Thursday, January 31, 2008


  Our Lady speaks to Sister Mary Ephrem from 1957 to 1958:

From January 1957 to 1958, Our Lady's warnings came to me again and again. These are her words spoken in January 1957:

"The hour grows late. My Son's patience will not last forever. Help me hold back His anger, which is about to descend on sinful and ungrateful men. Suffering and anguish, such as never before experienced, is about to overtake mankind. It is the darkest hour. But if men will come to me, my Immaculate Heart will make it bright again with the mercy which my Son will rain down through my hands. Help me save those who will not save themselves. Help me bring once again the sunshine of God's peace upon the world."

To my spiritual director I was asked to send this message:

"Hurry, my son, for the time is short but the punishment will be long, and for many, forever.
"Tell the Bishops of the United Stares, my loyal sons, of my desires and how I wish them to be carried out. Through him who is head over you, make known the longings of my Immaculate Heart to establish the reign of my Divine Son in the hearts of men and thus save them from the scourge of heaven, both now and hereafter."

Our Lady, again addressing herself to me, spoke sadly yet hopefully:

"My daughter, will my children in America listen to my pleadings and console my Immaculate Heart? Will my loyal sons carry our my desires and thus help me bring the peace of Christ once again to mankind?

"Pray and do penance, my sweet child, that this may come to pass. Trust me and love me; I so desire it. Do not forget your poor Mother, who weeps over the loss of so many of her children."

Nihil Obstat: Daniel Pilarczyk, S.T.D .
Imprimatur: †Paul F. Leibold, V.G.
Cincinnati, OH – January 25, 1963

[To be continued]

Posted By RomanCatholic Deacon to MARY, OUR MOTHER at 1/29/2008 02:59:00 PM

Posted By RomanCatholic Deacon to MARY, OUR MOTHER at 1/30/2008 12:34:00 PM

[MaryVitamin] Don Bosco's complete trust of Our Lady

Mary Vitamin 
Topic: St. John Bosco & The Blessed Virgin Mary (Jan 31)
St. John Bosco:
"Don't be alarmed; the Madonna will see to the payments for her church. I am just the instrument – the cashier."
Edna Phelan, Don Bosco A Spiritual Portrait,  242.
When Don Bosco began the building of his church (now Basilica) dedicated to Our Lady, Help of Christians, he didn't have enough money to begin such a project, let alone complete it. Moreover, the land was poor and he had all the concerns of the Oratory upon him. However, he believed he was fulfilling Our Lady's request. Convinced of Her maternal care and Her all powerful intercession before God, he began the prodigious work of building.
Today I want to practice devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the manner of St. John Bosco. He trusted  Her with his financial concerns and he trusted Her with spiritual concerns. I will hide no concern of mine from Her today. I will speak to Her about all my troubles and believe She hears me and will take them to Her Son.
Marian Vow:
After St. Dominic Savio's death, he appeared to Don Bosco saying,
"The most consoling thing for me at the hour of death was the thought that I was a devotee of Our Lady! Tell this to your boys and recommend with insistence devotion to Our Lady." 
I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.




Jesus answered: "Amen, amen, I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." (John 3:5)

DISCOURSE WITH NICODEMUS: Our Lord has revealed to us the chief truths of the Christian religion.

7. ORIGINAL SIN: The words of our Lord testify to the existence of original sin. They suppose that by our natural birth we have not that spiritual divine life in our soul which was given to our first parents in Paradise, and consequently that we have lost the principle of that life, sanctifying grace and all that was connected with it. We are born (spiritually) dead. This is the sin of our origin from Adam.

[From 'A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture' by Bishop Knecht, D.D.]

(1899 Douay-Rheims Bible)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


  Our Lady returns to speak to Sister Mary Ephrem in November, 1956:

On the morning of November 15, 1956, Our Lady taught me this little prayer:

"By thy Holy and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, deliver us from evil."

Our Lady then asked me to draw a picture of her first appearance. She also requested a statue made according to this likeness and placed, after being solemnly carried in procession, in the Shrine of The Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. She wishes to be honored there in a special way as Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin.

Nihil Obstat: Daniel Pilarczyk, S.T.D .
Imprimatur: †Paul F. Leibold, V.G.
Cincinnati, OH – January 25, 1963

[To be continued]

Posted By RomanCatholic Deacon to MARY, OUR MOTHER at 1/29/2008 02:59:00 PM


—Spiritual Food For Thought—

Prophetic Perspective — Part II


AS I prepare to write more of the vision of hope that's been laid upon my heart, I want to share with you some very crucial words, to bring both the darkness and light into focus.

In Prophetic Perspective (Part I), I wrote how important it is for us to grasp the big picture, that prophetic words and images, though they bear a sense of imminence, carry broader meanings and often cover vast periods of time. The danger is that we become caught up in their sense of imminence, and lose perspective… that the will of God is our food, that we are to ask only for "our daily bread," and that Jesus commands us not to be anxious about tomorrow, but to seek first the Kingdom today.

Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) addresses this in his synthesis of the "Third Secret of Fatima."

This compression of time and place in a single image is typical of such visions, which for the most part can be deciphered only in retrospect… It is the vision as a whole that matters, and the details must be understood on the basis of the images taken in their entirety. The central element of the image is revealed where it coincides with what is the focal point of Christian "prophecy" itself: the centre is found where the vision becomes a summons and a guide to the will of God. —Cardinal Ratzinger, The Message of Fatima

That is, we must always return to living in the Sacrament of the Present Moment.

Many discard prophecy with the excuse that "I don't need to know. I'll just live my life…" That is tragic, for prophecy is a gift of the Holy Spirit intended to instruct, enlighten, and build up the Body of Christ (1 Cor 14:3). We should, as St. Paul says, test every spirit and keep that which is good (1 Thes 5:19-20). The other extreme is one of falling into the trap of emotionalism and a kind of living in another reality, often marked by fear and restlessness. Neither is this a fruit of the Spirit of Jesus, who is Love, and who casts out all fear. 

God wants us to know something of tomorrow so we can better live today. Thus, the elements of both darkness and light which comprise the writings of this website are two sides of the one coin of Truth. And the truth always sets us free, even though it is difficult at times to hear.

God wants us to know something of the future. But more than anything, He wants us to trust Him.

We can indeed recognize something of God's plan.  This knowledge goes beyond that of my personal fate and my individual path.  By its light we can look back on history as a whole and see that this is not a random process but a road that leads to a particular goal.  We can come to know an inner logic, the logic of God, within apparently chance happenings.  Even if this does not enable us to predict what is going to happen at this or that point, nonetheless we may develop a certain sensitivity for the dangers contained in certain things—and for the hopes that are in others.  A sense of the future develops, in that I see what destroys the future—because it is contrary to the inner logic of the road—and what, on the other hand, leads onward—because it opens the positive doors and corresponds to the inner design of the whole.

To that extent the ability to diagnose the future can develop.  It's the same with the prophets.  They are not to be understood as seers, but as voices who understand time from God's point of view and can therefore warn us against what is destructive—and on the other hand, show us the right road forward. —Cardinal Ratzinger, (POPE BENEDICT XVI), Interview with Peter Seewald in God and the World, pp. 61-62

As I continue to write of the road ahead, know that I truly lean upon your prayers that I will be faithful to my mission as a husband and father, and for as long as God permits, His little courier.


Jesus answered: "Amen, amen, I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." (John 3:5)

DISCOURSE WITH NICODEMUS: Our Lord has revealed to us the chief truths of the Christian religion.

6. THE NECESSITY OF BAPTISM: Only he who is born again of water and of the Holy Ghost has any part in the kingdom of God. By Baptism man becomes a member of God's kingdom upon earth, i. e. the Church of Jesus Christ, and an heir of God's kingdom in heaven. Thus Baptism is absolutely necessary to salvation. [The Church teaches that, with regard to the actual Sacrament of Baptism, either the the actual Sacrament "or a desire for it" is necessary for salvation.]

[From 'A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture' by Bishop Knecht, D.D.]

(1899 Douay-Rheims Bible)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


  Our Lady returns to speak to Sister Mary Ephrem in October, 1956:

On October 5, 1956, I felt suddenly urged to write a prayer to Our Lady, Patroness of our land. I knelt by the little table in my room, and as I did so Our Lady came to me. She stood at my right side very close to me. Though I did not hear any words, the thoughts came into my mind one after the other, and I wrote without stopping until the prayer was finished. Then Our Lady disappeared.

Following is the account of Our Lady's next visit, which occurred on October 13, 1956:
Today the Holy Virgin appeared to me as I was working in my room. Our Lady was very beautiful, and she was again smiling in her heavenly way. She was dressed in the same manner as when I first saw her, except that her Immaculate Heart did not appear. Instead of the lily, she held with both hands a small replica of the finished Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. She then began to speak. Her presence overwhelmed me with its holiness. I was compelled to stop my work, for it was impossible to go on. I then knelt down and wrote Our Lady's words as she desired:

"This is my shrine, my daughter. I am very pleased with it. Tell my children I thank them. Let them finish it quickly and make it
a place of pilgrimage. It will be a place of wonders. I promise this, I will bless all those who, either by prayers, labor, or material aid, help to erect this shrine."

Nihil Obstat: Daniel Pilarczyk, S.T.D .
Imprimatur: †Paul F. Leibold, V.G.
Cincinnati, OH – January 25, 1963

[To be continued]


Dear Followers of Our Lady,

Thank you for so many of your letters, the response was overwhelming to the weekly letter we began last week.

The most asked question was about the upcoming presidential elections in the U.S. Many of you not only had deep concerns, but were somewhat fearful of our future as a nation. Because there are so many questions and comments about this one subject, we will speak more extensively about these questions during the Radio WAVE broadcast, Saturday, February 2, 2008, at 7:00 PM Central Time on We will also be discussing Mirjana's apparition and message that will occur that day for nonbelievers.

While Caritas of Birmingham, as a 501(c) 3 organization, cannot endorse a party or candidate, we can speak about issues that are relevant, and these issues apply no matter what country you are from.

In Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping, I wrote that the values of Christianity are to influence the government and laws, in particular in Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10.  You are encouraged you to go back this week and read particularly those chapters, and if you don't have a copy, order one from Caritas and read those chapters with emphasis. I wrote in Chapter 9 that, "To obey laws against natural law puts us in transgression against Divine Law and, therefore, the law is invalid and is to be defied as if it doesn't exist because there is no basis for it to be." That having been said, there cannot be laws in place against natural law if Christians directly influence our laws and government. So, it is a call for all of us, not to "stand up and be counted" like we are taught to be, but to demand first from ourselves and then not only from our present leaders, but future ones, that they obey God's laws. Some may have a problem about the "demand" part.

Last week, you read that we inherit what we tolerate. If we tolerate godless leaders, then we inherit a godless society. If we demand Godly leaders, then we inherit Godly laws and government. Law is from God, and therefore must be in harmony with Divine Law, or society falls apart. Our Lady told us just this past January 25, 2008, "...You, little children, are free to choose good or evil..." We must look beyond the ballot box to effect change. We must cry out to God to give us a seize the moment, that can transform our land for change to happen. It will have to be given to us by God.

When I asked you to pray each day last week, on your knees, for Our Lady to reveal the seriousness of the situation we are in, perhaps Our Lady's monthly message of January 25, 2008, was our best diagnosis.  During the Radio WAVE broadcast of January 25, 2008, we discussed at length about how we still have a chance to choose good or evil, and I encourage you to go back and to listen to that broadcast. You can click here to listen to the broadcast.

So again, this week, pray to discern if you are choosing good or evil in your everyday life. When a sufficient number of us have chosen good, God will effect change. Not until then. Be an encouragement to others.


In the Love of Our Lady,

 A Friend of Medjugorje

On Behalf of Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas


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"For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son: that whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life everlasting." (John 3:16)

DISCOURSE WITH NICODEMUS: Our Lord has revealed to us the chief truths of the Christian religion.

5. THE INFINITE LOVE OF GOD: Why was it the will of the Son of God to redeem us? What was the motive of His Incarnation and Death? It was, in a word, His infinite and divine love for man. "God so loved the world as to give His only-begotten Son!" What! God, the Most Holy, loved the world, laden with sin and a curse! He loved the men who had offended Him and turned against Him millions of times. And He loved them so much as to give for them all that was greatest and dearest, even His only-begotten Son, to suffer for them humility, poverty, persecution, and even a miserable death upon the Cross! O, unfathomable and inconceivable love of God!

[From 'A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture' by Bishop Knecht, D.D.]

(1899 Douay-Rheims Bible)

Monday, January 28, 2008


  Saint Joseph speaks to Sister Mary Ephrem in October, 1956:

In early October, 1956, about a week after Our Lady's first appearance, St. Joseph, though I did not see him at this time, spoke to me the following words:

"It is true my daughter, that immediately after my conception, I was, through the future merits of Jesus and because of my exceptional role of future Virgin-Father, cleansed from the stain of original sin.

"I was from that moment confirmed in grace and never had the slightest stain on my soul. This is my unique privilege among

"My pure heart also was from the first moment of existence inflamed with love for God. Immediately, at the moment when my soul was cleansed from original sin, grace was infused into it in such abundance that, excluding my holy spouse, I  surpassed the holiness of the highest angel in the angelic choir.

"My heart suffered with the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Mine was a silent suffering, for it was my special vocation to hide and shield as long as God willed, the Virgin Mother and Son from the malice and hatred of men.

"The most painful of my sorrows was that I knew beforehand of their passion, yet would not be there to console them.

"Their future suffering was ever present to me and became my daily cross. I became, in union with my holy spouse, coredemptor of the human race. Through compassion for the sufferings of Jesus and Mary I co-operated, as no other, in the salvation of the world."

Nihil Obstat: Daniel Pilarczyk, S.T.D .
Imprimatur: †Paul F. Leibold, V.G.
Cincinnati, OH – January 25, 1963

[To be continued]

Posted By RomanCatholic Deacon to MARY, OUR MOTHER at 1/26/2008 11:17:00 AM

Posted By RomanCatholic Deacon to MARY, OUR MOTHER at 1/27/2008 10:14:00 AM

[MaryVitamin] entrance into the Hidden Life

Mary Vitamin for January 28th
Topic: Entrance into the hidden life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Nazareth
St. Peter Julian Eymard
"Jesus was the constant nourishment of Mary's and Joseph's life of union and love. They found their delight in gazing at Him, listening to Him, in admiring His obedience, in watching Him at His work and at prayer, for 'He did all things well.'"
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, Thirteenth Day
St. Katharine Drexel
"Lord where do You dwell?
He dwells in the little opportunities which arise of doing well, or of suffering well. He dwells in the humble homes as in His consecrated hosts and beneath the appearance of chance annoyances, of disagreeable illnesses, or unprofitable work, of sacrifices claimed, of meritorious obedience … under these appearances, He is morally present as He is corporally present under the Eucharistic species. And my life passes close to these His dwellings and my days meet them at each moment.
Open my eyes for me, O Lord, and may I learn to know You in the sanctifying grace of daily duties."
Praying with Mother Drexel
When do I hear Our Lord's call to enter into the hidden life at Nazareth? How can I live like Mary, who found her delight in gazing at Him? I will hear Him call to me and I will enter His dwelling when I recognize Him in  "chance annoyances", a "disagreeable illness", or a "meritorious obedience." Today, I will look for Him in these humble places and I will think of myself transported to Nazareth in the company of Mary and Joseph taking my delight in the Lord who "did all things well."
Marian Vow:
"The first field of Marian witness is the family to be conceived after the example of the Holy Family of Nazareth. In the family there must be a commitment never to omit time for daily prayer in common. The witness of prayer and Christian life on the part of parents is the primary and most effective form of education of their children."
Marian Seraphic Pathways, Directory #48
I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.


"For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son: that whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life everlasting." (John 3:16)

DISCOURSE WITH NICODEMUS: Our Lord has revealed to us the chief truths of the Christian religion.

THE OBJECT OF HIS PASSION AND DEATH is clearly stated in the words: "that the world may be saved by Him," and "that whosoever believeth in Him may not perish, but may have life everlasting." He willed to suffer and die in order to save man from eternal loss, and obtain happiness for him. He died for all men, and is therefore the Redeemer of the whole world.

[From 'A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture' by Bishop Knecht, D.D.]

(1899 Douay-Rheims Bible)

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Our Lady continues her visit to Sister Mary Ephrem in September, 1956:

On September 27, 1956, Our Lady again appeared to me while I was at prayer. She held the world in her hands. From her eyes
tears were flowing upon it, as though she longed to cleanse it from its guilt. It was then that I heard these words filled with sorrow
and longing:

'"Behold, O my children, the tears of your Mother! Shall I weep in vain? Assuage the sorrow of my Heart over the ingratitude of
sinful men by the love and chasteness of your lives. Will you do this for me, beloved children, or will you allow your Mother to weep in vain? I come to you, O children of America, as a last resort. I plead with you to listen to my voice. Cleanse your souls in the Precious Blood of My Son. Live in His Heart, and take me in that I may teach you to live in great purity of heart which is so pleasing to God. Be my army of chaste soldiers, ready to fight to the death to preserve the purity of your souls. I am the Immaculate One, Patroness of your land. Be my faithful children as I have been your faithful Mother.

"These are my words, O my daughter. Make them known to my children.

"I desire to make the whole of America my shrine by making every heart accessible to the love of my Son.''

Nihil Obstat: Daniel Pilarczyk, S.T.D .
Imprimatur: †Paul F. Leibold, V.G.
Cincinnati, OH – January 25, 1963

[To be continued]

Posted By RomanCatholic Deacon to MARY, OUR MOTHER at 1/26/2008 11:17:00 AM

Exorcism of the Dragon

Mark Mallett

—Spiritual Food For Thought—

Exorcism of the Dragon

St. Michael the Archangel by Michael D. O'Brien


AS we come to see and better understand the vast scope of the enemy's plan, The Great Deception, we should not be overwhelmed, for his plan will not succeed. God is revealing a far greater Masterplan—a victory already won by Christ as we enter the time of the Final Battles. Again, let me turn to a phrase from Hope is Dawning:

When Jesus comes, much will come to light, and the darkness will be scattered.



I believe we are upon the threshold of the fulfillment of Revelation 12. It is not a message of disaster, but a message of tremendous hope and light. It is the threshold of hope

Then God's temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant could be seen in the temple. There were flashes of lightning, rumblings, and peals of thunder, an earthquake, and a violent hailstorm. (Rev 11:19)

For a number of decades, the Mother of God, the Ark of His Covenant, has been speaking to this world in various apparitions, to gather children into the safety and refuge of her Immaculate Heart. At the same time we have seen tremendous upheaval in society, nature, and the Church, but especially the family.

Just as 11:19 and 12:1 of Revelation are divided by a "chapter" heading, one could also think of this as a spiritual threshold. This Woman clothed with the sun is laboring to give birth once again to her Son. And He is coming, this time, as the Light of Truth.

A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was with child and cried out in pain as she labored to give birth. (Rev 12:1)

The Rider Upon A White Horse will come as a living flame of Love to illumine the hearts of mankind in what will be an unprecedented act of His true nature—Mercy and Goodness itself. This Love will let every man, woman, and child see themselves in the light of Truth, exorcising darkness from many, many hearts…



Then war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels battled against the dragon. The dragon and its angels fought back, but they did not prevail and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. The huge dragon, the ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, who deceived the whole world, was thrown down to earth, and its angels were thrown down with it. (v. 7-9)

The term "heaven" does not refer to Heaven, where Christ and His saints dwell (note: this is not an account of the original fall and rebellion of Satan, as the context is clearly with regard to the age of those who "bear witness to Jesus" [cf. Rev 12:17] ). Rather, "heaven" here refers to a spiritual realm related to the earth, the firmament or heavens (cf. Gen 1:1):

For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens. (Eph 6:12)

What does light do when it comes? It scatters the darkness. Jesus will come with His angels led by St. Michael the Archangel. They will cast out Satan. Addictions will be broken. Diseases will be cured. The sick will be made well. The downtrodden will leap for joy. The blind will see. The deaf will hear. Prisoners will be set free. And there will rise a great cry:

Now have salvation and power come, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Anointed. For the accuser of our brothers is cast out, who accuses them before our God day and night… (v.10)

We are crossing the threshold into a powerful time of healing and reconciliation!

Therefore, rejoice, you heavens, and you who dwell in them. But woe to you, earth and sea, for the Devil has come down to you in great fury, for he knows he has but a short time. (v. 12)

As I have written elsewhere, this "short time" will be the Devil's final attempts to deceive with false signs and wonders—the Final Sifting of the wheat from the chaff. And this is where the remnant plays a crucial role which I will discuss in another writing.



Here is a point which we should not miss: through our prayer and intercession, the number of those who may be deceived can be reduced. Now, as never before, we must understand the importance of this time of grace! See now, also, why Pope Leo XIII was inspired to create the prayer to St. Michael to be recited after each Mass.

Our readiness to witness with our lives daily is what Jesus has already asked of us 2000 years ago, and prayer, penance, conversion, and fasting help dispose us to be used by the Holy Spirit. This time in The Bastion is not a "waiting out" for the storm to pass. Rather, it is preparation for and attentiveness to a marvelous battle for souls which is already here and is also coming… the final gathering of God's children into the Ark, before the door is closed. 


Published in: DAILY JOURNAL, TIME OF GRACE | on January 26th, 2008 |


"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life everlasting." (John 3:14-15)

DISCOURSE WITH NICODEMUS: Our Lord has revealed to us the chief truths of the Christian religion.

3. THE SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST: "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up." Jesus therefore knew definitely from the beginning that He would die on the Cross; and His bitter Passion and Death were ever before Him! To offer Himself on the Cross was the object of His Incarnation!

[From 'A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture' by Bishop Knecht, D.D.]
(1899 Douay-Rheims Bible)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Holy Rosary... A Wonderful Aid

I received this e-mail from my friend Shirley, who lives on the Island of Malta. I found the video's exceptionally beautiful and a wonderful aid to praying the Rosary!
Roman Deacon

Dear all,

I am posting here links to Rosary meditations through video, song, slide show and prayer. They have been very inspirational for me and for many. They were so beautiful that I have managed to pray the 20 mysteries all at one go as She is asking from those who love Her. I'm really thankful towards Our Lady for having provided me with these aids. They are divided as follows:

Holy Rosary Joyful mysteries




Holy Rosary Luminous Mysteries




Holy Rosary Sorrowful mysteries




Holy Rosary Glorious Mysteries



smiling smiley


Our Lady continues her visit to Sister Mary Ephrem in 1956:

On the afternoon of the same day, during the last half of the Holy Hour between 4:00 and 5:00, the Immaculate Virgin spoke to me at length in these words:

"My child, I entrust you with this message that you must make known to my children in America. I wish it to be the country
dedicated to my purity. The wonders I will work will be the wonders of the Soul. They must have faith and believe firmly in my love for them. I desire that they be the children of my Pure Heart. I desire, through my children of America, to further the cause of faith and purity among peoples and nations. Let them come to me with confidence and simplicity, and I, their Mother, will teach them to become pure like to my Heart that their own hearts may be more pleasing to the Heart of my Son."

Our Blessed Mother called herself Our Lady of America in response to the love and desire that reached out for this special title in the hearts of her children in America. This title was the sign of her pleasure at the confidence our land places in her and as a reward
for its staunch and childlike devotion to her. Her children longed for this personal visit of Our Lady, whether consciously or otherwise, and in her kindness and mercy she responded far beyond all expectations.

Though she came in this manner as a token of her love for us, nevertheless Our Lady of America welcomes her children of all
nations to her feet, for there will be found true peace. So she has given me to understand, and such are her desires as she revealed
them to me, Our Lady, moreover, often emphasized her desire that the Shrine in Washington, D.C., be made a place of special pilgrimage. She wishes to be honored there as Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin. After this date I saw Our Lady frequently. She seemed anxious to impress me with the truth and importance of her appearance.

Nihil Obstat: Daniel Pilarczyk, S.T.D .
Imprimatur: †Paul F. Leibold, V.G.
Cincinnati, OH – January 25, 1963

[To be continued]

When Hope Comes

Mark Mallett

—Spiritual Food For Thought—

When Hope Comes

The Purifying Flame of Love

(image courtesy


I want to take the word which I heard Our Lady speak in Hope is Dawning, a message of tremendous hope, and develop its powerful contents over the course of the next writings.

Mary said,

Jesus is coming, coming as Light, to awaken souls steeped in darkness.

Jesus is returning, but this is not His Final Coming in Glory. He is coming to us as Light.

I am the light of the world. (John 8:12)

Light dispels darkness. Light reveals truth. Light heals… (yes, we've known for some time now that the rays of the sun are healing!) Light is coming, and no one is pronouncing this hope more clearly than Pope Benedict XVI.



If you never read my writings again, or that of any mystic, seer, or visionary, but stay focused on the voice of the Holy Father, you will be protected; you will not be led astray from the mind of Christ. Didn't Jesus say as much?

Whoever listens to you, listens to me. (Luke 10:16)

And again, to Peter specifically:

Simon, son of John… Feed my sheep. (John 21:17)

And so eat what the Holy Father is feeding us today. Read his writings and homilies! He is truly a prophet, the chief prophet of the Church whom Christ gave His authority to lead us.

You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matt 16:18-19)

But in case one thinks the Holy Father is somehow a sovereign unto himself, listen to what Jesus says to Peter after asking him to feed the Church:

Follow me. (Jn 21:19)

If you follow Peter, you are following Christ.  



In his recent encyclical, Spe Salvi, which means "Saved by Hope", the Holy Father refers to the transforming meeting with Christ as Judge—and what I believe will happen to many when Jesus comes to illumine the consciences of every soul on earth in what has been called a "judgment in miniature":

The encounter with him is the decisive act of judgment. Before his gaze all falsehood melts away. This encounter with him, as it burns us, transforms and frees us, allowing us to become truly ourselves. All that we build during our lives can prove to be mere straw, pure bluster, and it collapses. Yet in the pain of this encounter, when the impurity and sickness of our lives become evident to us, there lies salvation. His gaze, the touch of his heart heals us through an undeniably painful transformation "as through fire." But it is a blessed pain, in which the holy power of his love sears through us like a flame, enabling us to become totally ourselves and thus totally of God… At the moment of judgment we experience and we absorb the overwhelming power of his love over all the evil in the world and in ourselves. The pain of love becomes our salvation and our joy. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Spe Salvi, n. 47

It is said that the hottest flame is invisible. Jesus is coming invisibly into our souls that we may encounter the searing power of His love. Paul speaks of such an encounter which will take place on the "Day" or Day of the Lord.

The work of each will come to light, for the Day will disclose it. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the quality of each one's work. (1 Cor 3:13)



This coming illumination is only a warning, a precursor of the Day, just as the Morning Star is a precursor of the Dawn. Jesus said through St. Faustina:

Before the Day of Justice, I am sending the Day of Mercy. (Diary of St. Faustina, n. 1588)_

This Day of Mercy is a tremendous opportunity for humanity to return to God. He is not waiting to crush us, but to embrace us. He is love. God is love! It is only those who refuse this grace who will encounter what Jesus describes to St. Faustina as the "awful Day of Justice."

He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice. n. 1146

Just as the Father in the parable of the Prodigal Son waited for the opportunity to receive Him back, so too is the Father ready to embrace humanity.

As dark as these times may seem, can you not hear the love song of Hope growing louder in your heart?




Published in: DAILY JOURNAL, TIME OF GRACE | on January 25th, 2008 |


"Amen, amen, I say to thee that we speak what we know and we testify what we have seen: and you receive not our testimony. If I have spoken to you earthly things, and you believe not: how will you believe, if I shall speak to you heavenly things? And no man hath ascended into heaven, but he that descended from heaven, the Son of man who is in heaven." (John 3:11-13)

DISCOURSE WITH NICODEMUS: Our Lord has revealed to us the chief truths of the Christian religion.

2. THE INCARNATION: The only-begotten Son of God, who came into the world, is also the Son of Man, the divine and human natures being in Him united in one Person.

[From 'A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture' by Bishop Knecht, D.D.]
(1899 Douay-Rheims Bible)

Friday, January 25, 2008


Our Lady's Message of
January 25, 2008

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje's January 25, 2008 Monthly Message

"Dear children! With the time of Lent, you are approaching a time of grace. Your heart is like ploughed soil and it is ready to receive the fruit which will grow into what is good. You, little children, are free to choose good or evil. Therefore, I call you to pray and fast. Plant joy and the fruit of joy will grow in your hearts for your good, and others will see it and receive it through your life. Renounce sin and choose eternal life. I am with you and intercede for you before my Son. Thank you for having responded to my call."

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And there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night and said to him: "Rabbi, we know that thou art come a teacher from God; for no man can do these signs which thou dost, unless God be with him." Jesus answered and said to him: "Amen, amen, I say to thee, unless a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Nicodemus saith to him: "How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born again?" Jesus answered: "Amen, amen, I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." (John 3:1-5)

DISCOURSE WITH NICODEMUS: Our Lord has revealed to us the chief truths of the Christian religion.

1. The Holy Trinity. The words of our Lord imply that there are three Persons in God: God the Father, who gave His only-begotten Son, and the Holy Ghost, of whom man must be born again.

[From 'A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture' by Bishop Knecht, D.D.]
(1899 Douay-Rheims Bible)

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Our Lady continues her visit to Sister Mary Ephrem in 1956:

The next morning, the feast of the North American Martyrs, Mass had just been concluded and the Community thanksgiving was
almost over. There were a few minutes left when suddenly Our Lady appeared before me, enveloped in a soft glow of light. I knew with unmistakable certainty that it was she, though she did not speak immediately. What I noticed was the smile on Our Lady's beautiful countenance and the lily she held in her right hand. She wore a white veil reaching almost to the waist and a mantle and robe of pure white with not a single decoration of any kind. An oblong-shaped clasp or brooch held the ends of the mantle together at the top. It was all gold, as was the high and brilliant crown which she wore. Her hair and her eyes seemed of medium brown. Her feet were bare, but these I did not always see, as they were sometimes covered by the moving clouds on which Our Lady stood. She continued to smile. Then I saw her heart appear, encircled with red roses, the symbol of suffering as it was revealed to me, and sending forth flames of fire. With her left hand Our Lady seemed to be holding up slightly the upper part of her mantle, so that her Immaculate Heart could be seen.

Then solemnly and distinctly, in calm yet majestic tones, I heard these words: "I am Our Lady of America. I desire that my children honor me, especially by the purity of their lives."

She was very beautiful and her smile held me. But I became conscious of the fact that the other Sisters were leaving the chapel,
and I, too, had to go as obedience directed me. I said to Our Lady, "Please forgive me, Mother, but I do have to go now or my work will not get finished."

Our Lady understood, but she did not leave me. When I entered my room, she was there waiting for me. Then I noticed the green color of the lily stem in her hand and the white sash or belt which she wore around her waist. It seemed to be made of the same material as the robe. It was narrow, very narrow, and no ends of it could be seen at all. As I had to hurry about my tasks, I could not give Our Lady all the attention I longed to, but every now and then I would direct a glance of love toward her. Our Lady stood there smiling as I had seen her in the chapel. All that day I was conscious of Our Lady's presence in a very special manner, in a way that was distinctly new to me.

Nihil Obstat: Daniel Pilarczyk, S.T.D .
Imprimatur: †Paul F. Leibold, V.G.
Cincinnati, OH – January 25, 1963

[To be continued]

Posted By RomanCatholic Deacon to MARY, OUR MOTHER at 1/23/2008 12:34:00 PM


But there are also many other things which Jesus did which, if they were written every one, the world itself, I think, would not be able to contain the books that should be written. (John 21:25)

HOLY SCRIPTURE IS NOT THE ONLY SOURCE OF FAITH: Scripture, after relating the purifying of the Temple, says that Jesus performed many miracles in Jerusalem and the neighborhood; but what these miracles were, the holy Evangelists do not tell us. This shows us that not everything which Jesus did and taught is related in Holy Scripture. St. John writes at the end of his Gospel:
"There are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they were written every one, the world itself, I think, would not be able to contain the books that should be written!" Christian revelation is, therefore, only partly contained in Holy Scripture.

[From 'A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture' by Bishop Knecht, D.D.]
(1899 Douay-Rheims Bible)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hope is Dawning


Mark Mallett

—Spiritual Food For Thought—

Hope is Dawning


THIS word came to me yesterday evening while my spiritual director and I were together. It forms the basis of the coming writings. Understand… the dawn of Hope is upon us…

Little ones, do not think that because you, the remnant, are small in number means that you are special. Rather, you are chosen. You are chosen to bring the Good News to the world at the appointed hour. This is the Triumph for which my Heart awaits with great anticipation. All is set now. All is in motion. The hand of my Son is ready to move in the most sovereign way. Pay careful attention to my voice. I am preparing you, my little ones, for this Great Hour of Mercy. Jesus is coming, coming as Light, to awaken souls steeped in darkness. For the darkness is great, but the Light is far greater. When Jesus comes, much will come to light, and the darkness will be scattered. It is then that you will be sent, like the Apostles of old, to gather souls into my Motherly garments. Wait. All is ready. Watch and pray. Never lose hope, for God loves everyone.


Published in: DAILY JOURNAL, TIME OF GRACE | on January 23rd, 2008 |


Our Lady begins her visits to Sister Mary Ephrem in 1956:

In the fall of 1956 I was sent to help out at one of our larger institutions. It was at this place that the official visits of Our Lady began, and the special mission entrusted to me revealed. The following is the account of these visits as it was written at that time:

On the eve of the feast of the North American Martyrs, September 25, 1956, as I was making the Holy Hour from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., I was conscious of the distinct and special feeling of the presence of Our Lady. She stood by my side and spoke to me. I felt, rather than saw her, though I did see a part of her white gown and a small portion of her blue sash. I was under the impression that she came as Our Lady of Lourdes, and she herself confirmed this. Our Lady promised that greater miracles than those granted at Lourdes and Fatima would be granted here in America, the United Stares in particular, if we would do as she desires.
These are the words she spoke to me at this time:

"I am pleased, my child, with the love and honor my children in America give to me, especially through my glorious and unique privilege of the Immaculate Conception. I promise to reward their love by working through the power of my Son's Heart and my Immaculate Heart miracles of grace among them. I do not promise miracles of the body, but of the soul."
Our Lady emphasized this very much. She is anxiously concerned about our inner life.

She continued: "For it is mainly through these miracles of grace that the Holy Trinity is glorified among men and nations. Let America continue and grow in its love for me, and I in return, in union with the Heart of my Son, promise to work wonders in her. My child, I desire that this be known."

Nihil Obstat: Daniel Pilarczyk, S.T.D .
Imprimatur: †Paul F. Leibold, V.G.
Cincinnati, OH – January 25, 1963

[To be continued]