Friday, October 04, 2024

Mary TV: October 4, 2024 Reflection - Pray that your life be joyful thanksgiving !!



Pray that your life be joyful thanksgiving

October 4, 2024

Dear Family of Mary!

The Psalm for today's Mass is one of my favorite readings! It tells us so beautifully how much we are loved by God!

Psalm 139

O Lord, you have probed me and you know me; 

you know when I sit and when I stand; 

you understand my thoughts from afar.

My journeys and my rest you scrutinize, 

with all my ways you are familiar. R/

Where can I go from your spirit?

From your presence where can I flee?

If I go up to the heavens, you are there; 

if I sink to the nether world, you are present there. R/

If I take the wings of the dawn, 

if I settle at the farthest limits of the sea,

Even there your hand shall guide me, 

and your right hand hold me fast. R/

Truly you have formed my inmost being; 

you knit me in my mother’s womb.

I give you thanks that I am fearfully, wonderfully made;

wonderful are your works. R/

This Psalm helps us to feel deeply the power of our God, His providence, His care, and His love! When we pray this psalm, we feel like a well loved child!!

In this message, Our Lady also proclaims the great power of God's love, from a similar perspective!!

August 25, 1988 
"Dear children! Today I invite you all to rejoice in the life which God gives you. Little children, rejoice in God, the Creator, because He has created you so wonderfully. Pray that your life be joyful thanksgiving which flows out of your heart like a river of joy. Little children, give thanks unceasingly for all that you possess, for each little gift which God has given you, so that a joyful blessing always comes down from God upon your life. Thank you for having responded to my call."

We have been created so wonderfully!! Thanks be to God for His great creative love!!!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Cathy Nolan

Mary TV

PS. Don't forget our prayer time with Ivan Dragicevic tomorrow, Saturday, October 5.

Join us at 4:40 pm Medjugorje time (10:40 am Eastern time, US) at !!

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"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."

St. John Paul II

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