Sunday, January 22, 2006

I'm an 'old fashioned Catholic'! I believe in the Bible 100%! When the Old Testament stories are denied, then the New Testament stories are also denied. There are people out there who tell you that the Nativity of Jesus was all made up by the Christians a few hundred years after the Birth of Christ or the miracles were just signs and not true miracles cause God doesn't enter into human history, or the Resurrection was also made up by the Apostles to prove Jesus was God, but He only rose in the spirit (when I heard that, I went nuts!!!). Or some say that the Resurrection and Ascension happened at the same time, dismissing the forty days Our Lord spent on earth appearing to the disciples. Most dioceses in the U.S. have done away with Ascension Thursday as a Holy Day and moved it to the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Little by little the Faith is being watered down. No fasting, no obligations, no sin, no penance. What's next? Ash Wednesday sent to the dust bin?

The Vatican II document 'Dei Verbum' takes special care to vindicate the authenticity of the portrayal of the historic Jesus of Nazareth in the Four Gospels. It emphatically declares that the Church has firmly and with absolute constancy maintained and continues to maintain, that the four Gospels, whose historicity the Church unhesitatingly affirms, faithfully hand on what Jesus, the Son of God, while he lived among us, really did and taught for their salvation, until the day when he was taken up.

Then there are those people who only interpret the Scriptures in "plain sense", a literal interpretation without recourse to Sacred Tradition and the writings and teachings of the Fathers of the Church. They dismiss all the Truths taught to us by the Catholic Church for 2000 years about Our Blessed Mother, especially Her Perpetual Virginity, Her Immaculate Conception, the Miraculous Birth of Jesus, Our Lord; Her freedom from having committed any sin Her whole life; Her Assumption body & soul into Heaven; and Her Coronation as Queen of the Universe and Her many apparitions around the world!

Some say Mother Angelica of EWTN TV is pre-Vatican II. She definitely is not! If anything, she follows the Council documents 100%. Even more than I do!!! Here's one place where we can find the Truth! It is God's television network!

I think people like us should band together and help one another with our strong faith. We are the remnant, who are Our Lady's heel, ready to crush the serpent, that old devil, who is at war with God.

I wish there were more Traditional Parishes to go to, but since we don't (yet), we have to stay together and be faithful to the Holy Father and all the Truths of our beloved Faith.

What say you?

God Bless
Deacon John

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