Friday, November 19, 2021

Sister Emmanuel's Report, November 2021

© Children of Medjugorje 2021Permission is given to use the text of these reports under two conditions:1) No words are changed, 2) "Children of Medjugorje" is cited along with our

Medjugorje, November 18, 2021Dear friends, praise be to Jesus and Mary!
1. On October 25, 2021, visionary Marija received the following monthly message:
“Dear children! Return to prayer, because whoever prays is not afraid of the future; who prays is open to life and respects the life of others; who prays, little children, feels the freedom of the children of God and in joy of heart serves for the good for his brother-man. Because God is love and freedom, therefore, little children, when they want to put you in bonds and to use you, it is not from God. Because God loves and gives His peace to every creature; and that is why He sent me to you to help you to grow in holiness. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

2. The great crossing-over…It can be a good experience!
November reminds us of our loved ones who have gone before us, and makes us think of our own departure too; so, let us learn something from this famous dialogue between 2 great Italian saints, John Bosco and Dominic Savio.
Savio: Do you see these flowers? They represent the virtues that most please the Lord. Bosco: Which ones?Savio: Roses symbolize charity; violets, humility; sunflowers, obedience; gentian, penance and mortification, and cobs, frequent communion. Lilies symbolize the beautiful virtue of which it is written: 'They are like angels in heaven', namely chastity. And everlasting flowers symbolize all those virtues which must last forever, namely perseverance.Bosco: All right, my dear Savio. But tell me, you who have practiced these virtues in your life, what was your greatest consolationat the moment of death?Savio: What was it, in your opinion?Bosco: Perhaps having kept the beautiful virtue of purity?Savio: No, not just that one. Bosco: Perhaps you rejoiced in having a clear conscience?Savio: This is indeed a good thing, but not yet the best.Bosco: Could the hope of Heaven maybe have been your comfort?Savio: It wasn’t that either. Bosco: So may having acquired merit from many good works?Savio: No, no...- So what comforted you at this final hour? Bosco asked him, almost pleading, saddened at not having been able to guess his thought.Savio: What comforted me most at the moment of death was the assistance of the powerful and eminently kind Mother of the Savior! And this you must tell your sons! Let them never forget to pray to her while they are alive.(Excerpt from San Giovanni Bosco, Il beato Domenico Savio. Torino, SEI 1950 p. 229-243)
This dialogue speaks for itself, as we ask ourselves about the best way to please the Lord and fall into his arms of mercy in our last hour!"The main thing is not to act so much according to our idea, said St. Maximilian Kolbe in a later time, but to be in the hands of the Immaculate!"

A prophetic voice. A little-known episode can shed light on how to help the souls in Purgatory.Maria-Anna Lindmayr (1657-1726) was a mystic from Munich who made headlines in her time with her prophetic expression and her experiences with the souls in Purgatory.She was 27 years old when the Lord began to teach her how to effectively help souls in Purgatory. He asked her to choose every week a certain virtue and to offer the efforts she makes to acquire it for the benefit of the souls in Purgatory. She had to do it through the hands of the Blessed Virgin or her guardian Angel. For instance, she could choose practicing humility for souls that suffer in Purgatory because of their pride, because they did not practice this virtue much... It is precisely through humility that we can help the souls in Purgatory a great deal, much more than through other practices of hard penance... Jesus also asked her to invoke the souls in Purgatory to help her, so that through their guardian angel, they may warn her when she was lacking in this virtue, so that she could help them... 

3. On November 24th, we will celebrate the 21st anniversary of the birth in Heaven of Father Slavko Barbaric, the tireless apostle of Mary's love. On this occasion, the small local group "Gospa majka moja" that has been praying the Rosary on Podbrdo every morning at 5 am for 17 months, have also been praying a novena of the Stations of the Cross on Mount Križevac, every day at 8:30 am, since November 15th. This is a humble but strong invitation to join them from wherever we are, to implore more than ever the help of Heaven, because it is through prayer that evil and fear will be overcome!
On November 25th, 2000, about 24 hours after Father Slavko's death at the top of Križevac, Mary's message ended as follows: "I rejoice with you and I desire to tell you that your brother Slavko has been born into Heaven and he intercedes for you”.

4. Saint Joseph will not leave us! On December 8th, on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, the year dedicated to Saint Joseph will end. Here is a simple and inspirational prayer that we can address to St. Joseph:
"Saint Joseph, You who are my spiritual father watch over us with love. Teach me to live like Jesus and Mary, as you did. Help me constantly grow in love. Obtain for me the openness of spirit which you had. And lead me by the hand to the greatest day of my life; my entrance into heaven. Amen”
Pray to St. Joseph with us: A ladder for Heaven? At the Three Fountains in Rome, where St. Paul was put in prison, Roman soldiers were martyred in the days of Emperor Diocletian, St Zenon and his companions. In this place, St Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) celebrated Mass with Pope Innocent II. At the time of the consecration, he saw something that looked like a ladder raised on the altar. The souls in Purgatory climbed this ladder to reach Heaven, where they were welcomed by the Blessed Virgin Mary, hence the name of this church, St. Mary in Scala Coeli, St. Mary of the Ladder of Heaven.
This vision shows the value of the Eucharist for the deliverance of these souls. It also tells us the importance of the intercession of the Mother of God and the importance of our prayer. As a Mother, she wants only one thing, for all her children to share in her glory as soon as possible, and she does everything to spare us from Purgatory.
"If you surrender to me completely, she said, you will not feel the crossing from this life to the next life. You will begin to live the joy of Heaven on earth.” (To Jelena Vasilj, 1986)

New intercessors. Through the visionary Vicka, Mary recommends a daily prayer on behalf of these souls. Then, she said that when we pray for the poor souls, we gain new intercessors who will, in turn, pray for us. They will help us to become detached from earthly things, and cling to heavenly things instead. Vicka told me: "If you saw Purgatory even for a single second, you would never fail to pray for these souls, you would want to empty Purgatory!" (See PS3)
The teachings of the Church on what happens after death are important facets of our faith that we rarely hear about today. This can lead to many of the faithful neglecting their deceased or allowing themselves to be taken in by false beliefs, such as the idea that there is nothing after death, or reincarnation. This ignorance often breeds anguish, while Christian hope alone gives true comfort.
"It is wrong to teach people that we are reborn several times on earth and pass into different bodies. We are born only once", Mary tells us. (24. 07. 82), and she adds: "Many people think that after death there is nothing. No, dear children, this is a great mistake, because after death there is eternity!”
6. Know how to protect yourself! Many people have asked me if there are traditional ways in the Church to be freed from evil spirits, to be strengthened in temptations, to keep peace in their heart at all costs when the arrows of the enemy are flying in every direction, on a personal, family or national level. I will mention here only one of these means, because this topic would require several pages(see my book “Spiritual Warfare: the express lane to union with God” for more details!
One day, while speaking with Don Gabriele Amorth, the famous exorcist of Rome (born into Heaven in 2016), he pointed out to me the great power of exorcised water and salt. He especially recommended to me the formula in Latin, that of Pope Leo XIII, and he wondered why it was so rarely used.
I have published on our website this Exorcism formula(, so that the faithful can print it, take it to their priest with water and salt (you can add oil), and suggest that he exorcise these elements. Only a member of the clergy can perform this exorcism; the laity cannot. 

In Medjugorje, mothers of families go around the house and garden every Saturday, sprinkling water and blessed salt while praying. This is an old and excellent local tradition, which has helped Christians remain faithful during times of persecution. Why ignore them at a time when spiritual warfare is so intense? This practice is within everyone's reach, when done from the heart, and it is a source of liberation.
7. Our next Live Broadcast in French will take place on Friday, November 26th at 9pm. I will give a commentary on the October 25 message. Tell your friends who live in fear and have lost hope!The October 26th live stream is broadcast here:
8. Don't miss our new videos...

  • Pray Together to Combat Evil
  • Abandon yourself into God's hands

Dearest Gospa, how good it is for us to have you as our Mother!  With boundless trust, we seek refuge in the depths of your motherly Heart; keep us as the apple of your eye, because Jesus himself gave you to us!
Sister Emmanuel + (Community of the Beatitudes)Translated from French

PS 1. A Word of Caution: Certain social networks and some videos are posting so-called quotes signed "Sr Emmanuel", that do not always come from me, and that are a mix of truth and falsehoods. Please ignore these! What I express can be found in the Monthly reports and the videos published by "The Children of Medjugorje" or on our youtube channel "sister Emmanuel Maillard". I am not judging the intentions of the people who are using this. I ask that anytime my talks and writings are quoted, this be done with a reference, and to abstain from making any additions or changes that might cause confusion. My purpose is not to make scoops, let alone to arouse fear. On the contrary, I seek to inspire the hope and peace that our Queen communicates to us through her messages. I thank all those who quote some parts of these reports accurately, without forgetting the reference, www.sremmanuel.orgI also thank all those who support our ministry through prayer, may the Lord reward them 100 fold!
PS 2. Great News! Some of my books are now available in Romanian, Croatian, Slovak and Polish. They can be purchased at the links below:

  • "Lupta Spirituala: Cale rapida de unire cu Dumnezeu"

Romanian edition of “Spiritual Warfare: The Express Lane to Union With God by Sister Emmanuel” by Sora Emmanuel Maillard 

  • Ruženec: "Cesta, ktorá ti zmení život"

Slovak edition of “The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life by Sister Emmanuel” by Sestra Emmanuel Maillard 

  • "Krunica: Putovanje Koje Ti Mijenja Život"

Croatian edition of “The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life by Sister Emmanuel” by Sestra Emmanuel Maillard 

  • "Różaniec: Podróż, która zmieni twoje życie"

Polish edition of “The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life by Sister Emmanuel” by Siostra Emmanuel Maillard 3. See "The Amazing Secret of the Souls in Purgatory, with Sr. Emmanuel USA | Paperback | Kindle UK | Paperback | Kindle Canada | Paperback | Kindle eBookAvailable from Amazon WorldwideGoogle Play | EPUB eBook | Google Books

PS 4. "Jesus today".  Here is some excellent daily nourishment to grow in the love of Christ! On the website Mary of Nazareth you will find the gospel of the day with a very interesting comment to "Jesus today". 5. Don't miss: MP3s and CDs. You can listen to my talks for FREE on Spotify, Instagram, and at my website:
PS 6. During this time of restricted movement to other countries, some of you may want to read one (or more) of my books. They can be purchased from whichever continent you live on! If you would like to buy one for yourself or for a friend you can buy the paperback or e-book at the following links:
The Forgotten Power of Fasting: Clic HERE
The Amazing Secret of Purgatory: Clic HERE
Maryam of Bethlehem: Clic HERE
Peace will have the last Word: Clic HERE
Scandalous Mercy: Clic HEREOr if you live in Europe: Clic HERE
The Hidden Child of Medjugorje: Clic HERE
PS 7. Are you wondering what's happening today in the Catholic Church? We strongly advice that you read Ralph Martin's latest book:"A Church in Crisis: Pathways Forwards". Ralph offers a detailed look at the growing hostility to the Catholic Church and its teaching. With copious evidence he uncovers the forces working to undermine the Body of Christ and offers hope to those looking for clarity.
PS 8. Do you want to live the school of Our lady at Home? Get all our material from our website:Books
Her videos are at the link below:
There are also a number of litanies:

Videos of litanies:
PS 9. Take a look at our Facebook page:
PS 10. Sister Emmanuel's Instagram at:
PS 11. Check out our YouTube presentations and our videos categorized by topics:
PS 12. Our Lady is hoping to hear from you! Give joy to her heart, write to her your gratitude and your needs at "Queen of Peace", BP 2157, F-06103 Nice Cedex, France. Your letter will be given to a visionary, and Mary will answer you in prayer.
PS 13. Good news for italian speakers!!! We now have a website Don't wait to look at it!
PS 14. To receive the "Monthly reports from Medjugorje" by Sr. EmmanuelFrench (the original copy): German:  Italian: gospa.italia@gmail.comSpanish: gospa.espanol@gmail.comFlemish: gclaes@scarlet.beCroatian: Portuguese: medjugorje.portugal@gmail.comChinese: ch.gospa@gmail.comArabic: friendsofmary@live.comThai:
You are no longer receiving the news? Is spam blocking our emails? Please add us to your "safe" list of contacts!Children of Medjugorje, INC | Kacide 5, Medjugorje, 88266 Bosnia & Herzegovina

Mary TV: November 19, 2021 Reflection - More encouragement to pray for the Souls in Purgatory


Praying the Seven Our Fathers, Hail Mary's, and Glory Be's after Mass in Medjugorje!
Praying for the souls in Purgatory!

November 19, 2021

Dear Family of Mary!

Once again, I would like to quote Our Lady on Purgatory. She only said a few things, but she was very clear. We need to pray for the souls in Purgatory, and we need to take a warning from her words. She speaks for our own good:

November 6, 1986 "Dear children! Today I wish to call you to pray daily for souls in purgatory. For every soul prayer and grace is necessary to reach God and the love of God. By doing this, dear children, you obtain new intercessors who will help you in life to realize that all the earthly things are not important for you, that only Heaven is that for which it is necessary to strive. Therefore, dear children, pray without ceasing that you may be able to help yourselves and the others to whom your prayers will bring joy. Thank you for having responded to my call."

May we strive for Heaven and pray for our brothers and sisters to arrive there quickly!

She gave these instructions in 1982:

Wednesday, July 21, 1982
"There are many souls in Purgatory. There are also persons who have been consecrated to God: some priests, some religious. Pray for their intentions, at least 7 Our Father's, Hail Mary's and Glory Be's and the Creed. I recommend it to you. There is a large number of souls who have been in Purgatory for a long time because no one prays for them."

The Parish of St. James prays the seven, seven, seven every evening after Holy Mass!! For the Souls!!

And she gave this description of Purgatory in 1983:

Monday, January 10, 1983
Questioned on the subject of Purgatory, the Blessed Virgin says:
"There are different levels of which the lowest are close to Hell and the highest gradually draw near to Heaven. It is not on all souls day, but at Christmas, that the greatest numbers of souls leave Purgatory. There are in Purgatory, souls who pray ardently to God, but for whom no relative or friend prays for them on earth. God makes them benefit from the prayers of other people. It happens that God permits them to manifest themselves in different ways, close to their relatives on earth, in order to remind men of the existence of Purgatory, and to solicit their prayers close to God who is just, but good. The majority go to Purgatory. Many go to Hell. A small number go directly to Heaven."

May we pray for the souls who have no relative or friend who prays for them! We can help them!!

Finally, here is a wonderful prayer that can be prayed at Mass:
Hi Cathy and Denis
I have been saying this prayer for years now, everyday just before the Consecration at Holy Mass. I can’t remember where I got it only that it should be said at the Consecration:

Oh Heavenly Father I offer you the Body and Blood of Jesus on behalf of the souls in purgatory and I ask you now to pour out on them the fullness of your forgiveness, redemption and salvation merited for them by Jesus on Calvary so that many of them now may come into the fullness of your presence. Amen.

Fionnuala (shipmate)

May we become more active in helping the souls in Purgatory. They are our family now, waiting to one day enter Heaven where they will wait to welcome us into our Home with the Lord!

In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV 2021

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"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
St. John Paul II
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Mary TV | P.O. Box 899Notre Dame, IN 46556

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Mary TV: November 18, 2021 Reflection - Pray for the Souls in Purgatory


Pray for the Souls in Purgatory

November 18, 2021
The Dedication of the Basilicas of St.s Peter and Paul
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne

Dear Family of Mary!

November 6, 1986 "Dear children! Today I wish to call you to pray daily for souls in purgatory. For every soul prayer and grace is necessary to reach God and the love of God..."

Today let's pray this Litany for the Souls in Purgatory.
It is helpful for them, and instructive for us!!!

“Make us know the shortness of our life, that we may gain wisdom of heart.”
Psalm 90:12
O Jesus, Thou suffered and died that all mankind might be saved and brought to eternal happiness. Hear our pleas for further mercy on the souls of:

My dear parents and grandparents, my Jesus mercy!

My brothers and sisters and other near relatives, my Jesus mercy!

My godparents and sponsors of confirmation, my Jesus mercy!

My spiritual and temporal benefactors, my Jesus mercy!

My friends and neighbors, my Jesus mercy!

All for whom love or duty bids me pray, my Jesus mercy!

Those who have offended me, my Jesus mercy!

Those who have suffered disadvantage or harm through me, my Jesus mercy!

Those who are especially beloved by Thee, my Jesus mercy!

Those whose release is near at hand, my Jesus mercy!

Those who desire most to be united to Thee, my Jesus mercy!

Those who endure the greatest sufferings, my Jesus mercy!

Those whose release is most remote, my Jesus mercy!

Those who are least remembered, my Jesus mercy!

Those who are most deserving on account of their services to the Church, my Jesus mercy!

The rich, who now are the most destitute, my Jesus mercy!

The mighty, who now are powerless, my Jesus mercy!

The once spiritually blind, who now see their folly, my Jesus mercy!

The frivolous, who spent their time in idleness, my Jesus mercy!

The poor, who did not seek the treasures of heaven, my Jesus mercy!

The tepid, who devoted little time to prayer, my Jesus mercy!

The indolent, who neglected to perform good works, my Jesus mercy!

Those of little faith, who neglected the frequent reception of the Sacraments, my Jesus mercy!

The habitual sinners, who owe their salvation to a miracle of grace, my Jesus mercy!

Parents who failed to watch over their children, my Jesus mercy!

Superiors who were not solicitous for the salvation of those entrusted to them, my Jesus mercy!

Those who strove for worldly riches and pleasures, my Jesus mercy!

The worldly-minded, who failed to use their wealth and talents in the service of God, my Jesus mercy!

Those who witnessed the death of others, but would not think of their own, my Jesus mercy!

Those who did not provide for the life hereafter, my Jesus mercy!

Those whose sentence is severe because of the great things entrusted to them, my Jesus mercy!

The popes, kings and rulers, my Jesus mercy!

The bishops and their counselors, my Jesus mercy!

My teachers and spiritual advisors, my Jesus mercy!

The deceased priests of this diocese, my Jesus mercy!

The priests and religious of the Catholic Church, my Jesus mercy!

The defenders of the holy faith, my Jesus mercy!

Those who died on the battlefield, my Jesus mercy!

Those who fought for their country, my Jesus mercy!

Those who were buried in the sea, my Jesus mercy!

Those who died of apoplexy, my Jesus mercy!

Those who died of heart attacks, my Jesus mercy!

Those who suffered and died of cancer, my Jesus mercy!

Those who died suddenly in accidents, my Jesus mercy!

Those who died without the last rites of the Church, my Jesus mercy!

Those who shall die within the next twenty-four hours, my Jesus mercy!

My own poor soul when I shall have to appear before Thy judgment seat, my Jesus mercy!

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them:
For evermore with Thy saints, because Thou art gracious.

May the prayer of Thy suppliant people, we beseech Thee, O Lord, benefit the souls of Thy departed servants and handmaids: that Thou mayest both deliver them from all their sins, and make them to be partakers of Thy redemption. Amen.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
And let the perpetual light shine upon them.
May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV 2021

P.S. Go to Susan Tassone's website for more information on praying for the Souls:

"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
St. John Paul II
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Mary TV | P.O. Box 899Notre Dame, IN 46556