Thursday, August 20, 2020

Mary TV: August 20, 2020 Reflection –

O Mary, Queen of Peace
O Mary, Queen of Peace!
(c)Mary TV
August 20, 2020
St. Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church
Dear Family of Mary!
St. Bernard was deeply devoted to Our Lady. He once said: “O Blessed Mary, whoever loves you honors God; whoever serves you pleases God; whoever invokes your holy name with a pure heart will infallibly receive the object of his petition.” It is true, Our Lady is a sure way to God’s heart!! As Queen of Heaven she can intercede for us in all things!!
Here is our message for today:
"Dear children! Today I invite you to peace. I have come here as the Queen of Peace and I desire to enrich you with my motherly peace. Dear children, I love you and I desire to bring all of you to the peace which only God gives, and which enriches every heart. I invite you to become carriers and witnesses of my peace to this unpeaceful world. Let peace reign in the whole world which is without peace and longs for peace. I bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call." (July 25, 1990)
Almost every pilgrim in Medjugorje remarks immediately that they feel deep peace in Medjugorje. It is in the air you breathe. No one could manufacture such peace. It is Our Lady’s motherly peace!! And that peace comes from God! This is the peace Our Lady longs to give to us and to the whole world. We want to receive her peace. 
Today we have a prayer, O Mary, Queen of Peace. It was written by St. John Paul II and is a deep cry from his holy heart to our Mother, asking for peace! Let Our Lady fill you with her peace, the peace she gives in Medjugorje, the peace that comes from God!
By Pope John Paul II
December 8, 2003
To you, O Mary,
we turn our gaze with stronger trepidation,
to you we hasten back
with more insistent trust in these times
scarred by a multitude of doubts and fears
for the present and future destiny of our planet.
To you, the first-fruits of humanity redeemed by Christ,
set free at last from the slavery of evil and sin,
we raise together our heartfelt, trusting plea:
listen to the cry of pain of the war victims,
of the victims of the many forms of violence
that bathe the earth in blood.
Dispel the shadows of sorrow and of loneliness,
of hatred and of revenge.
Open to forgiveness the minds and hearts of all!
Queen of Peace,
pray for us!
Mother of mercy and of hope,
obtain for the men and women
of the third millennium the precious gift of peace;
peace in hearts and families,
in communities and among peoples;
peace above all for those nations
where people fight and die every day.
Obtain that every human being of every race and culture
may encounter and accept Jesus,
who came down to earth
in the mystery of Christmas to give 'his" peace to us.
O Mary, Queen of Peace,
give us Christ,
the world's true Peace!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2020
Mary TV. Inc. |
"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
St. John Paul II
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