Thursday, August 08, 2024

Mary TV: August 8, 2024 Reflection - I want each one of be with me in Heaven.



I want each one of be with me in Heaven.

August 8, 2024

Dear Family of Mary!

Day 2 of our Novena before the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary!

Today's message shows how serious Our Lady is! She wants each one of us to be in Heaven with her!!! But our wills are involved. We must choose holiness. We must reject satan every day, because he will not quit tempting us. This is a fight to the death! But Our Lady is with us to bring us through it all, unto Heaven!

May 25, 1987 

"Dear children!

I am calling every one of you

to start living in God's love.

Dear children,

you are ready to commit sin,

and to put yourselves in the hand of satan

without reflecting.

I call on each one of you

to consciously decide for God

and against satan.

I am your Mother and, therefore,

I want to lead you all to perfect holiness.

I want each one of you

to be happy here on earth

and to be with me in Heaven.

That is, dear children,

the purpose of my coming here

and it's my desire.

Thank you for having responded to my call."

Dearest Mother Mary, we know that you were assumed into Heaven, body and soul, to be with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and all the Heavenly Host, for eternity. From Heaven, you come to us now, every day, in Medjugorje! You bring Heaven with you, and we all have felt it. We want to do everything we can to prepare for Heaven. We will listen to your words with our hearts, and respond as best we can. Thank you, dearest Mother, for being with us in Medjugorje! Amen, Alleluia!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Cathy Nolan

(c)Mary TV. TV

Mary TV. Inc. |

"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."

St. John Paul II

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