Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mary TV Daily Reflection 4/27/2011

nature in flames

Nature in flames. Image by Per Ola Wiberg ~ Powi via Flickr

April 27, 2011
Easter Wednesday
Alleluia, He is Risen!

Dear Family of Mary!

"Dear children! As nature gives the most beautiful colors of the year, I also call you to witness with your life and to help others to draw closer to my Immaculate Heart, so that the flame of love for the Most High may sprout in their hearts. I am with you and I unceasingly pray for you that your life may be a reflection of Heaven here on earth. Thank you for having responded to my call."  

(April 25, 2011)

Our Lady loves nature.  She loves to draw our attention to nature, to the colors of spring, to the flowers that bloom and the trees that blossom and leaf out.  She has called us to go out into nature and discov

Mother Nature

Image via Wikipedia

er God.  Nature holds a key for us in understanding our relationship with God.  Here are some of her words about nature:

"Dear children! Today I invite you all to awaken your hearts to love. Go into nature and look how nature is awakening and it will be a help to you to open your hearts to the love of God, the Creator." (April 25, 1993)  For Our Lady, the springtime buds and shoots speak of new life, and the trusting obedience of the plants.  They poke their way out of the ground, even when it is still cold, because they know God is calling them. It is time to open to life! 


"Dear children! Also today I call you to give glory to God the Creator in the colors of nature. He speaks to you also through the smallest flower about His beauty and the depth of love with which He has created you. Little children, may prayer flow from your hearts like fresh water from a spring. May the wheat fields speak to you about the mercy of God towards every creature. That is why, renew prayer of thanksgiving for everything He gives you. Thank you for having responded to my call."  (August 25, 1999)  Nature teaches us about our own creation.  Our Lady tells us that it was Love that created us.  It is Mercy that sustains us.  We are created by God through His love and our lives have meaning.  We are meant by God to live with him forever!


"Dear children! In this time of grace, I call you to come even closer to God through your personal prayer. Make good use of the time of rest and give your soul and your eyes rest in God. Find peace in nature and you will discover God the Creator Whom you will be able to give thanks to for all creatures; then you will find joy in your heart. Thank you for having responded to my call."  (

a picture of nature showing that someone appri...

Image via Wikipedia

July 25, 2001)  We discover God in nature.  We encounter Him in the incredible variety and beauty of the universe.  It is His creative genius that has designed each and every facet of our reality.  It is a source of continual wonder.  We have been created by God who is Creative Reason, Love and Freedom, in the words of Pope Benedict XVI.  

In his Easter Vigil Homily for April 23, 2011, the Pope said:  "The world is a product of the Word, of the Logos, as Saint John expresses it, using a key term from the Greek language. 'Logos' means 'reason', 'sense, 'word'. It is not reason pure and simple, but creative Reason, that speaks and communicates itself. It is Reason that both is and creates sense. 

"The creation account tells us, then, that the world is a product of creative Reason. Hence it tells us that, far from there being an absence of reason and freedom at the origin of all things, the source of everything is creative Reason, love, and freedom. Here we are faced with the ultimate alternative that is at stake in the dispute between faith and unbelief: are irrationality, lack of freedom and pure chance the origin of everything, or are reason, freedom and love at the origin of being? Does the primacy belong to unreason or to reason? This is what everything hinges upon in the final analysis. 

"As believers we answer, with the creation account and with John, that in the beginning is reason. In the beginning is freedom. Hence it is good to be a human person. It is not the case that in the expanding universe, at a late stage, in some tiny corner of the cosmos, there evolved randomly some species of living being capable of reasoning and of trying to find rationality within creation, or to bring rationality into it. If man were merely a random product of evolution in some place on the margins of the universe, then his life would make no sense or might even be a chance of nature. But no, Reason is there at the beginning: creative, divine Reason."  (E

Benedictus XVI in St Peter's Basilica, on June...

Image via Wikipedia

aster Vigil Homily of His Holiness Benedict XVI, Saint Peter's Basilica, Holy Saturday, 23 April 2010)

I love this.  We are created by Reason, Love and Freedom!!  We have a God who has given us life that makes sense, that is based on a purpose and design that is for our good, and in which we are free to respond to His love with love!  This we can discover in nature!  We can see it all around us.  And that is exactly what Our Lady wants us to discover and understand when we behold nature.  She wants us to discover the God who loves us, and who has created us for love!

There is such security in knowing our Creator and His unending love for us.  We have a Father who will never reject us, who loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die for us, and who waits for us to respond to His love with our hearts open and ready.  May we all respond to His love with our own!

In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,

Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2011

P.S.  Isn't it amazing to see how Our Lady and Pope Benedict XVI both speak about the same things at the same time!  They are both responding to the same  Holy Spirit! 



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