Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Mary TV: September 25, 2018 Message from Our Lady

(c)Anthony Zubac

September 25, 2018

Dear Family of Mary!

Here is the September 25, 2018 message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace:

"Dear children! Also nature extends signs of its love to you through the fruits which it gives you. Also, you, by my coming, have received an abundance of gifts and fruits. Little children, how much you have answered to my call, God knows. I am calling you - it is not late - decide for holiness and a life with God, in grace and in peace. God will bless you and give to you a hundred-fold, if you trust in Him. Thank you for having responded to my call."

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV

"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

Mary TV: September 25, 2018 Reflection -The great family of Medjugorje!

Archbishop Hoser gives the homily at St. James Church - September 24 

September 25, 2018
Dear Family of Mary!

Today we receive a message from Our Lady! Let's pray as we wait, with great anticipation!

I want to share with you a portion of the homily given by the Apostolic Visitor, Archbishop Henryk Hoser at Holy Mass in Medjugorje yesterday (September 24, 2018). The Archbishop spoke so beautifully about the light which is Christ, and which shines through the Scriptures so that we can find our way. But I want to share the latter part of his homily where he talks about the crisis in the Church and the role Medjugorje plays in this most difficult time.

Archbishop Henryk Hoser, homily at St. James Church, Medjugorje, September 24, 2018:
Today we have gathered in great numbers. And we represent the great family of Medjugorje. It is the family that has been dispersed all over the world....
Our Church has been endangered. It is in trouble, not just from the outside because of persecution (though Christianity today is the most persecuted religion in the whole world). But there is other trouble, which is the inner crisis of the Church. This is the trouble that comes from the lack of faith in lay people, priests and bishops. It is those who have lost the light on their way. And they allow deeds and terrible, horrible sins. The greatest sins of these people is when they are silent. When they silently agree to something and they fall from the Church. Holy Fathers John Paul II and Benedict XVI said that people live as though God does not exist at all. If they have not been lit with the source of Light, then they will be in darkness. And this trouble in which the Church finds itself, is a challenge for us and also a possibility. A possibility that we can come back to the authenticity of the Church.
You know that the human body is made of cells. Cells make up our body. Each one of us, each faithful, is a cell of the Mystical Body of Christ. And we make that Mystical Body of Christ that has been immersed in Mankind. If the cells are healthy, then the body will be healthy too. We need to be living cells of the Mystical Body that lives the fullness of life.
The Church of Jesus Christ is the universal family from all over the world. Medjugorje has become an image of the universality of the Church. I think that pilgrims who are coming here come from about 100 countries. We had the beautiful Youth Festival here in August. And there were young people from 72 countries of the world. That is how our Medjugorje family needs to be spread all over the world so it will be universally present all over the world.
Our Queen, our Mother, she is our leader. She leads us on the way of the Light. She is very close to each one of us. She follows us, she gives us guidelines of what to do, she leads us to Christ. You can express this Marian spirituality when you pray before her statue (on Apparition Hill), when you climb Cross Mountain where Jesus gave His life for us, when you pray before the Risen Christ statue, and when you come down to the doors of the Church, that was born from the side of Christ, from His pierced side.
We can see the Church is the New Eve who was born from the New Adam. The personification of the New Eve is the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is the Mother of the Church. The New Adam is Jesus Christ, who is the Head of the Church. So let's be proud that we are Christians. Let us come to the source of Light, to the source of Life. In that way we will help in the crisis of the Church. Medjugorje has become a place where this renewal of the Church takes place, where the Resurrection of the Church takes place.
Let us continue in that way of life in the Light and let us follow Him, He who is never silent. Amen.

Yes, Medjugorje is a place of renewal and resurrection for the Church! We have seen it in action all these years. Medjugorje is Our Mother's peace plan, her plan to save the Church and the World. We can be part of her plan, if we follow her, and live the life she is giving us. It is the life of true faith! Thank you, Archbishop Hoser, for joining us in this plan from heaven!!

Our Lady once said to us:

October 25, 1996 "Dear children! Today I invite you to open yourselves to God the Creator, so that He changes you. Little children, you are dear to me. I love you all and I call you to be closer to me and that your love towards my Immaculate Heart be more fervent. I wish to renew you and lead you with my Heart to the Heart of Jesus, which still today suffers for you and calls you to conversion and renewal. Through you, I wish to renew the world. Comprehend, little children, that you are today the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Little children, I invite you and I love you and in a special way implore: Convert!" Thank you for having responded to my call."

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
© Mary TV 2018
Thank you!  Each donation is important!
Thank you for whatever you can share!

"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Mary TV: September 24, 2018 Reflection -Run like a child to the Heart of Jesus


(c)Anthony Zubac
September 24, 2018
Dear Family of Mary!

St. Faustina once wrote:

When I see that the burden is beyond my strength, I do not consider or analyze it or probe into it, but I run like a child to the Heart of Jesus and say only one word to Him: "You can do all things." And then I keep silent, because I know that Jesus himself will intervene in the matter, and as for me, instead of tormenting myself, I use that time to love Him. (Diary 1033)
I think for all of us now, in this particularly agonizing time in the Church, where it could seem that the burden is beyond all of us, beyond all of our good bishops and priests, it is important not to consider or analyze or probe into it, but instead to run like a child to the Heart of Jesus, and say only one word to Him, "You can do all things." Then we can use that time to love Him.

I know that the enemy's plan for each one of us, for all of our good priests and bishops, for everyone who wants the Church to be cleaned and brought back to health, is that we torment ourselves for hours about what is going on. But that torment is not productive. And it is not going to help the Church get stronger. Instead we need to go to Jesus and ask Him to do it. And pray, just pray. Not waste the time, but use it to love Jesus.

This helps me, because every time I hear another piece of bad news, I am tempted to just go on thinking about it and worrying about it, and that is not helpful. Denis says these things are part of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and that she is cleaning house.

I wonder if Our Lady has spent the last 37 years filling the Church with her sons, the good, holy priests who got their vocation in Medjugorje, so that they can stand in this terrible time and help the Church. I wonder if that was part of her plan, that she had to build up the priesthood for these days.

St. Faustina chose silence and prayer as the way to endure the burdens of her day. Our Lady calls us to the same solution:
August 25, 2018 "Dear children! This is a time of grace. Little children, pray more, speak less and permit God to lead you on the way of conversion. I am with you and love you with my motherly love. Thank you for having responded to my call."

May we run to the Heart of Jesus and whisper to Him, "You can do all things!"

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2018
Thank you!  Each donation is important!
Thank you for whatever you can share!

"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Mary TV: September 21, 2018 Reflection -Be Gardens of the Most Beautiful Flowers!


(c) Mateo Ivankovic

September 21, 2018
St. Matthew, Apostle

Dear Family of Mary!

"...Be true apostles of my love; spread the love of my Son to everyone. Be gardens of the most beautiful flowers. With your prayers help your shepherds that they may be spiritual fathers filled with love for all people. Thank you." (September 2, 2018)

Our Lady tells us: "Be gardens of the most beautiful flowers." I take this to mean that we should pray the Rosary, offering each prayer as a flower to God for the sake of souls. We don't have to know who we are praying for, but we must pray for love of souls, so that the love of Jesus will be spread to everyone. And in this time, that Jesus' love will cover our shepherds (good and bad) and heal them now.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen wrote the most beautiful book on Our Lady, called "The World's First Love - Mary, Mother of God." He includes a chapter on the Rosary. Here is an excerpt:

It is objected that there is much repetition in the Rosary inasmuch as the Lord' Prayer and the Hail Mary are said so often; therefore, it is monotonous. That reminds me of a woman who came to see me one evening after instructions. She said, "I would never become a Catholic. You say the same words in the Rosary over and over again, and anyone who repeats the same words is never sincere. I would never believe anyone who repeated his words, and neither would God." I asked her who the man was with her. She said he was her fiancé. "Does he love you?" "Certainly, he does." "But how do you know?" "He told me." "What did he say?" "He said 'I love you.'" When did he tell you last?" "About an hour ago." "Did he tell you before?" "Yes, last night." "What did he say?" "I love you." "But never before?" "He tells me every night." I said: "Do not believe him. He is repeating; he is not sincere."
The beautiful truth is that there is no repetition in "I love you." Because there is a new moment of time, another point in space, the words do not mean the same as they did at another time or space. A mother says to her son: "You are a good boy." She may have said it ten thousand times before, but each time it means something different; the whole personality goes out to it anew, as a new historical circumstance summons forth a new outburst of affection. Love is never monotonous in the uniformity of its expression. The mind is infinitely variable in its language, but the heart is not. The heart of a man, in the face of the woman he loves, is too poor to translate the infinity of his affection into a different word. So the heart takes one expression, "I love you", and in saying it over and over again, it never repeats. It is the only real news in the universe. That is what we do when we say the Rosary - we are saying to God, the Trinity, to the Incarnate Savior, to the Blessed Mother: "I love you, I love you, I love you." Each time it means something different because, at each decade, our mind is moving to a new demonstration of the Savior's love: for example, from the mystery of His Love that willed to become one of us in His Incarnation, to the other mystery of love when He suffered for us, and on to the other mystery of His Love where He intercedes for us before the Heavenly Father. (Fulton J Sheen. "The World's First Love - Mary, Mother of God." From Chapter 18, Roses and Prayers.)

This is the way that we can become gardens of the most beautiful flowers! By saying to God, "I love you, I love you, I love you..." through our prayer of the Rosary. The world needs our prayer of love. Our Shepherds need our prayer of love. We need to pray our prayer of love. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2018

Thank you!  Each donation is important!
Thank you for whatever you can share!

"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Apostolic visitor outlines plans for expansion at Medjugorje shrine

Pilgrims pray in front of a statue of Mary on Apparition Hill in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, in 2011
Pilgrims pray in front of a statue of Mary on Apparition Hill in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, in 2011. CNS photo/Paul Haring

The Polish archbishop tasked with overseeing Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Medjugorje shrine has outlined plans for expansion, including more Masses in different languages and facilities for young pilgrims who flock to the site of the alleged Marian apparitions.

Read more here: https://thecatholicspirit.com/news/nation-and-world/apostolic-visitor-outlines-plans-for-expansion-at-medjugorje-shrine/

Mary TV: September 20, 2018 Reflection -You must love a lot...


(c)Anthony Zubac/Mary TV

September 20, 2018
Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Priest, and Paul Chong Ha-sang, and Companions, Martyrs

Dear Family of Mary,

"...you must love a lot if you desire to grow spiritually. I know, apostles of my love, that it is not always easy, but, my children, also the painful paths are paths which lead to spiritual growth, to faith, and to my Son. My children, pray-think of my Son. In all the moments of the day, raise your soul to Him, and I will gather your prayers as flowers from the most beautiful garden and give them as a gift to my Son..." (September 2, 2018)

"...you must love a lot if you desire to grow spiritually..."

Our Lady told us that we must love a lot!! That is if we want to grow spiritually. I had never thought of it that way, but plainly put, she's right! To grow spiritually means to become more and more like God. And that means to become more and more loving, more and more capable of love.    
"I know, apostles of my love, that it is not always easy, but, my children, also the painful paths are paths which lead to spiritual growth, to faith, and to my Son.

We know it is not easy. In our fallen world there is a lot that contradicts love. Sin denies love, and makes life all about oneself. Sin is saying "no" to love and to God. And when we live in a very sinful culture, we will be contradicted if we try to love.

But Our Lady tells us that the pain of daily contradictions and rejections, of wounds and trials, will become the pathways to faith and to Jesus. The very difficulties we encounter will become helps in our growth in love. Isn't it true? Most of the saints have trodden those paths, and turned them into beautiful walkways, surrounded to flowers. The very stuff designed to destroy us can instead make us saints, if we do these things:   
"My children, pray..."
We must pray as much as possible, maybe constantly. I find myself needing to say decade after decade of the Rosary during my daily tasks, just to keep myself on an even keel, and to overcome the temptations that assail me, such as worry and fear and consternation at the troubles we are in. The Rosary is not only a prayer, it is a weapon, which fends off the evil one and his torments. Now, like never before, we need to pray, non-stop!

"Think of my Son." Instead of thinking of the latest news report of political turmoil or scandal in the Church, I need to think of Jesus. He is the safest and most comforting person to think about. Just to meditate on a Gospel story will bring us peace and perspective. Like St. Ignatius, we need to meditate on our Lord, bringing to life His story. In that way we will be elevated and encouraged. Here again, the Rosary fits the bill. Each decade introduces a facet of Jesus' life. We can think on the mysteries and it will keep our minds on Jesus.

"In all the moments of the day, raise your soul to Him..." Wow! Now there is powerful advice. I think of the Gospel for today from Luke 7:36-50. Luke describes an encounter Jesus has with a "sinful woman" who approaches Him while He is dining with a Pharisee. The Gospel compares the woman and the Pharisee, in relation to Jesus. The Pharisee has invited Jesus to dine, in order to grill Him over matters of the law. The Pharisee is stand-offish. But the woman kneels at Jesus' feet, washes them with her tears, dries them with her hair and anoints them with oil. She does not take her eyes of Jesus, and she says nothing. I would say she is a good example of someone who constantly raises her soul to Jesus. She worships Him, rather than hold a discussion with Him. Praying our Rosary constantly is a way to constantly worship Jesus. Through the mysteries we can pour out our thanksgiving to Him for having saved us by His life, death and resurrection. We can be like the woman who anoints His feet with her tears and oil, thanking Him for her salvation.   
"And I will gather your prayers as flowers from the most beautiful garden and give them as a gift to my Son."
Our Lady will augment our prayer, our thoughts, our worship of Jesus, with her own prayers and thoughts and worship, making them all the more beautiful. Our prayers and thoughts of Jesus, our worship of Him will be the stuff that changes the world. Indeed, the Rosary is a "Rose Garden" for Jesus. And I think that praying the Rosary, nonstop, can help us to do all those things that Our Lady suggests to us, if we want to grow spiritually!

Finally, I had a moment yesterday that spoke very loudly to me. Denis and I were lighting a candle at St. Andre Bessette's statue at church. As we prayed, I found myself gazing at St. Andre's right hand, in which he holds a rosary, very tightly, with his fingers on a bead. St. Andre prayed the Rosary non-stop. It was the Rosary that accomplished all His wonderful works. I felt the Holy Spirit showing me that the Rosary must be in my hand constantly, and the prayer of the Rosary constantly going on in my heart. That is how I will survive these terrible days, and indeed it will be giving to Our Lady the flowers she asked us for. "I will gather your prayers as flowers from the most beautiful garden and give them as a gift to my Son..."

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
(c)Mary TV 2018

Thank you!  Donations are on the rise!!  Little by little - each gift helps Mary TV continue.  Thanks to all our shipmates!! 

"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Mary TV: September 19, 2018 Reflection - Love never fails...


(c)Anthony Zubac/Mary TV

September 19, 2018
St. Januarius

Dear Family of Mary!

"...Love changes everything; it makes most beautiful also that which, without love, seems insignificant to you. That is why, anew, I am saying to you that you must love a lot if you desire to grow spiritually..." (September 2, 2018)

Reading 1 for Holy Mass
September 19, 2018
1 Cor 12:31-13:13

Brothers and sisters:
Strive eagerly for the greatest spiritual gifts.

But I shall show you a still more excellent way.

If I speak in human and angelic tongues
but do not have love,
I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal.
And if I have the gift of prophecy
and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge;
if I have all faith so as to move mountains,
but do not have love, I am nothing.
If I give away everything I own,
and if I hand my body over so that I may boast
but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind.
It is not jealous, love is not pompous,
it is not inflated, it is not rude,
it does not seek its own interests,
it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury,
it does not rejoice over wrongdoing
but rejoices with the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails.
If there are prophecies, they will be brought to nothing;
if tongues, they will cease;
if knowledge, it will be brought to nothing.
For we know partially and we prophesy partially,
but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.
When I was a child, I used to talk as a child,
think as a child, reason as a child;
when I became a man, I put aside childish things.
At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror,
but then face to face.
At present I know partially;
then I shall know fully, as I am fully known.
So faith, hope, love remain, these three;
but the greatest of these is love. (1 Cor 12:31-13:13)

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2018

Thank you!  Donations are on the rise!!  Little by little - each gift helps Mary TV continue.  Thanks to all our shipmates!! 

"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Mary TV: September 18, 2018 Reflection - Love changes everything!


(c)Mateo Ivankovic

September 18, 2018
Dear Family of Mary!

"Love changes everything; it makes most beautiful also that which, without love, seems insignificant to you.That is why, anew, I am saying to you that you must love a lot if you desire to grow spiritually..." (September 2, 2018)

"Love changes everything..." I think that when we love, it is like putting on special glasses. Through these special glasses we can see everything differently. We see the gifts that are pouring out upon us, gifts of love, of kindness, peace, support, hope, beauty, and on and on. Love changes the way we see everything.

Now think of God. He has told us that He is love itself. How do we recognize this? Here is a quote from Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She could see God's love everywhere:   
"God made the world for the delight of human beings-- if we could see His goodness everywhere, His concern for us, His awareness of our needs: the phone call we've waited for, the ride we are offered, the letter in the mail, just the little things He does for us throughout the day. As we remember and notice His love for us, we just begin to fall in love with Him because He is so busy with us -- you just can't resist Him. I believe there's no such thing as luck in life, it's God's love, it's His."  Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa had eyes that recognized love. She could spot it a mile away. God's love was evident to her in even the smallest things. The sunrise, a moment of silence, a kind gesture from a family member, a hug when it is not expected. These are all gifts from God. (She must have had those special glasses!)
As Our Lady told us: "Love changes everything; it makes most beautiful also that which, without love, seems insignificant to you." Those little signs of love are all around us, but without love in our hearts, we won't see them. They will be insignificant. Love changes the way we see everything. When we have love, when we love others, love ourselves and love most of all, God, then we see love everywhere. We begin to see that God is pouring out His love on us. Nothing is insignificant when we love and know that we are loved.

I often experience little acts of love from my grandchildren. Many of them are very little. But I receive so much love from them. A hug. A smile. An invitation to go with them on a walk, or to read a book. A call for help, which is a big honor to receive from a little one. All these things would be insignificant to a stranger. But to Grandma, they are much more than a million dollars. They are little windows into heaven.

So, as Our Lady says, love changes everything. And God is very busy loving us, though we may not notice most of the time. Mother Teresa is right, He is very busy with us, loving us non-stop. If only we could love enough to see Him doing it!
"That is why, anew, I am saying to you that you must love a lot if you desire to grow spiritually!" The more we practice love, the better we will be at recognizing it all around us!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2018

Thank you!  Donations are on the rise!!  Little by little - each gift helps Mary TV continue.  Thanks to all our shipmates!! 

"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Sister Emmanuel's Report from Medjugorje for September 2018


COM Logo
 Medjugorje, September 15, 2018
Feast of Mary Mother of Sorrows
Dear children of Medjugorje, praised be Jesus and Mary!

1. On September 2, 2018, Mirjana received her monthly apparition at the Blue Cross, surrounded by a large crowd. After the apparition, she conveyed this message: 
"Dear children, my words are simple but are filled with motherly love and care. My children, all the more the shadows of darkness and deception are being cast over you, and I am calling you to the light and the truth-I am calling you to my Son. Only He can transform despair and suffering into peace and clarity; only He can give hope in the deepest pain. My Son is the life of the world. The more you come to know Him-the more you come close to Him-the more you will love Him, because my Son is love. Love changes everything; it makes most beautiful also that which, without love, seems insignificant to you. That is why, anew, I am saying to you that you must love a lot if you desire to grow spiritually. I know, apostles of my love, that it is not always easy, but, my children, the painful paths are also paths which lead to spiritual growth, to faith, and to my Son. My children, pray-think of my Son. In all the moments of the day, raise your soul to Him, and I will gather your prayers as flowers from the most beautiful garden and give them as a gift to my Son. Be true apostles of my love; spread the love of my Son to everyone. Be gardens of the most beautiful flowers. With your prayers help your shepherds that they may be spiritual fathers filled with love for all people. Thank you." 
Apparition of September 2, 2018
Apparition of September 2, 2018
2. What will save the Church? Venerable Fulton Sheen, the great American preacher, said: Do not look at the priests, do not look at the bishops! It depends on you. In other words, let's tend to our own garden first!
One day a man complained about the Church to Mother Teresa of Calcutta and began to enumerate some of the Church's flaws, as to provoke her.  Looking straight into his eyes with her penetrating gaze (a specialty of Mother Teresa's), she said to him: "In the Church, my brother, there are only two problems: you and me!"
In order not to injure our Church further through unnecessary negative words, but rather to fill us with the Holy Spirit to be a pillar of love within her, I suggest that we all pray and live this simple consecration to the Holy Spirit and that we let ourselves be transformed by Him. Our transformation will raise the whole Church and heal it from many evils.
Consecration to the Holy Spirit
"Holy Spirit, love of the Father and the Son, receive the consecration of my entire being. Transform me by Mary, with Mary and in Mary into another Christ Jesus. Under the protection of St. Michael the Archangel, I abandon myself without reservation to your divine operations. Be my light in this time of darkness, be my strength at this time when the demon comes to weaken us, and be our guide to help us in our fight against the forces of evil. Inspire me with what I must do for the glory of the Father, for my own sanctification and the salvation of the world. Amen!"

3.  Love?  Only Divine Love comes with us to heaven; human love 'drops the ball' on us because it remains in the world like all that is earthly. Our Lady clearly shows the difference between the two ways of loving when she says: Dear children, may love reign in your families! Not human love, but divine love. What is the difference she is pointing to?
Human love is made of the natural attraction that one feels for a person, a feeling that seizes us - "I feel good with this person!  He/she brings me a lot of joy, contentment, pleasure and satisfaction. I am fulfilled because he/she loves me and clearly shows it to me. I feel like more of a person in his/her presence, more alive, I feel completely myself", etc. But what is in fact at the center of that love? Me! It's my own advantage, my own interest. I'm glad to receive.
Do not think that this human love is a sin, this feeling is completely natural; it belongs to our human nature created by God. But very often, when left to its own devices and limitations, even its weaknesses and sinfulness, it has an expiration date! It may appear one day and disappear the way it came.Divine love is a love that gives itself, a self-sacrificial love for the other. It seeks the good of the other at all costs. Jesus gave us the example of this when he died for us on the cross, although we were sinners, in other words not so attractive in his eyes!That is why day after day we will let God render divine this human love so that it may be transformed into a true divine Love, no longer centered on the self, but on the other. This Divine love will be our greatest passport to enter into heaven.  This cannot be achieved overnight, it happens in stages. The Spirit of love is ready to work powerfully and he dreams to do so, to the extent that we let ourselves be led by it with docility.
Little Theresa gives us here a magnificent example of this divine love, a hard-won victory over her natural feelings. Let's listen to what she says... 

Ah! What I saw in her!  
 "There is in the community a sister who has the faculty of displeasing me in everything. Not wishing to give in to the natural antipathy I was experiencing, I told myself that charity must not consist in feelings but in works; then I set myself to doing for this sister what I would do for the person I loved the most. Each time I met her I prayed to God for her, offering Him all her virtues and merits. I wasn't content simply with praying very much for this sister who gave me so many struggles, but I took care to render her all the services possible, and when I was tempted to answer her back in a disagreeable manner, I was content with giving her my most friendly smile, and with changing the subject of the conversation. Frequently, when I was not at recreation (I mean during the work periods) and had occasion to work with this sister, I used to run away like a deserter whenever my struggles became too violent. As she was absolutely unaware of my feelings for her, never did she suspect the motives for my conduct, and she remained convinced that her character was very pleasing to me. One day at recreation she asked me: "Sister Therese of the Child Jesus, what attracts you so much towards me?  Every time you look at me, I see you smile!" Ah! What attracted me was Jesus hidden in the depths of her soul; Jesus who makes sweet what is most bitter."

4.   Vicka celebrated her 54th birthday on September 3, in private with her family. It is beautiful to see her joy after the Blessed Mother kissed her tenderly on both cheeks as do the mothers of this world. Vicka says that this kiss is a heavenly moment for her, and she prepares for it a month in advance with a count-down! During the apparition, Mary gives thanks to God for Vicka's life, and Vicka thanks the Mother of God for all the Graces received by her, enumerating them with an overflowing joy. Since Vicka often told me that, although she was chosen to be a visionary, she was "not special but equal to others", I am convinced that on our birthday, the Blessed Mother also comes to kiss all those who open up to her during the apparition. Vicka confirmed this to me - A note to lovers of heavenly kisses!
A false message is circulating on the Net, so it is important to inform you of the error.  In the year 2000, Vicka gave an interview where she simply quoted Mary's message about Pope John Paul II before his trip to Zagreb in August 1994 (See PS1). But some messages are circulating today, claiming that Vicka attributed these same words to Pope Francis. This is not the case, it is a mistake! The visionaries were not given the task of making statements about people. They have a different role and they stick to it. We must love our pastors, help them, respect them and pray for them. That is what the visionaries continuously tell us without cease.  (See PS2 interview with Vicka in Italian).
5.  She pronounced my name!  In February 1991, I was blessed to bring Vicka to Paris for a short mission in France. I was supposed to pick her up at her home on a particular morning, and I said to her the day before: "Tomorrow I will come by at 4 in the morning with the taxi, be ready!" At 4:00 am, I find Vicka and we get in the cab. During the journey, I ask her how we could organize a place in Paris where she would be able to receive the daily apparition. But she replied: "No need, the Gospa already appeared to me this morning! You know, when I travel, it happens often, she appears to me before I leave. So yesterday she said to me: "Since Sister Emmanuel will pick you up tomorrow at 4 am, I will appear to you shortly before her arrival..." I was taken aback, and said to Vicka: "What? The Blessed Mother said my name!!??" "Yes," replied Vicka in a perfectly natural tone, "It's normal, she always does that!"  But for me it was an unforgettable grace.  It made my day! WOW! The Mother of God arranged Her schedule according to My decision, and she pronounced my name!

We are too oblivious to the extreme closeness of the Lord and his Mother to the smallest details of our daily lives!
6.  Amazing news!  For those living in the UK, Ireland and Europe, the books, 'Peace will Have the last Word' and 'Scandalous Mercy' are now available in English on Amazon.co.uk  Here are the links below to where you can buy them for £9.99 each.  
More titles will be available in due course. Until now, ordering from the US meant that the postage would be nearly as much as the cost of the book. This is great news for those living in Europe!
Scandalous Mercy: When God Goes Beyond Boundaries:  https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0998021806/
Peace Will Have the Last Word: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0998021814/
7. Belgian people, take up your Rosaries! A "Rosary at the Borders" will be prayed in Belgium on 13 October at 3pm, by all those who want to unite to implore heaven. A beautiful initiative, following the example of Poland! The aim is to renew the Christian faith in this country, which is participating in old Europe's current apostasy, and to opt for life. Of course, we are all invited to support our beloved Belgian brothers and sisters, and to pray for many more such initiatives in the world! Information on the website www.rosaireauxfrontieres.be

8. The next Live Broadcast on the message of the 2nd (in French)will be on October 3rd at 9pm. The Live Broadcast of September 3 can be seen here: 
Dearest Gospa, every day you say our name before the Father and intercede for each one of us. We thank you so very much! We beg you, remind us also to often say your own sweet name that chases away the darkness, and that of your Son Jesus, the Name above all names!
Sister Emmanuel +
(Translated from French)
PS1. "Dear childrentoday I am united with you in prayer in a special way, praying for the gift of the presence of my beloved Son in your home country. Pray, little children, for the health of my most beloved son, who suffers and whom I have chosen for these times. I pray and intercede before my Son, Jesus, so that the dream that your fathers had may be fulfilled. Pray, little children, in a special way because Satan is strong and wants to destroy hope in your heart. I bless you. Thank you for having responded to my call." (Aug. 25, 1994).
PS2. Vicka's interview in 2000, in Italian, see 
PS3."Truly Sister Emmanuel's Best Work Yet!"  The Second Printing is here! Order Today!  https://sremmanuel.org/product/scandalous-mercy-god-goes-beyond-boundaries/

PS4. Follow the evening program of the parish!

PS5. At home, pray the Rosary on Apparition Hill with Sr. Emmanuel (in French)! She is waiting for you on our site, http://imedj.net/index.php/2016/02/29/chapelet-les-mysteres-douloureux-sur-la-colline/
PS6. Your little children sometimes say beautiful, innocent words. Please send them to us and we will be happy to share them in this report!  Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God belongs to the children and those who resemble them".  Let us rejoice in the words spoken from their pure hearts!
PS7.  For those who also speak French, watch a virtual pilgrimage in Medjugorje from home! Sister shows 11 key places explaining the importance of the place and prays there with you.  Click on the site, www.IMedj.net
PS8. Sign up to receive the 'Monthly reports from Medjugorje' by Sr. Emmanuel
French (the original copy): gospa.fr@gmail.com
Chinese:  ch.gospa@gmail.com
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Children of Medjugorje, INC, PO Box 18430, Denver, CO 80218