Tuesday, March 01, 2011

  Snow Buds
Persecution of the Christians
Christian persecution. Image via Wikipedia
March 1, 2011Dear Family of Mary!
"Dear children! Nature is awakening and on the trees the first buds are seen which will bring most beautiful flowers and fruit. I desire that you also, little children, work on your conversion and that you be those who witness with their life, so that your example may be a sign and an incentive for conversion to others. I am with you and before my Son Jesus I intercede for your conversion. Thank you for having responded to my call."  (February 25, 2011)
It seems that the first buds of spring have to be sturdy little fellows.  They emerge usually just on the edge of winter, when the air can still be cold, and it can even snow sometimes.  Those early buds have to endure the late frosts and cold rains of spring, patiently waiting for the sun to win through and to warm them up.  They are forerunners. 
Our Lady is asking us to be such brave little buds.  We are appearing at the edge of spring.  Our environment is still a bit cold and forbidding.  As we turn towards Christ, converting our hearts, focusing our gaze on heaven and God, we will begin to look very different from our families and friends.  We may encounter some "coldness" in our relationships with others when they don't understand the changes in us.  We may get rained on, through negativity and sarcasm.  Our changed lives may draw some persecution.  But this is part of being on the edge of spr
ing, of being forerunners. 

Persecution of monks from the Chronicle of Joh...
Persecution of Monks. Image via Wikipedia
Such persecution is the way to witness with our lives.  The word "witness" in the Latin is "martyr".  To witness is to stand up and be counted among the believers, even when it is not politically correct.  We see that happening more and more today.  To witness to Christ can cost us something.  But the price is well worth it!  When we witness to our faith, to Jesus and Mary, we give others a great gift.  We give them the chance to convert as well.  By our witness, they will see the joy of knowing and loving God and they may choose that joy themselves.

"I desire that you also, little children, work on your conversion and that you be those who witness with their life, so that your example may be a sign and an incentive for conversion to others."  Being a bud in early spring is not so easy, but with Our Lady's help, we can do it!In Jesus and Mary!
Cathy Nolan

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