Thursday, June 16, 2022

Sister Emmanuel's Report, June 2022


© Children of Medjugorje 2022

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Medjugorje, June 15, 2022

Dear friends, praise be to Jesus and Mary!

1. On May 25, 2022, visionary Marija received the following monthly message:

“Dear children! I am looking at you and thanking God for each of you, because He permits me to still be with you, to encourage you to holiness. Little children, peace is disturbed and Satan wants peacelessness. That is why, may your prayer be even stronger so that every unclean spirit of division and war may be stilled. Be builders of peace and carriers of joy of the Risen One in you and around you, for the good to win in every man. Thank you for having responded to my call."

2. At the foot of the Himalaya. In Kathmandu (Nepal), Mother Teresa's sisters were rescuing the poorest of the poor, in accordance with the mission of the Missionaries of Charity. They didn’t at all expect the event that happened to them in 2017. One day, a sister stepped out of the house, saw a young woman passing by in the street, and invited her to come into the convent. She knew nothing about this woman, a certain Maya, of Spanish origin, yet she heard an inner voice telling her: “she is the one!”

Maya was a complete atheist, pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, she hated the Church, the Pope and priests. She was a defender of feminist theories and women's rights. For ten years, she had worked in one of the most prestigious clinics in Bilbao, performing abortions at the rate of one abortion every 10/15 minutes. Later on, she became a brilliant physiotherapist. In her practice, she received well-known people, because she excelled in her work. In addition to all this, she threw herself headlong into sports, even going on ultra-trails. Her great pleasure was to climb mountains, and not just any mountains! She sought perfection in everything, but inside, she felt so empty.

After 20 years of marriage, her husband told her that he was leaving her, and on the same day she made the decision to commit suicide. Then she lay down on a sofa and fell asleep. She woke up to the phone ringing, it was her friend from Kathmandu, a sherpa with whom she had already gone on excursions in the Himalayas. “We had an earthquake,” he said, “and we need well-trained people to help the victims.” Maya decided to answer this call. But she said to herself “When I finish this mission, I will commit suicide”. She gave away all her belongings, so she could disappear after her stay in Nepal.

However, the monsoon was raging in Nepal, and heavy rains forced her to remain in the city.

As she was walking through the streets of Kathmandu with her Sherpa friend, that sister of Mother Teresa approached her, and taking her by the arm, pulled at her and said, “There you are at last! We have been waiting for you for a long time!” But Maya, as an abortionist, hated Mother Teresa with all her soul because she defended life.

The sister said to her, “Come see us tomorrow at 9am”. Maya refused, but she couldn’t sleep all night, and at 9am the next day she showed up at the sisters' house. It should be noted that these sisters had prayed to the Lord for a whole year, through the intercession of Mother Teresa, to send them a physiotherapist, as they needed one. Once there, the sister told her, “Come back tomorrow at 6 a.m., and we will start with Mass.” Maya refused outright, but again could not sleep that night. Then, driven by curiosity, she showed up at the convent at 5:45 a.m. the next morning.

She entered the very modest chapel, and a sister said to her, “Sit over there!” Maya thought, “I'll just make myself really tiny, and at the end of Mass I will ask her why she came up to me in the street.” During Mass, Maya suddenly heard a man's voice that was so loud that it seemed like a loudspeaker that could be heard by all of Kathmandu. But she was the only one to hear the voice.

The voice said and repeated, “Welcome home! You have been so slow to love me!” In front of Maya was a crucifix, and she saw Jesus detach Himself from the crucifix, not dead, but resurrected. At that moment, she experienced an illumination of conscience, and even what is called the particular judgment, that each of us will experience at the moment of death. (See PS 1). For Maya, this was such a powerful experience that she thought she was going to die. Moreover, she knew that if she were to die at that moment, she would go to hell of her own free will. She then began to cry and cry and sob, repeating over and over again the same words “forgive me, forgive me!” Around her formed a pool of tears.

This experience seemed to last 10 minutes, but in reality, it lasted three hours! The sisters surrounded her the entire time. To their amazement, they saw Maya wrapped in a fireball, with tongues of fire dancing above her.

We can guess what happened after that... Maya was radically converted and said, “I came to the sisters as Maya, and I came out as Maria. From then on, she was referred to as Maria of the Himalayas, her new name given by Jesus! She educated herself into the Catholic faith and began to walk humbly with Christ. From Him, she received a beautiful ministry, namely to evangelize and give her testimony. (PS 2)

3. What future awaits us? I am telling this story of Maria of the Himalayas because I often hear questions about the future of the world, questions that are often filled with worry, even anxiety. This testimony, while extraordinary in appearance, is a very real picture of our future. Evil has no future. It will collapse, as does everything that does not come from God. “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted,” Jesus tells us in the Gospel (Matthew 15:13). Our only true future is Christ! Love that has no end, that is our true future, and it is more certain than the coming of the dawn. It is the union of hearts between God and ourselves that will fill us with happiness, a happiness that we can already enjoy here on earth if Christ is really at the center of our life and of our very breathing. Why are we in such a mess today? It is because we have steered our ship in the wrong direction! Then why are we surprised that we are drifting?

Maria of the Himalayas had let herself be dragged into a deep drift, and it took her the experience of her personal judgment in Kathmandu to open her eyes. She experienced the shock of her life when she saw her path of perdition in full light. She did well in crying out to God’s mercy! God always hears the cry of the poor, and He is only too happy to offer it salvation! He made of Maria a very powerful witness, I would even say that she became a powerful warning to our world that is seeking peace outside of God, where there can be no peace.

Let us not wait until the last hour to move along the path of holiness!

What refuge is offered to us? “Sin will reign,” Mary tells us, “But if you are mine, you will win, for your refuge will be the Heart of my Son Jesus.” (July 25, 2019) You will win?? This is the promise given to us by the Mother of God, before whom the grave diggers of Christ (those who want to bury Jesus) have no power. In the current storm that is raging in so many ways, as our human safeties are fading, Jesus' boat will not sink, even if it takes on water.

4. The 41st Anniversary of the Apparitions this year, on June 25th, is the day on which we also celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (See PS3). To thank her for her daily comings and for all the countless graces that her intercession obtains for us, the parish of Medjugorje is doing a novena of intense prayer, as it does every year. Each of us can choose what kind of novena we wish to offer to Mary. A gift has to be made with the heart! For my part, I would suggest 4 possibilities:

a. Prayer. Emphasize prayer for sinners and for those who do not yet know the love of God, a prayer so dear to Our Lady. These words of Jesus to St. Faustina will encourage us: “The loss of each soul plunges me into mortal sadness. You always console me when you pray for sinners. The prayer that is most pleasing to me is this prayer for the conversion of sinful souls. Know, my daughter, that this prayer is always answered. (Diary § 1397)

b. Forgiveness. A beautiful gift to Our Lady is also a firm decision to forgive and leave no trace of bitterness in our hearts. One day St. Faustina saw Jesus lying on the cross and He said to her: “My pupil, have a great love for those who make you suffer, do good to those who hate you.“ I replied: O my Master, you can see that I have no feeling of love for them, and it saddens me. – Jesus answered me: The feeling is not always in your power. You will recognize that you have love when, after experiencing annoyances and contradictions, you do not lose your calm, but you pray for those who have made you suffer, and you wish them well.” (Diary §1627)

c. Offering up suffering. Mary knows our sufferings because she experienced them, she tells us. At her own request in Medjugorje, every Friday we venerate the cross of her Son, from which great graces are granted to us. Jesus said to St. Faustina, My daughter, meditate frequently on the sufferings which I have undergone for your sake, and then nothing of what you suffer for Me will seem great to you. You please Me most when you meditate on my Sorrowful Passion. Join your little sufferings to my Sorrowful Passion, so that they may have infinite value before My Majesty.” (Diary §1512). Mary tells us, “Faith helps in suffering and suffering without faith leads to despair. The suffering lived and offered to God elevates! I am with you in life, in suffering, in pain, in joy and in love, that is why you must keep hope! (March 2, 2018)

d. A firm NO to fear. Mary tells us, “My children, do not waste your time thinking about the future and worrying about it. May your only concern be to live well every moment according to my Son, and you will have peace.” (Oct. 2, 2017)

5. The Youth Festival will take place from 1 to 6 August, with the theme Become my disciples and you will find peace! (Matthew 11:28-30). Come and join us! The program can be found on the parish website,

- The spiritual retreat for priests will take place from 4 to 9 July.

- The Spiritual Retreat for Married Couples is from 2 to 5 November.

6. Our next live broadcast in French will be on June 26 at 9pm. The live broadcast of May 26, with commentary on the message of May 25, can be seen here:

7. SPOTIFY! A very practical and brand new tool! Don’t miss the opportunity to listen to the selection of talks I have given to date, to help us walk together towards the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

A new audio online (in French): “The Charter of the Prayer Group Founded by Mary.”

8. Videos that you won’t want to miss on YouTube:

  • “I had an appointment with Death at 5 pm.”

Sr Emmanuel's Personal Testimony

Dearest Gospa, you told us that your greatest joy was to see us pray together to your Son Jesus, with united hearts. This is the gift we want to give you on this 41st Anniversary of your Apparitions!

May your Heart, the Heart of Jesus and our hearts be one heart!

Sister Emmanuel + (Community of the Beatitudes)

Translated from French

PS 1. See Catholic Catechism: §1021 Death puts an end to human life as the time open to either accepting or rejecting the divine grace manifested in Christ. (Cf. 2 Tim 1:9-10). The New Testament speaks of judgment primarily in the perspective of the final encounter with Christ in his second coming, but also repeatedly affirms immediate retribution after the death of each person according to his works and faith.

§1022 Each man receives his eternal retribution in his immortal soul at the very moment of his death, in a particular judgment that refers his life to Christ: either entrance into the blessedness of heaven-through a purification or immediately, or immediate and everlasting damnation.

Link to the Catechism

“At the evening of life, we shall be judged on our love.” (St John of the Cross)

PS 2. About Maria of the Himalayas, look at:

(From abortion nurse to unconditional love messenger)

PS 3. Pope Pius XII instituted the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in response to a request from the Blessed Mother at Fatima to the 3 little shepherds, on June 13, 1917: “Jesus wants to establish in the world a devotion to my Immaculate Heart. To whomever embraces this devotion, I promise salvation.” She repeated this request on July 13, 1917. On October 31, 1942, Pius XII consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and renewed this consecration on December 8, 1942.

PS 4. In Sinu Jesu. A best-seller translated into 12 languages!  The diary of an Irish Benedictine priest. There is a very deep dialog between the priest and the Lord Jesus, Mary and some saints such as Little Thérèse. A book that changes the life of a Christian by opening unsuspected horizons for his relationship with God.

E-book. Angelico Press 2016 4709 Briar Knoll Dr. Kettering OH 45429 -

PS 5. Another example of how God intervenes in the lives of gangsters is demonstrated in the life of a notorious gangster from London who had an incredible conversion, and now devotes his life to God by giving missions in schools and parishes around the UK and Ireland. His book 'From Gangland to Promised Land' tells us of his profound conversion.

For more information about his missions, see his website:

PS 6. Are you wondering what's happening today in the Catholic Church? We strongly advice that you read Ralph Martin's latest book:

"A Church in Crisis: Pathways Forwards". Ralph offers a detailed look at the growing hostility to the Catholic Church and its teaching. With copious evidence he uncovers the forces working to undermine the Body of Christ and offers hope to those looking for clarity.

PS 7. Great News! Some of my books are now available in Romanian, Croatian, Slovak and Polish. They can be purchased at the links below:

  • "Lupta Spirituala: Cale rapida de unire cu Dumnezeu"

Romanian edition of “Spiritual Warfare: The Express Lane to Union With God by Sister Emmanuel” by Sora Emmanuel Maillard

  • Ruženec: "Cesta, ktorá ti zmení život"

Slovak edition of “The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life by Sister Emmanuel” by Sestra Emmanuel Maillard

  • "Krunica: Putovanje Koje Ti Mijenja Život"

Croatian edition of “The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life by Sister Emmanuel” by Sestra Emmanuel Maillard

  • "Różaniec: Podróż, która zmieni twoje życie"

Polish edition of “The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life by Sister Emmanuel” by Siostra Emmanuel Maillard

PS 8. See "The Amazing Secret of the Souls in Purgatory, with Sr. Emmanuel USA | Paperback | Kindle eBook UK | Paperback | Kindle eBook Canada | Paperback | Kindle eBook

Available from Amazon Worldwide

Google Play | EPUB eBook | Google Books

PS 9. "Jesus today".  Here is some excellent daily nourishment to grow in the love of Christ! On the website Mary of Nazareth you will find the gospel of the day with a very interesting comment to "Jesus today".

PS 10. During this time of restricted movement to other countries, some of you may want to read one (or more) of my books. They can be purchased from whichever continent you live on! If you would like to buy one for yourself or for a friend you can buy the paperback or e-book at the following links:

The Forgotten Power of Fasting: Click HERE

The Amazing Secret of Purgatory: Click HERE

Maryam of Bethlehem: Click HERE

Peace will have the last Word: Click HERE

Scandalous Mercy: Click HERE

Or if you live in Europe: Click HERE

The Hidden Child of Medjugorje: Click HERE

PS 11. Do you want to live the school of Our lady at Home? Get all our material from our website:


Her videos are at the link below:

Videos of litanies that help to win over Evil:

PS 12. Check out our YouTube presentations and our videos categorized by topics:

PS 13. Our Lady is hoping to hear from you! Give joy to her heart, write to her your gratitude and your needs at "Queen of Peace", BP 2157, F-06103 Nice Cedex, France. Your letter will be given to a visionary, and Mary will answer you in prayer.

PS 14. Good news for italian speakers!!!

We now have a website Don't wait to look at it!

PS 15. To receive the "Monthly reports from Medjugorje" by Sr. Emmanuel

French (the original copy):











Children of Medjugorje, INC | Kacide 5, Medjugorje, 88266 Bosnia & Herzegovina

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