Friday, June 14, 2024

Sister Emmanuel's Report, June 2024


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© Children of Medjugorje 2024

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Medjugorje, June 14, 2024

Dear friends, praise be to Jesus and Mary!   


1. On May 25, 2024, the visionary, Marija, received the following monthly message: 

Dear children! In this time of grace, I am calling you to prayer with the heart. Little children, create prayer groups where you will encourage each other to the good and grow in joy. Little children, you are still far away. For this reason, continue to convert anew and choose the way of holiness and hope so that God may give you peace in abundance. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

2. The 43rd anniversary of the apparitions is approaching, hallelujah! 

It dawned on me that I could do something special for the Blessed Mother this year, and I am sure that you will be happy with this idea! Above all, I hope that you will take an active part in this prayer, out of love for her and in gratitude for the immense work she has been doing for us, her children, since June 24, 1981. From Heaven, she clearly sees the state of the world today, and more than ever, she is seeking us out. Why is she so anxiously looking for us? Because she is in need - in need of true Apostles of her love, in need of true collaborators in her work! She wants us to help her hasten her plans for peace! There is too much suffering and hatred on earth, and who can imagine what her motherly heart is enduring!? She came to ease our pains, and so we too want to console her and do our best to bring joy to her Heart.

That is why I wrote a Novena for her, knowing that she loves novenas, especially when prayed with the heart. Didn't she herself guide the first Christian novena, in the Upper Room, to prepare the apostles for the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost? Today, she is preparing us for the second coming of her Son, in His glory, as Saint John the Baptist prepared the world for His first coming on earth. 

I really like the wonderful expression a friend of mine gives the humble and fervent prayer groups that Mary recommends that we create: "They are the landing runway for the return of Jesus in His glory!"

With immense gratitude to Our Lady, let us unite and offer her this Novena! The love with which we will pray to her will not only be a balm for her heart, but also a gift that she will use to spread those graces of which she has the secret. She will help her most wounded children, and those who are crushed in these troubled times of today! These are graces that will protect us from evil, since she warned us last month that “Satan is strong, and his strength is becoming stronger every day.” How often has she encouraged us to pray to defeat evil!? “If you knew the value of the smallest of your prayers,” she told us, “You would be praying without ceasing!” 

3. This new Novena will begin on June 16th, and end on June 24th. The entire novena can be found

on our website

and here our youtube chanel

but you will receive an audio message from us every day with the specific prayer for the next day. We have prepared a short video that will help you dive into this Novena. Hopefully you will feel inspired to extend the impact of this prayer by encouraging your family and friends to participate in it.

4. Here is how the novena works. Each day, we will pick a different theme, from the topics that are dear to Mary’s Heart.

A - Begin with invoking the Holy Spirit with the Veni Creator (or another hymn of our choice)

B - Read the Bible verse suggested, on the theme of the day, and meditate on it.

C - Read and reread Mary's message, on the theme of the day.

D - Respond as best we can to Mary's invitation contained in the message.

E - Read the prayer to Mary composed especially for that day,

F - End with a song of our choice e.g. Ave Maria, Magnificat, etc. Of course, any spontaneous prayer from your heart will be welcome! (The length of each day’s prayer is less than 3 minutes long).

On our website we have posted several Bible verses and several messages for each day, so if you look at it, you will find a wide variety of quotations so that you may choose the best one for you. 

It goes without saying that during these 9 days before the Anniversary, we are also invited to make a good and sincere confession, to live the Mass and Holy Communion with fervor, to pray the Rosary with the heart... in short, to express our unconditional adherence to Our Lady and her maternal advice. If you cannot pray this novena during these days, you can do it leading up to another Marian feast, but do not wait too long because, as Saint Teresa of Avila said, "the world is on fire!"

5. Always happy? Before concluding, I want to thank everyone who heard my little exhortation about not complaining at all for 24 hours! The testimonies are very touching! The idea is to replace every complaint, every lamentation, with a blessing. In the world, we have become accustomed to grumbling about little nothings, and complaining about the slightest thing we don't like. But do we know that every complaint pleases our enemy, Satan, and weakens our soul? 

On the contrary, if we decide to be vigilant at all times, we will take it to heart to bless the Lord for all that He gives us and also for all that He takes from us. Great are the graces that heaven offers us then, because this vigilance of the heart pleases God greatly. We allow it to beautify and enrich our souls. I know a Croatian family that decided to never complain, and never speak ill of others. This is admirable! It is not always easy, but after a sustained effort for 24 hours, we will find that our heart is filled with peace, to the point of wishing to extend our effort in the future...

Mary herself tells us not to talk about evil, because it makes it happen. But talking about good dissolves the power of evil. (Message received by Vicka). This is something we can all do to help heal the world!

6. Helping to Live or Helping to Die? Here is a testimony that is unlikely to be broadcast on television!

Rosa, from Italy, had a very tough time during her life. She married a man who turned out to be a drug addict, and together they had a little son, Leonardo, who had a heart condition that required significant care. Then the couple broke up. Rosa later met Federico and started a new life with him. He already had 3 children, whom Rosa took care of like a mother. Then Rosa conceived another child, a little girl, who was born in the hospital. But the baby became very sick, and soon died. Rosa will never know what really happened to her daughter in the hospital.

She was so used to suffering, that she didn’t show how broken hearted she was by the loss of her daughter. Then she conceived another child, which reactivated her pain from the loss of her daughter. She could no longer overcome this string of trauma! She then made the firm decision to have an abortion. For her, this was irrevocable, even though Federico wanted to keep the child.

Rosa, who was naturally so sweet, started speaking very harshly to one of my friends, Chiara, who had been accompanying her for some time with a deep affection, both materially and spiritually, to help her get through all these trials. But nothing helped! Rosa remained deaf to any positive word about the immense gift that heaven was offering her through this new little being that she was carrying within her. Chiara was banging her head against a brick wall. She then resorted to the famous prayer of Don Dolindo Ruotolo (The Padre Pio of Naples), "Jesus, I surrender myself to You, you take over! I am done, I can do no more!”

Suddenly, she had a bright idea: Chiara decided to talk to the father of the child, Federico, who was so willing to keep the child. Chiara and Federico spent hours and hours on the phone, and Federico would always share with Rosa the words from Chiara. He agreed with her with all his fatherly heart. Chiara and Federico fought desperately, knowing that an innocent life was at stake. How many tears were shed on both sides of the phone line!

A few days later, the news broke out...! “Madame Chiara, Rosa doesn't want an abortion anymore!" Oh, Jesus, how great you are! How great is your love!

Four months after the baby was born, Chiara went to visit Rosa, and saw her laughing and so full of joy with her little girl. It was a marvelous sight! Mother and daughter looked at each other with intense love, an endless love! Rosa then said to Chiara:

“You see, this little creature saved my life! 

  • Video

7. Our next live broadcast in French will be on june 26th at 9pm

The May 26th commentary was broadcast here:

8. Not to be missed, the audio version of my monthly reports.

9. SPOTIFY! A very practical tool! Don’t miss the opportunity to listen to the selection of talks I have given to date, to help us walk together towards the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

Online catechesis, audio version (it is not necessary to have Spotify).

Dearest Gospa, Mother of Life, you are the cause of our joy! You are our refuge and consolation in the tempests! You are a huge source of hope for us! On this 43rd Anniversary of your apparitions, we want to give ourselves without reserve to your maternal embrace! We dream to unite the beating of our hearts to the beating of your Immaculate Heart, until our last day, when you come to pick us up and offer us to your Son Jesus.

Sister Emmanuel, Community of the Beatitudes

Translated from French

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