Friday, November 10, 2023

Mary TV: November 10, 2022 Reflection - You, little children, are my hope...



You, little children, are my hope...

November 10, 2023

Dear Family of Mary!

We continue our review of the messages from Our Lady over the past year. In this message for January, Our Lady makes a heartfelt plea to her children (that's you and me) to pray, fast, do penance and pray for peace. I have never heard her speak so clearly and urgently about the state of mankind. But this is indeed the situation today.

Today is the Feast of St. Leo the Great! When St. Leo was working for the Pope in Rome, Atilla the Hun advanced against Rome to destroy it. The Empire was very weak and Atilla had taken over the whole world. His last stroke was to be Rome. But St. Leo was sent to 'negotiate' with Atilla. No army behind him, only two escorts with him, St. Leo approached Atilla and asked for a meeting. Atilla and Leo spoke together, and as a result, Atilla packed up his vast army departed, leaving Rome intact! No one knows what was said at that meeting, but it changed the history of the world!

Our Lady is looking to us to be like those two escorts who accompanied St. Leo to the meeting with Atilla. With nothing but our hearts and our prayer and fasting, we need to support Our Lady as she confronts our enemy and defeats him. She needs us! We are her hope!

January 25, 2023 

"Dear children!

Pray with me for peace,

because Satan wants war

and hatred in hearts and peoples.

Therefore, pray and sacrifice your days

by fasting and penance,

that God may give you peace.

The future is at a crossroads,

because modern man does not want God.

That is why mankind is heading to perdition.

You, little children, are my hope.

Pray with me,

that what I began in Fatima and here may be realized.

Be prayer and witness peace in your surroundings,

and be people of peace. 

Thank you for having responded to my call."

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

(c) Mary TV 2023      


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