Thursday, February 02, 2006


This Day was once called 'The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary' and as 'Candlemas Day'!

Our Blessed Mother did not find an excuse to avoid fulfilling the precepts of the Mosaic Law, even though she was free from all sin, including Original. Just as she submitted her divine Son to be circumcised according to the Law, she submitted herself in the temple for the ritual of Purification according to the Law.

In many churches throughout the world, candles are brought to Mass, and are blessed by the priest. He then distributes them to the congregation, who in receiving them kiss the candle, which represent Christ, the Light of the world!

During the Gospel reading at Mass, the candles are held by the people lighted!

The priest also blesses the candles, if needed, that are used for tomorrows Feast of Saint Blaise, when everyone can have their throat blessed.

These are beautiful rituals which certainly make our Holy Faith so wonderful!

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