Saturday, August 27, 2005


There are so many things in life we question--we cannot understand. Why does God do this, why doesn't He do that, how can He allow these things to happen. Particularly in our daily lives, we just can't understand this or that.
In the Good Book--in the Scriptures it clearly states--:
"We know in part--we prophesy in part." (I Cor. 13:9) St. Francis de Sales explains further:

  • "If we would KNOW ALL
  • we would UNDERSTAND ALL
  • and FORGIVE ALL!

How true--we think we know it all--but we just don't!

To meditate on the above can make a great difference in our understanding and tolerance.

It's amazing in how many situations the above quotation fits like a glove.

There is an old Indian saying--a Prayer--of much wisdom:

"Grant that I may not criticize my

neighbor until I have walked a mile

in his moccasins."

Indeed if we would and could walk a mile in someone else's shoes then we'd know and be amazed and understand and FORGIVE!

Often we judge someone falsely, or at a given set of circumstances, (circumstantial evidence) we judge so quickly. We think we know the whole story, but we just don't.

Father Timothy Murphy of Cape Coral, Fla. would say:

"There we go again--judging--you shouldn't judge anyway!" Good thinking Father Murphy.

Books on St. Francis de Sales, particularly "Introduction to a Devout Life" you can obtain in most book stores--or again go to

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