Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Therese Neumann the Stigmatist and Mystic--her case for canonization is open in Rome. Many miracles happened since her death.
Here is my story, yes, a true story: It was in June 1929--a long time ago--at the Christian Brother's Boarding School: Pensionat St. Joseph, Strebersdorf, Vienna, Austria. Our Physic teacher, a Christian Brother, came into the class-room to give us our final test before graduation, we were shaking in our boots. If we didn't pass we wouldn't graduate! - - -
But lo and behold, the Brother pulled out a secular newspaper from Vienna (it was not a religious paper) and read to us a certain article in it. He put the paper aside and solemnly said:
"If you should forget everything I ever taught you in Physics, so be it--but I want you to remember what I just read to you in this newspaper!
"Most of you will stay here in Vienna--one of you will go to Romania, one to Yugoslavia, one (yours truly) will go to America--wherever you go, wherever you are I want you to follow these astonishing true events in the newspapers, magazines, books--many books will be written about all this."
And somehow we never did get that fearful examination--the time was up and Brother graded us according to our past tests. This event I remember only too well.
It was now 1937, 8 years later--I found myself aboard a ship, the "Matsonia" a passenger luxury liner going from San Francisco to Honolulu, Hawaii; it was announced on the loud-speaker there would be Mass in the lounge Sunday morning at 11 a.m., only one Mass.
Including the crew there were about 900 people aboard. I wondered, how are they all going to fit into that small lounge, since 25% of the people in this country are Catholic--there must be about 225 Catholics aboard.
To my utter amazement there were exactly 9 passengers at the Sacrifice of the Mass and 3 crew-members: the executive officer, the deck-steward, who was the altar-boy, and yours truly.
Somehow this lack of attendance shook me up so much--I recall--I was standing at the after-deck of the ship that night, just thinking. - - - It was my time of that big temptation--to give up my Faith. (It seems each person one time in his life is tempted in some manner--as the devil works over-time.) This was my dark hour of the soul. How can these 12 people be right and all these hundreds of them be wrong? - - -
Late that night I finally turned in, went down to the 'glory-hole,' the crew's quarters, I picked up a magazine, just to have something to read--I knew I couldn't sleep--. . .
It was the "Ken" Magazine, issue June 18, 1936. I still remember--in the center-spread there it was: pictures and detailed account about THERESE NEUMANN, the stigmatist: this recalled to me--the article in the Vienna newspaper which the Christian Brother had read to us 8 years ago!
The article stated, since Christmas of 1927--9 years ago--Therese Neumann has been unable to eat:--no food, not even water, or any liquids could she consume, it just wouldn't go down. She tried to eat at the repeated requests of her worried mother--but to no avail--. The Doctor informed the family, Therese had the Stigmata, she is a mystic, science cannot explain this mysterious phenomenon. Her only source of nourishment is the daily Holy Communion!
On an average of 30 Fridays of a year, Therese would undergo the passion and sufferings of the crucifixion of Our Lord. Her stigmatized palms, feet, and side would gush forth blood, as she visualizes and experiences the actual passion and crucifixion of Jesus. And she quotes the very words of Our lord in the exact Aramaic dialect as Jesus spoke them from the Cross. This phenomenon begins Thursday evening about 11:30 p.m. and continues to 3 p.m. Friday (when Jesus expires).
Doctors who have examined Therese on Good Friday, stated that her heart stopped beating. She would revive again on Sunday morning (at Jesus' Resurrection). Believe it or not. - - -
Truly this incredible story goes on and on. I read then every book and article I could get my hands on--yes my Faith was restored!
I had the privilege on June 18, 1962 to visit Therese Neumann with Roseline, my daughter for one hour and 15 minutes! Since I speak the language we discussed many things, including Austria's independence from Russia and "The Do You Know" Fatima leaflet. She requested to add the signed pledge to the leaflet. So far 35,000,000 of these leaflets have been distributed in 7 languages. - - -
Therese Neumann died exactly 3 months later on September 18, 1962.

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You can obtain books about Therese Neumann at any religious book store or from www.tanbooks.com.
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