Monday, June 08, 2009

[MaryVitamin] Our Lady's Love for God

Mary Vitamin for June 8th
Topic: Our Lady's Love for God
St. John Eudes
"If you wish to imitate Mary in her love for God, banish entirely from your heart the love of the world, of creatures, and the disorderly love of self."
The Wondrous Childhood of the Most Holy Mother of God, (PCP) 252.
St. John Eudes
"Consider that you are in the world only to love God, and that you have infinite obligations to do so. This love is the true center of your heart. In it alone will you find repose, peace and perfect felicity. Apart from it, there is trouble, bitterness, tribulation, malediction and, finally, hell. Give then your heart to Him Who has so long demanded it: seek nothing but His love, Be faithful to the obligations of your state of life, for love of Him. Perform all your actions with a generous heart and great affection, for love of Him Who is all love and all heart towards you: 'Corde mango et animo volenti.'"
The Wondrous Childhood of the Most Holy Mother of God, 252.
I will strive to imitate Our Lady in her love for God. Today I will ask myself:
Can I offer this action to God?  My obligations to my state in life,  personal attire, holy conversations with friends and family, reading good books, chores, work, a walk âll these things can be offered to God and done with God. But what about the magazine, TV show, or internet site with gossipy content? What about the conversation with X which so often turns to detraction? What about wasted time? I can't change everything in a day, but once today, I will turn from something I discover that I can't honestly offer to God in order to imitate Our Lady in Her love of God.
Marian Vow:
"Resemblance with the Immaculate cannot be realized without the mortification of all passions, big and small, without the radical foreswearing of our own selfishness. The flight of occasions of sin, the guarding of the senses, the mortification of the will and the natural tendencies are indispensable for transformation into the Immaculate. Humility and poverty, patience and dedication to the service of all demands the mortification of pride and ambition, requires the sacrifice of so many small satisfactions and comforts, the serene acceptance of the troubles and annoyances of life, the forgetting of self and of our own interests to care only for those of others."
Marian Seraphic Pathways, Directory #11
I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.


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