© Children of Medjugorje 2010
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June 15, 2010
1 - On June 2, 2010, Mirjana received her monthly apparition at the Blue Cross, in a midst of a huge crowd! After the apparition, she shared the following message:
"Dear Children! Today I call you with prayer and fasting to clear the path in which my Son will enter into your hearts. Accept me as a mother and a messenger of God's love and His desire for your salvation. Free yourself of everything from the past which burdens you, that gives you a sense of guilt, that which previously led you astray in error and darkness. Accept the light. Be born anew in the righteousness of my Son. Thank you."
2 – We will celebrate the 29th Anniversary of the apparitions on June 25, and the novena for the Queen of Peace has already begun!
But before choosing which prayers we will be offering, let us first consider this: from the bottom of our hearts, let us ask Our Lady what she expects of us, which gift would please her most. A reconciliation? A sincere confession? An act of charity toward a neighbor in need? The letting go of a bad intention? A praise to God in a time of trial? A fasting or giving up of certain foods? Renouncing an impure relationship? A time of intercession in a nearby church, or a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament? Working on a point of the messages which we have hitherto neglected? The choices are endless! Each of us will perceive in his heart how to make Our Lady rejoice and console her of so much indifference.
The number 29 reminds us of the number 30 and the 30 years of the hidden life of Jesus. We do not know how long Our Lady will still appear each day, but it is certain that we are approaching a time when we shall only have the annual apparitions given to the 6 visionaries. (She has promised to appear to them once a year until their deaths). How different it will be then, we are so used to her daily apparitions! So, during this very special time of grace, let us take full advantage of this favor from Heaven! It may be that the world needs to go through a purification (several countries have already been affected).
So, while the Gospa is still coming each day to bless us, why do we not also come to meet her, by doing a pilgrimage to Medjugorje starting this year!? She said, "You will lament on my messages when I am no longer here..."
Let us also pray the beautiful Consecration to her Immaculate Heart, which she dictated to Jelena Vasilj in the early 80s (See PS1).
3 – Beware! The opportunities offered by the internet also contain a hidden trap: inundated by messages of all kinds, we are inclined to pass them along to our friends without verifying them. Some false messages of Medjugorje have been going around for years, sowing disorder. These alarmist messages are not those of the Gospa given on the 25th through Marija, or on the 2nd through Mirjana. We cause harm to Our Mother by transmitting them. Indeed, it can be one of two things:
A) Either the message is true, and it can be verified on the parish’s website of Medjugorje at www.medjugorje.hr or other reliable sites.
B) Or the message is false, and here are the consequences:
- It will terrify those most vulnerable, and cause more fear than prayer!
- It discredits Medjugorje, because the content of the message bears no resemblance to Our
Lady’s language, and this serves the opponents of Medjugorje. It is in the emotional, the sensational, which has nothing to do with the Word of God.
- You know the story of the little shepherd who cried incessantly: "Wolf, wolf!" The whole village stirred and came to see it, but to no avail, because there was no wolf. One day though, the wolf did come, the boy called out at the top of his lungs, but no one came and the wolf devoured the whole flock! The day the 10 secrets received by the seers are published, who will believe them if they are preceded by so many fabricated messages?
So when you receive such messages ... Destination: trash! We are not responsible for what we hear, but we are responsible for what we repeat.
3 – After the Year of the Priesthood: On June 11th, we concluded the year of the Priesthood and the Jubilee of the Holy Cure d’Ars. In honor of this wonderful event, I should mention a word from this holy priest which touched me:
"Humility is to the various virtues what the chain is to a rosary: take away the chain and the beads are scattered; remove humility, and all virtues vanish."
Fr. Vianney would also repeat this famous dialogue: “The devil one day appeared to St. Macarius. ‘All that you do, I do likewise’, Satan said to the hermit of the Thebaid. ‘You fast; I never eat at all. You watch, I never sleep. There is only one thing you do that I am unable to perform.’
‘Oh, what is it?’
‘To humble myself.’"
(The Cure D'Ars by Abbe Trochu. 624 pages. TAN Books and Publishers; New edition, May 1, 2009)
This reminds me of something remarkable that will surely inspire many of us, especially as Our Lady (by Mirjana particularly) continues to exhort us to pray for priests. "Pray for your pastors", she says. “The priests do not need your judgments, they need your prayers, your help and your love” (to Mirjana, 1982).
4 - The sister in the barn. A famous German bishop, Bishop Ketteler, describes this event which marked him profoundly. God revealed to him that a nun had sacrificed his life for him, and the fruitfulness of his ministry was due to her prayer. It was also shown to him the face of this nun, but he did not know where she lived. During his pastoral visits to the convents of his diocese, he asked to see all the sisters. Thus he thought he would recognize her.
One day he visited a convent in a nearby town and celebrated mass there. The distribution of Holy Communion was coming to an end, when his eye fell on a sister. He grew pale and froze for a moment, but recovering himself he gave Communion to the sister.
Later, he begged the superior to kindly introduce him to all the sisters. As they had arrived, he saw that, that sister was not there, so he asked the Superior: "Are all the sisters here?” She said: "Excellency, I have made every call, but actually we are missing one. She takes care of the barn in a way so exemplary that, in her zeal, she sometimes forgets other things. - "I want to meet this sister," insisted the bishop. Shortly after, the sister arrived. The bishop turned pale again and asked to be left alone with her.
He asked her: "Do you know me? - "I've never seen your Excellency. - "Which is the devotion that you love to practice most?”- "Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus”, was her reply. "It seems that you are doing the hardest job at the convent," he continued. -"Oh no, your Excellency," she replied. “Although I must admit that I struggle sometimes. - "What do you do when you are bombarded with temptations? - "I am used to doing any task that I find hard for the love of God and joyfully. And I am offering it for a soul on this earth. It is up to God to choose what soul will be the beneficiary of it. I offer everyday for this soul my Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament. - "And how did you get the idea of offering all this for a soul?” The sister replied: "It's a habit that I have since school. The priest taught us the need to pray for others as we do for our own family. He would also say, ‘We must pray a lot for souls in danger of perdition. But as God alone knows who are especially in need of it, it is best to offer prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, trusting in His wisdom '. That's what I did, and I always thought that God had found the right soul. "Would you want to know what soul you are praying for?” - "Oh no, it is not necessary!"
When the Bishop departed, he had not revealed his secret….
Dearest Gospa, we earnestly thank you for these 29 years of apparitions! Please receive our humble gifts! Through your Motherly Heart, may they draw thousands of souls to your Son, Jesus!
Sister Emmanuel +
(Translated from French)
PS 1- Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, overflowing with goodness, show us your love for us. May the flame of your Heart, O Mary descend upon all peoples. We love you immensely. Impress in our hearts a true love. May our hearts yearn for you. O Mary, sweet and humble of heart, remember us when we sin. You know that we men are sinners. Through your most sacred and maternal heart, cure us from every spiritual illness. Make us capable of looking at the beauty of your maternal heart, and that, thus, we may be converted by the flame of your heart. Amen.
PS 2 – During your vacation this Summer, you cannot afford to go on a retreat? Have you own retreat at home! Sister Emmanuel’s latest teachings are AVAILABLE on both CD and DVD format! Choose a single title or purchase all six: Take the Hand of Your Heavenly Mother; Make Your Peace With God; Embrace Suffering As Your Way to Joy; Pray With Your Family: A Remedy for our World Today; Responding to Our Lady's Call to Holiness; Prayer Groups: Our Lady's School for Holiness.
* Buy the DVD set and go on a virtual retreat with Sister Emmanuel!
PS 3- Order Fr. Tim Deeter’s “Prepare for a Successful Marriage” available on both CD and DVD for more marriage preparation tips at our online shop. You’ll be glad you did! www.childrenofmedjugorje.com
PS 4 – The Youth Festival will begin on August 1st with the evening mass and will end on the 6th with the Mass of the Transfiguration on Mt. Krizevac at 5:00AM. Information Center tel: +387 36 651 988, email: medjugorje_mir@medjugorje.hr. Be the hands of Mary by bringing young people to Medjugorje, you may save lives!
Other festivals are being prepared in France and elsewhere, alas for the glory of the Enemy! Let us do some "Jericho" actions, or any other kind of prayer and fasting to cancel these horrific acts that destroy souls, especially those of young unbelievers (who "seek happiness where it gets lost," said the Gospa).
PS 5 - Information to pass on to all: The parish of Medjugorje now requires to see the 'celebret' of the visiting priests, and to keep a copy. If they don’t have it, they won't be able to celebrate Mass nor hear Confessions.
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© 2010 Children of Medjugorje, Inc
PO Box 18430, Denver CO 80218, USA. Tel. 877-MIR-MEDJ
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