Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Sister Emmanuel's Report, October 2024


© Children of Medjugorje 2024

Permission is given to use the text of these reports under two conditions:

1) No words are changed, 2) "Children of Medjugorje" is cited along with our website:

Medjugorje, October 15, 2024

St. Teresa of Avila

Dear Friends, praise be to Jesus and Mary!

1. On September 25, 2024, the visionary, Marija, received the following monthly message:

“Dear children! Out of love towards you, God has sent me among you, to love you and encourage you to prayer and conversion, for peace in you and in your families and in the world. Little children, do not forget that true peace comes only through prayer from God, who is your peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (With ecclesiastical approval.)

2. A major turning point for the messages! After Marija’s apparition on September 25th, the translators of the message received an unusual surprise: following the Nihil Obstat granted by the Vatican for Medjugorje, the message could be translated and then submitted for approval by the Church before being published. This approval was granted a few hours later by Mgr. Aldo Cavalli (PS1)

See in PS2 the current situation of the 6 visionaries.

3. Saint Joseph never ceases to surprise me

I have just returned from my annual mission in Spain, and I am delighted to see how Heaven has been with us on this long journey to each of the 8 cities we visited. Heaven showed itself in a real way through an astonishing event that I wish to report here, for the glory of God.

Our small team consists of 5 people. We travel in a van, and we pray together a lot. Each one of us has their own job to do. I sit in the back seat next to my French-Spanish translator, Juan Antonio, and next to him is Gloria, who establishes the connection with the parishes we are invited to. In front of us is Jesùs B., who is driving. Next to him is our friend Juan, husband of Gloria, Jesùs' teammate, who generously takes care of all the practical things. In short, the ideal team!

When we drove through the city of Oviedo, it was crazy out there in the streets, because it was the annual festival of the Americas. Juan Antonio was walking slowly enough to follow my pace, and explain to me so many beautiful things about this celebration.

Back in the van, he wanted to call his family, but then he realized that his iPhone had disappeared. He had put it in a bag that he carried on his back. We looked for the phone everywhere: on the bench, on the floor, in every corner of the vehicle... Nothing! Juan and Jesùs called his number many times, but there was no answer. It was a catastrophe! The phone had been stolen from his bag, as sometimes happens on busy days when pickpockets are active. We started praying, and everyone was fervently invoking God and his saints.

As for me, I called upon my father-in-law, that is to say Saint Joseph (the husband of my Heavenly Mother). As he had worked quite a few miracles in our house in Medjugorje, I reminded him of what he was capable of and I said to him: “You know in whose hands this phone is. You also know that this simple instrument is very important for our mission, because it contains contacts, information and documents that are necessary for us. Without this phone, some aspects of our mission will be compromised. And this mission must serve to spread the messages of your spouse, Mary, so this directly concerns you! Well… forgive my audacity, but please bring this phone back to us and put it into our hands. You can do it! You've already done it for other things… ”

Shortly after this prayer, I decided to call Juan Antonio's number, knowing that it had not answered my friends' calls a few minutes earlier. So, I called, and now we heard the phone ringing! Juan Antonio jumped up, looked in the direction of the ringtone... his phone was there, between him and me, just lying there on the seat!

Needless to say, we were overawed by immense joy, and praise just flowed from our hearts and mouths! We were 5 witnesses to this extraordinary fact, and we will never forget it. Blessed be St Joseph and his fatherly love for all those who confidently invoke him and who rest in his fatherhood, so tender and so powerful. I believe that in Heaven, his Son Jesus continues to listen attentively to his adoptive father. Isn't he the one who gave the bread of the earth to the One who is the Bread of Heaven? Was he not the shepherd for the Lamb who was to wipe out the sin of the world?

4. What I did not imagine about the Virgin Mary.

In this month of the Rosary, let us discover Mary's wonderful role in the plan of salvation. In his book "Cosi ho visto l 'immcaulata ", (This is how I saw the Immaculate), Don Dolindo Ruotolo quotes the words he received from the Virgin Mary, words that reveal to us an unknown aspect of her greatness and the unique role she plays for the salvation of humanity and of each one of us:

“I am Mary Immaculate, your Mother, Queen of Heaven and earth.” “I am above the angels, because, more than all the angels, I was submitted to the will of God… I fulfilled the highest plan of God, the plan of the Incarnation of the Word.

“Angels recognize God's plan for creatures, and become His messengers. They execute it and encourage the creatures entrusted to them to accomplish it...

When I heard the Angel's announcement, I replied: "Here is the handmaid of the Lord", I mended the cry of rebellious angels: "I will not serve!” And by giving myself totally to God, I welcomed the Word of God into my womb.

Angels receive some rays of divine light and pour them onto the creatures; I received the Divinity itself and became its Mother. So, I reign over the angels because I play a restorative role for all those who are fallen, and also a surrogate role in their mission, because to the highest degree, I fulfill the angelic mission.

The rebellious angels fell from their height because they did not want to accept the humanity of the Word of God… I repaired this offense by worshipping this humanity in my womb… by always remaining His servant while being his Mother.

5. Joy for Mary? In this month of the Rosary, we might want to be a little creative and imagine the moments of joy that Our Lady was able to experience during her life. If we read between the lines of the Joyful Mysteries, we can guess the very simple events where Mary felt particularly joyful. When we, her children, think of her often, it already gives her great joy. But we can make her flutter with joy when we unite with her by meditating on the happy moments of her life.

I propose 7 moments of her life. These are not mysteries, but paths for meditating on what her heart may have experienced.

A. In Nazareth, her joy to see that an Angel had spoken to Joseph during the night! Her joy to see him so happy to learn that he could take her as his spouse!

B. At her cousin Elisabeth’s home, her joy at feeling her Child move in her womb for the first time, and how a river of infinite tenderness filled her.

C. In the stable in Bethlehem, her joy as she listens to the Shepherds' story. How the Angel had revealed to them who the little newborn was, and how an army of Angels had sung the Glory of God….

D. Her joy when she saw the radical conversion of Mary Magdalene, after so many fervent prayers. Her joy when a deep friendship with her was born.

E. On the morning of the Resurrection, her joy at the unexpected burst of her Risen Son into her apartment, (before he went to the tomb), the unspeakable joy she experienced when he held her against his Heart with infinite tenderness. Her joy at seeing his body totally restored by the mysterious effect of the Resurrection, having seeing it shattered to the point of no longer resembling anything human.

F. After Jesus' Ascension into Heaven, her joy of being with Saint John, of living the Mass celebrated by him and of receiving Holy Communion from his hands! Her joy at having her Son living in her heart and being united with Him in the mystery of the Eucharist.

G. Her joy at hearing the words of her Son Jesus resound within her through the preaching of the apostles.

6. Catholic therapist. Have you or someone you know been thinking that you may benefit from seeing a counsellor/ therapist? A lady who spent nearly 2 years with me in Medjugorje, and who fully embraced Our Lady’s school, is a qualified therapist. If you would like to speak to someone about any issues that are happening in your life, safe in the knowledge that you can bring your faith into the therapy, then please send an email to 

and request a free consultation. (Counselling is offered online via Zoom).

7. The next Live broadcast in French will be on October 26th at 9pm. Commentary on the message of September 25 can be found here:

8. Have you listened to the audio version of this report? Make it known to those who prefer to listen rather than read! Here is the link:

Audio report also in Italian,

In French

And in Spanish

9. SPOTIFY! A very practical tool! Don’t miss the opportunity to listen to the selection of talks I have given to date, to help us walk together towards the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!

Online catechesis, audio version (it is not necessary to have Spotify).

10. Don't miss our videos:

Dearest Gospa! We are so happy to have you as our Mother! We do not want to take our eyes off you, because in the midst of the most horrible tragedies of this world at war, you are the one who consoles us and fills us with courage. Mom, your love brings us back to life, please never let go of us!"

Sister Emmanuel, Community of the Beatitudes

Translated from French

PS1 Mgr. Aldo Cavalli has been the special apostolic visitor for the parish of Medjugorje since 27 November 2021. He took over from Mgr. Henryk Hoser, who died on 13 August of that year in Warsaw.

PS2. Each one of the 6 visionaries is to receive 10 secrets. Ivanka, Mirjana and Jakov have already received their 10 secrets, and they receive an apparition once a year. Ivan, Vicka and Marija have only received 9 secrets to date, and they still have a daily apparition. Each visionary will choose a priest who will be responsible for revealing his or her secrets to the world, after having fasted for 7 days with the visionary. Our Lady asks us not to talk about the secrets, but to pray for the secrets. “Less words, more prayer!”

PS 3. Some very good news! My new book about the Angels has arrived: ‘Make friends with the Angels’. It's available on Amazon. CLICK HERE

This Angels book is listed today as the number 1 best seller in the Mariology category on Amazon.

You may buy it also from Ebay, Waterstones, Blackwells and other good bookstores.

This book is not yet published in other languages.

PS4. Consolation for Mary! The novena that I sent before June 25 can be prayed 9 days before each Feast of Mary! For instance, before November 21st, Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple, or before December 8, Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Pray to her and spread the news about this Novena!

You can find it here in English:

This Novena can be found in other languages.

See here:

PS 5. Stay connected!

Website :

Facebook :

Instagram :

TikTok :

Twitter :

PS 6. Great News! Some of my books are now available in Romanian, Croatian, Slovak and Polish. They can be purchased at the links below:

  • "Lupta Spirituala: Cale rapida de unire cu Dumnezeu"

Romanian edition of “Spiritual Warfare: The Express Lane to Union With God by Sister Emmanuel” by Sora Emmanuel Maillard

  • Ruženec: "Cesta, ktorá ti zmení život"

Slovak edition of “The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life by Sister Emmanuel” by Sestra Emmanuel Maillard

  • "Krunica: Putovanje Koje Ti Mijenja Život"

Croatian edition of “The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life by Sister Emmanuel” by Sestra Emmanuel Maillard

  • "Różaniec: Podróż, która zmieni twoje życie"

Polish edition of “The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life by Sister Emmanuel” by Siostra Emmanuel Maillard

PS 7. See "The Amazing Secret of the Souls in Purgatory, with Sr. Emmanuel USA | Paperback | Kindle eBook UK | Paperback | Kindle eBook Canada | Paperback | Kindle eBook

Available from Amazon Worldwide

Google Play | EPUB eBook | Google Books

PS 8. "Jesus today".  Here is some excellent daily nourishment to grow in the love of Christ! On the website Mary of Nazareth you will find the gospel of the day with a very interesting comment to "Jesus today".

PS 9. You can purchase these books from whichever continent you live on.

You can buy the paperback or e-book at the following links:

The Forgotten Power of Fasting: Click HERE

The Amazing Secret of Purgatory: Click HERE

Maryam of Bethlehem: Click HERE

Peace will have the last Word: Click HERE

Scandalous Mercy: Click HERE

Or if you live in Europe: Click HERE

The Hidden Child of Medjugorje: Click HERE

The Rosary: A Journey That Changes Your Life: Click HERE

Spiritual Warfare: The Express Lane to Union With God: Click HERE

PS 10. Do you want to live the school of Our lady at Home? Get all our material from our website:


Her videos are at the link below:

Videos of litanies that help to win over Evil:

PS 11. Check out our YouTube presentations and our videos categorized by topics:

PS 12. Our Lady is hoping to hear from you! Give joy to her heart, write to her your gratitude and your needs at "Queen of Peace", BP 2157, F-06103 Nice Cedex, France. Your letter will be given to a visionary, and Mary will answer you in prayer.

PS 13. Good news for italian speakers!!!

We now have a website Don't wait to look at it!

PS 14. To receive the "Monthly reports from Medjugorje" by Sr. Emmanuel

French (the original copy):







Chinese: (official publication)




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