Wednesday, September 21, 2005

(The Nativity)


Every once in a while one hears this erroneous statement: "Mary is not mentioned very much in the Bible."

I just cringe inside, I am ready to explode, when I hear this falsehood.

One Monsignor countered with: "The truth of the matter is, Our Blessed Mother is mentioned more often in the Bible than even the Blessed Sacrament! Now this is not taking away from the Blessed Sacrament. But facts are facts."

Let's prove this point. May I share this incident with you:

One day this negative statement about Mother Mary was made in a sermon in church. Yours truly's time came to speak after the services, I was to speak about Mary--Our Lady of Fatima--etc. as the U.S. Pilgrim Virgin Statue was beautifully enshrined on the side of the main altar.

In prudence how could I counter this false statement without offending. What am I going to say? Blessed Mother help me! Holy Spirit inspire me! "Veni Sancte Spiritus."

This is finally what I came up with:

"What have we here?--I notice your beautiful stained glass windows, with such expressive faces, just fantastic. I also noticed from the plaque of one of the windows, they all come from Innsbruck, Austria--mein Mutterland, my land of birth--. In fact many of the admirable windows throughout America come from Innsbruck, Austria!

  1. The first very beautiful window is the Visitation. Our Lady is speaking to Elizabeth. Mary is saying among many things: All generations will call me blessed!" (Good thinking.) And then Mary comes up with this inspiring lengthy 'Magnificat.' And you know what? It's all straight from the Bible. St. Luke 1/38. - - -
  2. The next beautiful window is the Annunciation. The Angel announcing to Mary that she is to be the Mother of Jesus--the Mother of God--. Again it's right from the Bible: St. Matthew 1:18, and from St. Luke 1:26.
  3. The third window is all about Jesus' birth. You notice Mother Mary is right in the middle of it all. (Good thinking). After all, where would a birth be without a Mother? However Our Lady isn't saying a word. She is just taking it all in. And again it's straight from the Good Book--the Bible, the Gospels--: St. Matthew 1:18-25, and from St. Luke 2:1-7. The visit of the Magi . . .
  4. The fourth window, you notice The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. And of course Our Blessed Mother is there again, with Simeon saying: "And your own (Mary's) soul a sword shall pierce." Yes, again, from the Scriptures: St. Luke 2:22-38.
  5. The next window--the Flight into Egypt--. You see Mother Mary is riding a donkey, no less. They had no limousine in those days. Heading for Egypt. St. Matthew 2:13-15.
  6. Look at this window with the remarkable expressive faces--the Finding of Jesus in the Temple--His Mother is saying: "Son, why have you done so to us?" . . .St. Luke 2:41-52. He was subject to them--(for 30 years)!
  7. What a beautiful window of the Wedding Feast at Cana. In fact this "little" incident in the Life of Jesus summarizes this delicate matter of Mary's Intercession! Our Lady asks and Jesus does it, even though He said: "My hour has not yet come." Nevertheless Jesus changes water into wine! . . .St. John 2:1-11.
  8. Have you looked closely at this huge rose-window in back of the church? The Crucifixion--Mother Mary at the foot of the Cross, and Jesus is saying to John (no! it's St. John. Leaving out the honored title of SAINT just about tears me up!): Jesus said "Behold Thy Mother." And to His Mother: "Behold Thy Son." St. John 19:26.
  9. Please take note, also during Jesus' 3-year Ministries, Our Blessed Mother is mentioned in the Gospels, for instance: In St. Mark 3:32: "Behold Your Mother and bretheren are outside seeking thee." And Jesus takes this opportunity to remind us of the importance of "accepting the Will of God"--to have Faith and to Believe in the Son of Man--the Son of God--(the Son of Mary)--.
  10. On the other side of the church you see the magnificent stained glass window of the Decent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and Mary, who is specifically mentioned as being with the Apostles who awaited the Holy Spirit. - - -
  11. Next you notice the glorious picture of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven. In the very first book of the Bible, in Genesis 3:15, the Second Eve--Mary-- was promised to us from the beginning: God is speaking: "I will put enmities between you and the woman, and your seed and her seed; She shall crush your head, and you shall lie in wait for her heel." Had any kind of corruption either of body or soul ever been achieved in Mary, this triumph would not have been complete.
  12. The last window--Mary's Coronation as Queen of Heaven--. Have we forgotten the words in the Apocalypse of St. John, Chapter 12, Verse 1.: "And a great sign appeared in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars."
  13. And don't forget the unforgettable words in the Old Testament. Isaias is speaking the Word of God in 7:14: "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign. Behold a VIRGIN (MARY) shall conceive, and bear a Son, and His name shall be called Emmanuel. (God with us.)" - - -

Indeed this is just an outline--there is more, much more to it, than summarized here--just read the Bible slowly carefully, it will speak for itself, in this matter of Our Blessed Mother's position in the plan of God.

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