January 5, 2011 Saint John Neumann Dear Family of Mary! "Dear children; Today I call you to unity (communion) in Jesus, my Son. My motherly heart prays that you may comprehend that you are God's family. Through the spiritual freedom of will, which the Heavenly Father has given you, you are called to become cognizant (to come to the knowledge) of the truth, the good or the evil. May prayer and fasting open your hearts and help you to discover the Heavenly Father through my Son. In discovering the Father, your life will be directed to carrying out of God's will and the realization of God's family, in the way that my Son desires (wishes). I will not leave you alone on this path. Thank you." (January 2, 2011) For a couple of years, I worked as a counselor at a pregnancy help center. Women would come to the center for free pregnancy tests. Some of the women would come to our center to have the test in order to take the verification to the abortion mill in town to set up an abortion. We would take some time to get to know the women, and to offer them other services, especially an ultrasound. To the abortion minded women, we offered this service to "verify" if the pregnancy was viable. Our experience has been that once the woman sees the baby on the ultrasound, she will choose life for her baby. The encounter with her baby changes everything. It is a moment when she becomes "cognizant of the truth". I personally witnessed several women make this wonderful change. Why do I share this? Our Lady mentions freedom of will in this message. She links it with gaining knowledge of the truth, the good and the evil. We have all been given free will. The Father has given us the ability to experience the fruit of our choices and the choices of others, to grow in our understanding of what leads to good and what leads to evil. But our freedom of will can be clouded and often is. One of the most effective tools our enemy uses to cloud our freedom of will is fear. Fear can enter into our hearts and convince us that we do not have a choice, that there is no other way. Many of the women contemplating abortion at our center were operating in fear. The thought of being pregnant, having a child, terrified them. They saw only one way out. Our Lady once said to us, "Dear children! Today I wish to call you to pray, pray, pray! In prayer you shall perceive the greatest joy and the way out of every situation that has no exit. Thank you for starting to pray..." (March 28, 1985). The encounter with God in prayer is very much like the encounter with the baby in the ultrasound. The mother, upon seeing her baby, is filled with joy! She is astounded by the bond she feels with her child, and the reality of this new life. This joy moves her to change her mind, and move into a new life from that moment. It is a wonderful transformation. A situation that seemed to have no exit now has a big wide open door to life! The same can happen for us in all our situations, even those involving fear, through prayer. Prayer is like an ultrasound in a way, because it reveals things to us that we can't see naturally! Through prayer we begin to see the spiritual realities, we encounter God and bond with Him, and in that encounter we are awakened to life! Suddenly in a situation that had no exit a wide open door appears leading us to union with God and joy! Our freedom of will is such a gift! Our ability to observe and choose the good is a gift from God. The joy of God and His good life will conquer fear in our lives and open the way to holiness and happiness. In Jesus and Mary! Cathy Nolan
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