Saturday, September 10, 2005


At Fatima, Our Blessed Mother gave us first that beautiful PROMISE:
"In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph--Russia will be converted--and a period of Peace will be given to the World!"
But Our Lady also gave us the other side of the coin. (As in the Scriptures--there is heaven & hell.)
Mary said at Fatima in 1917: "If my requests are not granted:
1. "Another more terrible war will come in the pontificate of the next Holy Father. (The second World War 1939 to 1945.)
2. "Entire nations will be destroyed.
3. "The good will be martyred and persecuted.
4. "The Holy Father will have mush to suffer. (Consider the mental sufferings of Pope Paul IV, the Physical sufferings of Pope John Paul II; he was shot 5 times on May 13, 1981--on the Fatima anniversary date of May 13, 1917, when Our Lady appeared the first time at the Cova.)
5. "Russia will spread her errors throughout the World." And Russia has spread her communistic venom throughout the World!
It seems lately, in recent years, Our Blessed Mother is telling us in various ways, in recent apparitions:
"The time is NOW!
"Repent NOW!
"Sufferings will come SOON!"
Our Lady is saying all this with tears in her eyes. Consider the many weeping Madonna-Statues throughout the World. Bishops have declared these copious weepings as believable!
In Japan the Bishop of Akita declared publicly that Our Lady's statue wept there 101 times! (See below for explanation.)
Many Bishops have examined these phenomenon and found them to be authentic.
Books have been written on this subject, perhaps the most outstanding is the one by the famous author: Father Albert Hebert, S.M. from New Orleans, La--"The Tears of Mary and Fatima--WHY?"

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You may obtain Father Hebert's book and other books on Mary from and
The latest Book "Akita" by John Haffert cab be obtained from
(Note: In Akita, Japan, on September 28, 1981, Sister Agnes (main seer) suddenly felt the presence of the Angel at her side during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. She did not see the Angel in person, but a Bible appeared open before her eyes and she was invited to read a passage (Genesis 3:15) . . . the voice of the Angel was heard explaining in sort of a preamble that the passage had relationship with the tears of Mary, then continued:
"There is a meaning to the figure one hundred and one. This signifies that sin came into the world by a woman and it is also by a woman that salvation came into the world. The zero between the two signifies the Eternal God Who is from all eternity until eternity. The first one represents Eve, the last the Virgin Mary.")+++

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