Sunday, July 07, 2013

Spiritual Gems-Why We Must Think Daily on our Lord's Passion-

Why We Must Think Daily on our Lord’s Passion
Many of the Saints have indicated that a daily…yes daily…reading/meditation on our dear Lord’s Passion is a critical and necessary step to grow in holiness and leads to a need to be at the Representation of His Passion and Death each day (the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass).  St. Hannibal di Francia describes it as follows:
What kind of heart do we have if we are insensitive to all our Savior suffered for us.  One cause of this hardness of our hearts is our unforgivable failure to meditate and contemplate daily what He did actually suffer for our sins and our ongoing sinfulness.  He was racked with suffering and pain for His entire life…willingly endured for our sake….and we tire after just a few minutes thinking about it.  Recommit to give God this tiny sip of Love….every day.  He thirsts for your love.   Let us stop being so ungrateful to Him.
St. Hannibal di Francia from the “Hours of the Passion”

You can receive complimentary materials to make your Consecration to God through Mary’s Immaculate Heart (important spiritual protection at this time in salvation history) at… where you can also learn about Our Lady of Las Lajas.
You can learn more about our Lady of Fatima at
God Bless you and your work,
Deacon Bob

Deacon Bob Ellis
Anthony Mullen
Executive Director
World Apostolate of Fatima, USA
647 Edmonds Avenue
A Pontifical Association of the Faithful
Drexel Hill, PA 19026
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