Saturday, October 22, 2016

Update on Asia Bibi. Take Action.

Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.-Hebrews 13:3

Update on Asia Bibi.

On October 13 in Islamabad, Asia Bibi’s hearing appeal against her death sentence was cancelled when Justice Muhammad Iqbal Hameed‐ur-Rehman, one of the three Supreme Court Justices recused himself, and refused take part in the hearing. Bibi’s lawyer, Saif‐ul-Mulook, said it could take weeks or months for the hearing to be rescheduled. Read more.

Take Action.

Please, pray, sign the petition for Asia Bibi’s release, and raise awareness among your friends, families, and churches for Pakistani Christians.

For more information, visit
Our mailing address is:
Christian Freedom International
P.O. Box 535
Front RoyalVA 22630

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