Thursday, May 16, 2024

Mary TV: May 16, 2024 Reflection - Pray in solitude to the Holy Spirit!



Pray in solitude to the Holy Spirit!

May 16, 2024

Dear Family of Mary!

We draw ever closer to Pentecost. Here is another message from Our Lady which will help us to prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit:

April 25, 2020 

"Dear children!

May this time be an incentive

for personal conversion for you.

Pray, little children, in solitude, to the Holy Spirit

to strengthen you in faith and trust in God,

that you may be worthy witnesses

of the love which God bestows upon you

through my presence.

Little children,

do not permit trials to harden your heart

and for prayer to be like a desert.

Be a reflection of God's love

and witness the Risen Jesus by your lives.

I am with you and I love all of you with my motherly love.

Thank you for having responded to my call."

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

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St. John Paul II
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