Friday, March 21, 2025

Mary TV: March 21, 2025 Reflection - Give me your hearts cleansed in confession...


Give me your hearts cleansed in confession...

March 21, 2025

Dear Family of Mary!

Here again is the message that Our Lady gave to us through Mirjana on March 18, 2025:

“Dear children! With motherly love I implore you: give me your hands folded in prayer, give me your hearts cleansed in confession and I will lead you to my Son. Because, my children, only my Son, with His light, can illuminate the darkness; only He, with His Word, can remove suffering. Therefore, do not be afraid to walk with me, because I am leading you to my Son - Salvation. Thank you.”

(With Ecclesiastical approval)

...give me your hearts cleansed in confession...

Our Lady not only asks for our hands folded in prayer, she also asks for our hearts cleansed in confession! This gift of our hearts, cleansed and healed in confession, is unbelievably beautiful and powerful.

Our Lady longs for us to be free of all that constrains us. Our sins constrain us, keeping us from being able to live our lives as her Son longs for us to live. We are hobbled by our sins. And we are vulnerable to the enemy and his lies, when we have not confessed our sins. She wants her children to be free to love, free to give, free to worship her Son and live our lives in the light and joy of the Holy Spirit.

May we run to confession!! May we unburden our hearts before the Lord. Our Lady longs to receive our hearts, cleansed in confession! Then we can have a joyful heart to heart relationship with her as well!!! Our lives will change!!!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

Mary TV


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