468)

Who would not desire such a healing?  We are offered this most precious gift in our own parishes, every week.  We are very blessed children.  God wants to heal us, individually, sweetly, and gently, through confession.  We have only to choose to go to the priest and open our hearts to the Lord through him.  

Medjugorje has been called the confessional of the world!  Anyone who has gone there has witnessed the long lines at the confessionals, every day, in all weather!  Priests who go to Medjugorje always share that one of the most moving aspects of their time in Medjugorje is hearing confessions for hours and hours there, by the church.  It is the miracle of Medjugorje! All those souls, converting and being healed!  Mother Mary has everything to do with that miracle.  She prays for the grace of conversion for all who come to Medjugorje.  Many, many pilgrims share that they had the best confession of their lives in Medjugorje!  It is Our Lady's intercession that wins the grace of conversion for them.  Thank you, Mother!

As we draw near to the end of the Church year, let's make an effort to clean our hearts and be healed through confession.  Our Lady will help us if we ask.  It is time for resurrection!

In Jesus and Mary!
Cathy Nolan


Posted via email from deaconjohn's posterous

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