Friday, July 02, 2010

TESTIMONY: Confession lets me hand off my sins:

Tribulation Times


July 2, 2010 

(John 20:22-23)
When he had said this, he breathed on them; and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them: and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.

TESTIMONY: Confession lets me hand off my sins

Reflection by Father Ted
Thank You, dearest Jesus for allowing me to hear the confessions of so many novices of Your Missionaries of Charity this afternoon.

You offered to them the opportunity of confessing their sins, and they took full advantage of this gift of Yours.

They were forgiven; they were blessed; and they were offered strength to resist future temptations.

They take advantage of this gift of love that You offer to them weekly.

They do.  Yet how many others do not.

Why don’t they?

I believe that they have been conned into believing that they do not need this awesome gift.

I believe that many do not believe that they have sinned and that this denial is one of the factors why many are not truly happy and at peace.

During the past forty years there has been a devious effort to deprive Your children not only of the awareness of their purpose in life, but also of the opportunities to experience Your guidance and help.

They have not been taught that You made us to know You, to love You and to serve You in this world so that we can be with You in heaven.

They have been taught that they do not need to worship the Father with You.  And so they deprive themselves of the privilege of Sunday Mass; and they deprive themselves of the nourishment and strength that comes from hearing Your Word and from receiving You in the Holy Eucharist.

They have been taught that they do not need to have an intimate relationship with Your Mother whom You gave to them to be their Mother.  They have been deceived into rejecting the power of the Rosary.

They have been deluded into accepting many false teachings which have prevented them from enjoying Your Wisdom and Your Life and Your Truth.

Lord, have mercy on them.

Persuade Your shepherds to seek out their lost sheep.  Inspire Your shepherds want to feed Your lambs; tend Your sheep; feed Your sheep.  Teach Your shepherds to sanctify Your flock.

O Good Shepherd, send forth Your Spirit and enkindle within us the fire of Your love.

Come Holy Spirit, come; place within us the desire to become saints.

Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 26- "On discernment of thoughts, passions, and virtues"

63. The material of the passions is destroyed when consumed by Divine fire. And while this material is being uprooted and the soul purified, the passions all retire; that is, if the man himself does not attract them again by worldly habits and indolence.       

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