Saturday, October 08, 2005


How can you explain this one? - - -
Very intelligent people--well read--wise in many ways--they may have doctor's degrees--but all at once they accept a teaching which is so contrary to reason--so out of line--against all 'horse-sense'--they get on the wrong track--way out in left field--. How is it all possible? How can they accept it all?
May I tell you a story:
One day I listened to a young professor of "far-out teachings"; as he explained and spoke so eloquently, I caught myself beginning to accept his convincing arguments and points.
I came to the conclusion--and asked myself, if I do accept what this man is saying, don't I have to throw away my Faith, my Beliefs, and all that I ever accepted to be true? - - -
What was then the powerful means of the professor's argument? I finally analyzed it and came to this conclusion:
The convincing speaker was using COMPARISONS - ANALOGIES - SIMILARITIES in his presentation, they sounded so reasonable and so convincing that one could readily accept his entire thesis.
It seems somehow, the mind--even great minds--can accept so easily ANALOGIES - COMPARISONS in argumentations!
Yes, Jesus used comparisons, analogies, in His stories, His parables, to convince and prove a point.
Again--the devil is no dope--he knows a good thing when he hears it, he too uses these convincing methods to lead people astray!
When one seriously, slowly, prayerfully, analyzes these comparisons--analogies--you will find that often they really do not fit at all; though they seem to fit perfectly, hearing them--the first time.
"Yes, it boggles the mind."
In fact Adolph Hitler was a champion in convincing his people and leading them astray, in using these ANALOGIES in his wild, very convincing, lengthy oratory, leading his country and the World into chaos, ruin, and destruction--the 2nd World War! - - -

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