Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Sister Emmanuel's Report, August 2022


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Medjugorje, August 16, 2022
Dear Friends, praise be to Jesus and Mary!     
1.     On July 25, 2022, visionary Marija received the following monthly message: 

“Dear children! I am with you to lead you on the way of conversion, because, little children, with your lives you can draw many souls closer to my Son. You be joyful witnesses of God’s word and love, and with hope in the heart which conquers every evil. Forgive those who inflict evil on you, and go on the way of holiness. I am leading you to my Son, for Him to be the way, the truth and the life for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
2. Seize the blessing! Thanks to the great German mystic, Teresa Neumann (1898-1962), a farm woman with the stigmata who was so humble and "normal", we have a better understanding of what is offered to us through God's blessing, especially that given by priests.
Through a priestly blessing, we are graced with a flood of divine holiness, no less! Jesus himself said to Teresa, that if the soul opens up to Him, then His blessing can bring it to holiness. Is this not Mary’s’ great wish for us, her children, and the purpose of her visits in Medjugorje for over 41 years, that we become holy, and live eternally with God in extraordinary union? 

In Medjugorje, Mary urges us to open our hearts wide when the priest gives the blessing because, she says, when a priest blesses you, it is Jesus Himself who blesses you. She added: "If priests knew what they give us when they bless, they would be blessing day and night." 

One day, an English priest came to our house and we asked him for his blessing. Then I quoted this message to him from Mary. He was so moved that his eyes filled with tears. Tears of joy, of course! He told me that from now on, he would live out his priesthood differently. He had never before realized the immense gift that the Sacrament of Holy Orders had bestowed on his priestly hands. 

The revelations given by Jesus to Teresa Neumann amaze us, and we are enchanted by the rich promises they contain! They also invite us to reflect on how we receive the priest's blessing at the end of Mass or on other occasions. How many times have we received it without really paying attention, thoughtlessly!
Here are some of the words of Jesus that can heal us from distraction: "A blessing is a heavenly dew for the soul, through which all that is done can bear fruit. Through the power to bless, I have given to priests the power to open the treasure of my Heart and pour out a shower of graces on souls. When priests give the blessing, I give the blessing. And then an uninterrupted stream of graces flows from my Heart to the soul, until it is completely filled.

"Keep your heart open so as not to lose the benefit of the blessing! Through my blessing, you receive the grace of love, you receive help for your soul and your body. My holy blessing contains all the help that humanity needs. Thanks to this blessing, you are given the strength and desire to seek good, to escape evil, and to enjoy the protection against the powers of darkness. It is a great privilege when a blessing is bestowed upon you. You cannot understand how much mercy this brings to you. 

"Never receive the blessing carelessly or thoughtlessly, instead receive it with all your attention! You are poor before you receive the blessing, you are rich after you receive it. My blessing often produces effects that are unknown to the soul. Have great confidence in this overflow of my Sacred Heart and reflect seriously on this favor. Receive the holy blessing with sincerity, because its graces only enter a humble heart! Receive it with good will and with the intention of becoming better, then it will penetrate into the depths of your heart and produce its effects. Be a daughter of blessing, then you yourself will be a blessing to others.”
3 - You should understand this!
Father Streitfelner talks about his own experience with Teresa Neumann, when he went to visit her one day in Waldsassen. This was after World War II. 
Resl (as she was called) asked him to bless her. As he blessed her, Resl's gaze was all around the priest and behind him. After the blessing, he asked her what she was looking at: "Why don't you look straight ahead while you are being blessed?” She replied, "Reverend, you should know this. Every time a priest blesses, I see the Savior behind him; I see Him raise his hand and give the blessing. And I would rather see the Savior than yourself, you should understand this, Reverend!”
(Like many mystics, Teresa Neumann was very outspoken and had a strong sense of humor!)

The seminarian who had accompanied Father Streitfelner to her home then, made the following observation: "How beautiful it is to be a priest and to be able to give the blessing! With Jesus, in Jesus and through Jesus! When I become a priest, I will give the blessing often!”
One morning, Teresa Neumann said to her spiritual director, Father Josef Naber: "You went to bed very late last night, Father!” He asked her how she knew. She replied, "I felt your blessing!”

4 - A message that gives you a jolt! On May 2, 2009, Our Lady told us: "... You allow sin to surround you more and more. You allow it to dominate you and deprive you of the capacity for discernment. My poor children, look around you and see the signs of the times! Do you think you can do without God's blessing? Do not allow the darkness to envelop you. From the depths of your heart, cry out to my Son. His Name disperses even the greatest darkness...”
Every day, when she appears to the visionaries, Mary gives her blessing, as a mother blesses her children. Vicka told me that this favor is not only for the visionaries. She said that all those who gather in prayer at the moment of Mary's daily apparition, to welcome her into their hearts, receive the same graces as those received by the visionaries, even if they are on another continent. 

Mary explains: "The priest's blessing is greater than mine, for the priest has received the anointing in his hands" (of the Sacrament of Holy Orders). The blessing of the Virgin Mary is very important, it complements that of her Son without substituting it. Just before His Passion, Jesus came to his mother to describe what he was going to suffer and asked her to bless Him, as a mother blesses her child. Then she herself asked her Son to bless her. How can we imagine what happened then between them?! What a sublime exchange! Jesus did not want to surrender himself into the hands of sinners without first receiving his mother's blessing!

The gift of the Blessing and its power goes back to the origins of Revelation. There are thousands of examples to share, but that would take an entire book! Long before Abraham, as early as in Genesis, God blessed His creation, man and woman in particular (PS1).

Jesus' last gesture on the Mount of Olives was to bless His apostles and this blessing continues for all generations. The Hebrew term in the Bible (Berakhah) is very rich in meaning. The Latin word (benedire), which came later, impoverished this meaning, for it is not a matter of "speaking good”, but of receiving the treasures of the Heart of God in true divine communication. This communication is given directly to the soul, without going through the mind. This is why it is normal not to "feel" it.

Thank you, Moses! I wish to end this report with the magnificent Blessing that God gave Moses to bless his people (Numbers 6:25-27). These words come to us from the very mouth of God! Many priests use this blessing at the end of Mass, and St. Francis of Assisi gave it often:
"Adonai spoke to Moses and said, ... This is how you shall bless the Israelites. Say to them: 

The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let his face shine upon you and be gracious to you! The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace! 
“So they will put my name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them.”

5. The Youth Festival, with the theme "Become my disciples and you will find peace!" (Mt 11:28-30) brought in a huge crowd, mainly youth from Poland and from other Eastern European countries.  
You can see some testimonies here:
6. The month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Let us offer the Mother of God her beautiful Litanies, they make the enemy flee and spread peace in our hearts! 
7. Watch our videos:
  • Let Peace Flow to Your Heart Like a River
  • “I had an appointment with Death at 5 pm.”
Sr Emmanuel's Personal Testimony
8. Our next live broadcast will be on August 26th at 9pm, but it will be a bit different, as we too need a break! I will just give the commentary of the message at 9pm, but it won’t be followed by a chat as it usually is. The July 26th live broadcast in full can be seen here: 
9. SPOTIFY! A very practical and brand new tool! Don’t miss the opportunity to listen to the selection of talks I have given to date, to help us walk together towards the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

New online catechesis, audio version (it is not necessary to have Spotify).
Dearest Gospa, we are filled with joy to know that you are in Heaven, both body and soul! What a privilege! You are showing us what we will become when our mortal bodies are glorified. “I believe in the resurrection of the body!” 

Sister Emmanuel + (Community of the Beatitudes)
Translated from French
PS1. “… So, God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. And God blessed them….” (Gen 1:27-28)

PS2. At the end of the Youth Festival, Father Marinko Sakota, who is handing his position as parish priest over to the new Pastor of St James, was given thanks with an extra abundant applause by the crowd. He fully deserved it, after giving his all for his parishioners and the pilgrims! He was able to further spread the spirit of Father Slavko Barbaric.

On this foto we see bishop Aldo Cavalli giving a hug to father Marinko
PS3. The spiritual retreat for married couples will be from November 2nd to November 5th.
PS 5. Great News! Some of my books are now available in Romanian, Croatian, Slovak and Polish.  They can be purchased at the links below:

  • "Lupta Spirituala: Cale rapida de unire cu Dumnezeu"
Romanian edition of “Spiritual Warfare: The Express Lane to Union With God by Sister Emmanuel” by Sora Emmanuel Maillard 
  • Ruženec: "Cesta, ktorá ti zmení život"
Slovak edition of “The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life by Sister Emmanuel” by Sestra Emmanuel Maillard 
  • "Krunica: Putovanje Koje Ti Mijenja Život"
Croatian edition of “The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life by Sister Emmanuel” by Sestra Emmanuel Maillard 
  • "Różaniec: Podróż, która zmieni twoje życie"
Polish edition of “The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life by Sister Emmanuel” by Siostra Emmanuel Maillard 
PS 6. See "The Amazing Secret of the Souls in Purgatory, with Sr. Emmanuel USA | Paperback | Kindle eBook Canada | Paperback | Kindle eBook
Available from Amazon Worldwide
Google Play | EPUB eBook | Google Books
PS 7. "Jesus today".  Here is some excellent daily nourishment to grow in the love of Christ! On the website Mary of Nazareth you will find the gospel of the day with a very interesting comment to "Jesus today".
PS 8. During this time of restricted movement to other countries, some of you may want to read one (or more) of my books. They can be purchased from whichever continent you live on! If you would like to buy one for yourself or for a friend you can buy the paperback or e-book at the following links:

The Forgotten Power of Fasting: Click HERE

The Amazing Secret of Purgatory: Click HERE

Maryam of Bethlehem: Click HERE

Peace will have the last Word: Click HERE

Scandalous Mercy: Click HERE
Or if you live in Europe: Click HERE

The Hidden Child of Medjugorje: Click HERE

PS 9. Do you want to live the school of Our lady at Home? Get all our material from our website:

Her videos are at the link below:

Videos of litanies that help to win over Evil:
PS 10. Check out our YouTube presentations and our videos categorized by topics:

PS 11. Our Lady is hoping to hear from you! Give joy to her heart, write to her your gratitude and your needs at "Queen of Peace", BP 2157, F-06103 Nice Cedex, France. Your letter will be given to a visionary, and Mary will answer you in prayer.

PS 12. Good news for Italian speakers!!! 
We now have a website Don't wait to look at it!

PS 13. To receive the "Monthly reports from Medjugorje" by Sr. Emmanuel
French (the original copy):

Children of Medjugorje, INC | Kacide 5, Medjugorje, 88266 Bosnia & Herzegovina

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