"The show will be a combination of news, comedy, songs, skits, and of course...leadership training for culture warriors. Think of a hybrid of Stephen Colbert, Rush, and John the Baptist. And of course, we will torment our adversaries, just because we can." -- Randall Terry
"The next big hit on TV will be 'Randall Terry: The Voice of Resistance.' Randall is saying what Americans are thinking. America is fed up with the lame-stream media with their radical left-wing slant. We are starting the show in prime time five days a week." -- Frederick St. John, Owner, President, WQXT, CH 22, St. Augustine FL. Randall Terry schedule on WQXT: Monday - Friday, 6:30 - 7:00 PM, re-run at 11:30 PM - 12:00 Midnight.
"WCKV, The Patriot Channel in Clarksville, Tennessee, is proud to be one of the first TV stations in the country to be airing Randall Terry: The Voice of Resistance!" We are eager for the debut of this edgy and informative program - and it is a blast to watch!" -- Dan Calderon, Owner/President, WCKV, UHF, Channel 49; Charter Cable, Channel 9; CDE LightBand, Channel 12. Randall Terry schedule on WCKV: Monday - Friday, 6:00 - 6:30 PM.
Randall can also be seen online every week night at 6 P.M. eastern onwww.CPNLive.com or at www.Terrycast.com.
Following are comments from viewers:
"You caught me by surprise!!! Randall you ARE definitely good!!!! Your sense of humor won't quit and you CAN sing!!! Great impersonation.... God Bless you all!!!" -- Mary Ann
"You are so adaptable! Did you write the song? You have a great singing voice and are humorous too. YOU ALWAYS SPEAK HIS TRUTH and the other side cannot stand it - but you follow His lead. May God bless you always." -- Lisa
"Way to go Randall! It's great...I love it. I especially love your laugh...although Joey 'The Hammer' shows your diversity and your song to BO, Nancy and Harry Reid is very cool!" -- Missy
View teaser and comedy clips of upcoming "Randall Terry: The Voice of Resistance."
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