Monday, November 15, 2010

Children of Medjugorje, Newsletter of November 15, 2010






November 15, 2010



Dear children of Medjugorje, praised be Jesus and Mary!


1 - On October 2nd, Mirjana had her monthly apparition at the Blue Cross, surrounded by many people in spite of the bad weather. After the apparition, she gave us the following message:


“Dear children! With motherly perseverance and love I am bringing you the light of life to destroy the darkness of death in you. Do not reject me, my children. Stop and look within yourselves and see how sinful you are. Be aware of your sins and pray for forgiveness. My children, you do not desire to accept that you are weak and little, but you can be strong and great by doing God's will. Give me your cleansed hearts that I may illuminate them with the light of life, my Son. Thank you."



2 – A vital need: to be in the state of grace. This message of the second is to be read and reread at least 10 times! The Gospa suffers, warns, repeats her message seeing her words slip away, so she repeats them again, she sees all the evil the darkness of sin does to us, and she comes again to us as a mother without tiring, she blesses us, she hopes…


The call of Mary today is VITAL! Many people ask us: “What do you think the future holds?  What is going to happen?” The response is clear: what comes is our making! Is the recent violence in France just a taste of what will happen later, even more violent? No! We don’t want that! We want life. We want true peace! The true peace will come, but after what trials? It’s up to us to cut short the time of trial!


It's true that " the new time" that Our Mother speaks to us about will come.  It approaches. But before

it arrives, the duration of that time of  trial depends on us.  We first have to abandon sin and ensure that we are in the "state of grace."  Not to continue on purpose a serious thing which is displeasing to God.  And for that, take the Ten Commandments (Deut. 5) and verify that we are truly observing each of the points God gave us to serve as beacons leading us to life and not death for the soul.  Then confess our sins sincerely to a priest.  Then decide to put God first, because Jesus alone is our armor against the enemy.


Yesterday a pilgrim told me: “I live in sin, I know, but God is good! He will forgive me!” (He lives with another woman who is not his wife). I might have upset him by saying that the mercy of God is infinite, is always offered, but that it presupposes that he repents from his sin and gives it up! Jesus pardoned the adulteress in the Gospel, but he added “Go, and sin no more!”


Let us not push away the Mother of God anymore, on the contrary, let’s accept her teachings with gratitude! Today, more than ever, she “carries the light of life to destroy the darkness of death in us!”



3 – Two Saints, 2 examples, 2 friends!

Dear Father Slavko…Your 10th Anniversary!  On November 24, 2000 around 3:00 pm, Father Slavko Barbaric went back to our Heavenly Father from the top of Krizevac, where that day he had led the Way of the Cross. This year the parish of Medjugorje and all of Fr. Slavko’s friends will celebrate the 10th anniversary of his “birth in heaven”, according to the words of the Gospa herself (she does practice the “Santo subito” and better than us!). In fact, as soon as November 25, she said in her message, “Rejoice with me, for your brother Slavko was born in Heaven, and he intercedes for you!”

There are many witnesses of blessings received through his intercession! His grave, often visited and adorned with flowers, is part of the places that pilgrims would not miss on their pilgrimage.


Let’s all pray to him (we can offer a novena before the anniversary of the 24th).  Let’s put him to work for the conversion, healing, and holiness of all of us! He was a tireless worker and I guess he has not lost his touch!


Thank you, dear Fr. Slavko, for the huge blessings that you have obtained for us already! Please, protect your parish, bless your Franciscan brothers, accompany the pilgrims, give courage to the villagers, comfort the poor and the orphans, intercede for us, sinners! Help us to understand Our Lady’s messages and to live by them. May there be many saints in Medjugorje! And please give a hug to the Queen of Peace for us!



Father Tardif on the altar? Fr. Emiliano Tardif, from Quebec, had the gift of gathering huge crowds of believers AND unbelievers, doing good to all, constantly announcing Jesus in the Eucharist and performing signs and miracles, like Jesus declared for ‘those who have believed’ (Marc 16: 17). Father Tardif went to Medjugorje in 1983 for the first time. There he had the honor of being put in jail in Citluk by the communist authorities.  He was without food or drink, and most of all, without knowing when he could get out. These were 24 hours of intense prayer from the heart! What landed him in jail? He had prayed for a long time over the sick after the evening Mass and physical healings took place.  So, in 3 days the number of the faithful had increased so much that the “Militzia” got scared and threw him in jail.


Cardinal Nicolas Lopez Rodriguez, from St. Domingo, announced that he received from the Congregation for the Cause of Saints, in Rome, the permission to start the inquiry at the diocesan level to open the cause of Beatification of the Servant of God, Emiliano Tardif.  (See PS4)



4 – A lucky charm? Since the beginning of the apparitions, Our Lady insisted that we carry blessed objects on ourselves, such as medals, small crosses, etc.  She also asked that we place a crucifix and holy pictures, blessed by a priest, on our walls; in particular, a picture of her Immaculate Heart and one of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, or other religious articles.


These objects recall the presence of God to those who use them; they weaken evil spirits that, due to the blessing of God, are disarmed.  Then, they attack us much less and thus we avoid a lot of problems such as accidents or conflicts, diseases or depression, insomnias, suicidal drives, etc.  (Of course, all these things are not necessarily attacks by the Evil one).


The Croatian tradition is to have the house and property blessed each year by a priest. When France was still Christian, this was also our beautiful tradition.  In those days, we had more priests, for the families were proud to count a priest among their children and they would pray for this blessing.


But the Enemy, our adversary, imitates what God and His Church does in a subtle manner.  It is important to identify these realities, for we often meet people, victims of "disguised wolves in lambs", begging for help.  I will not enter here into private details, I would rather wish to simply give a warning:  Do not expose yourself to any useless risks!  Flee like the plague any "good luck charms" (things like amulets or crystals that people wear to attract so called ‘good spirits’ and fortune...)!  Today these items multiply, accompanied with promises of happiness or health, but they actually bring only the poison of the Enemy. Some of them are cursed during secret worships to Satan, and destined to harm those who will carry them.  Today, too many people carry signs of the Zodiac around their neck, or small snakes, sometimes received from so called "psychics."


Our Blessed Mother said, "Dear children, Satan wants to trick you in a lot of ways".  We all have everything to gain by carrying on ourselves only objects that are blessed.  It suffices that we present the religious article to a priest after Mass, and ask him to bless it. Let us be protected by the blessing of the priest!  It is good also to receive with fervor the final blessing of the Mass given by the celebrant.  The Gospa said so through Mirjana, "Dear children, when a priest blesses you, it is my Son Jesus who blesses you".  Of that, we are absolutely sure; of the rest, no!



5 –  Advent approaches, what joy! Advent is that magnificent liturgical time when we can immerse ourselves in the innocence of the tiny Infant God, who is growing in the very pure bosom of Mary.  The innocence of Jesus a pool which we plunge into with delight, where evil dissipates and where we emerge transformed.  Don't forget the key which the Gospa gave us at the outset of the third millenium, the key to peace and prosperity: "Dear Children, through your yes to peace and your decision for God, a new possibility for peace is opened.  Only in this way, little Children, will this century will be for you a time of peace and prosperity.  Therefore, put the Little newborn Jesus in the first place in your life, and He will lead on the way to salvation." (December 25, 1999)


Dearest Gospa, far from rejecting you, we invite you more than ever into our troubled and wounded hearts! Come leave there the balm of your motherly love!  With you, we will celebrate life!


Sister Emmanuel +

(Translated from French)



Nota Bene:

Our Holy Father Benedict XVI Urges the Whole World to Unite in a Prayer Vigil for All Nascent Human Life!  In the evening of November 27, 2010 at the liturgical beginning of Advent - a time of joyful anticipation for the birth of Christ - His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate a prayer vigil in St Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican for the intention of all nascent human life. At the request of the Holy Father, a letter was sent to all the episcopal conferences of the Catholic Church this past June asking them to take part in this prayer and to organize prayer vigils at the beginning of Advent in all local churches.


Let’s do everything possible so that our parishes, communities, prayer groups and families join in this universal prayer for life, in communion with the Holy Father. Personal prayer in union with the Church for the intention of defending preborn human life is our duty and raises great hope that with God’s help the civilization of life and love will triumph.  For details on how to join Pope Benedict in prayer during the Vigil for All Nascent Human Life, click here.



PS 1 – Children of Medjugorje Inc needs your help!  Please consider supporting our ministry in prayer and, if possible, through financial contributions so that we may be able to continue spreading the messages of Our Lady to the English-speaking world.  If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to help support and sustain our work, please donate through this link on our secure online store or send an email to Your generosity is deeply appreciated!  Thank you!


PS 2 - Sister Emmanuel’s latest teachings –the Educational Series from St Malo- are AVAILABLE on both CD and DVD format Choose a single title or purchase all six *:  Take the Hand of Your Heavenly Mother; Make Your Peace With God (about Confession); Embrace Suffering As Your Way to Joy; Pray With Your Family: A Remedy for our World Today; Responding to Our Lady's Call to Holiness; Prayer Groups: Our Lady's School for Holiness.


Buy the DVD set and go on a virtual retreat with Sister Emmanuel, as experienced last fall at the Children of Medjugorje Summit Retreat in St Malo, Colorado by the end of November and GET FREE SHIPPING as our Thanksgiving gift to you.  Enter coupon code “THANKSGIVING” at the bottom of shopping cart.


PS 3-  Watch Sister Emmanuel ON DEMAND, on your computer!  Go to Click on "Video on Demand" on the red banner at the top.  Screen goes light blue- wait, then scroll way down until you see channel 27 channel 28 side by side.  Click on Channel 28 and scroll down the list until "Medjugorje- Our Mother's Last Call"  then click on the date you want to watch.


PS 4-  Fr. Yves Rancourt, a faithful pilgrim of Medjugorje, is in charge of this cause. Every witness on Fr. Tardif will be welcome, please write at . The postulator is Fr. André Dumas. More info at


PS 5- Take Medjugorje home! View the evening celebration live at:


PS 6 –  Sister’s upcoming missions : France (Nov.19-24, Belgium (Nov 25, info:, Sardegna  (Nov. 27-28, info: Your prayer and support will be greatly appreciated; thank you from the heart!


PS 7 - Information to pass on: The parish of Medjugorje now requires to see the 'celebret' of the visiting priests, and to keep a copy. If they don’t have it, they won't be able to celebrate Mass nor hear Confessions. 


© 2010 Children of Medjugorje, Inc.
PO Box 18430, Denver CO 80218, USA. Tel. +1 877-MIR-MEDJ


© Children of Medjugorje 2010

Permission is given to spread the text of these reports under two conditions: 1) no words are changed, 2) “Children of Medjugorje” is cited along with our website


Posted via email from deaconjohn's posterous

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