The Baldacchino by Bernini over the Papal Altar in St. Peter's Basilica
St. Peter's remains are buried beneath this altar.
(c)Mary TV 2012
March 8, 2013
St. John of God
Dear Family of Mary!
"Dear children! Anew, in a motherly way, I am calling you not to be of a hard heart. Do not shut your eyes to the warnings which the Heavenly Father sends to you out of love. Do you love Him above all else? Do you repent for having often forgotten that the Heavenly Father, out of His great love, sent his Son to redeem us by the Cross? Do you repent for not yet having accepted the message? My children, do not resist the love of my Son. Do not resist hope and peace. Along with your prayer and fasting, by His cross, my Son will cast away the darkness that wants to surround you and come to rule over you. He will give you the strength for a new life. Living it according to my Son, you will be a blessing and a hope to all those sinners who wander in the darkness of sin. My children, keep vigil. I, as a mother, am keeping vigil with you. I am especially praying and watching over those whom my Son called to be light-bearers and carriers of hope for you - for your shepherds. Thank you." (03/02/13)
We continue to keep vigil with Our Mother for the Shepherds who carry the weight of the Church during these very important days. It is a comfort that Mother Mary is watching over our Cardinals with her Motherly solicitude. But she is asking us to help.
Maybe we could invoke the aid of St. Peter himself, by praying this Litany to him. He knew the agony of carrying the responsibility for the Church, and he also knew enough not to depend upon himself in carrying out that task. He knew full well his own weakness, having learned during the Passion how weak he was. And so St. Peter now can help the successors to the Apostles realize and stay completely dependent upon the Holy Spirit in the task of electing a new Pope.
Let's pray in unity of heart and mind with St. Peter for our Church!
Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
Queen conceived without Original Sin, pray for us.
Queen of Apostles, pray for us.
Saint Peter, pray for us.
Prince of the Apostles, pray for us.
St. Peter, to whom were given the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, pray for us.
St. Peter, so ardent for the glory of Christ, pray for us.
St. Peter, whose heart was pierced with one look from Jesus, pray for us.
St. Peter, who ceased not to grieve for having denied the Son of God, pray for us.
St. Peter, whose cheeks were furrowed by a stream of tears which flowed to the end of thy life, pray for us.
St. Peter; who cried out, "Lord, Thou knowest that I love Thee," pray for us.
St. Peter, bound in chains for Christ, pray for us.
St. Peter, delivered from prison by an Angel, pray for us.
St. Peter, who rejoiced to suffer for Christ, pray for us.
St. Peter, whose very shadow healed the sick, pray for us.
St. Peter, whose voice even the dead obeyed, pray for us.
St. Peter, that we may have a constant and mutual charity among ourselves, pray for us.
That we may taste and see more and more how sweet is the Lord, pray for us.
That we may be zealous in loyalty to thy successor, the present Vicar of Christ, pray for us.
That we may help, at least by prayer, to restore to the unity of thy Holy See the scattered sheep, pray for us.
That we may be prudent and watchful in prayer, pray for us.
That we may die the death of the just, pray for us.
V. Let the mercies of the Lord give glory to him,
R. And His wonderful works to the children of men.
V. Pray for us, Saint Peter the Rock,
R. That we may be worthy of the Vicar of Christ. Let Us Pray: O Lord Jesus Christ, Who upon blessed Peter, Thine Apostle, didst bestow the pontifical power of binding and loosing, and didst give to him the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, grant that his intercession may ensure our deliverance from the bondage of sin, Thou Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen
Please, St. Peter, pray for our Shepherds, that they will respond to the Holy Spirit through the intercession of Mary, their Queen, and recognize the man God has chosen to be the next Pope. Amen.
God bless and keep all of you this weekend!
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2013
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