Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Mary TV Daily Reflection 10/1/2014 - St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church

(c)Mary TV 2014 


October 1, 2014
St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church

Dear Family of Mary!

"Dear children! Also today I call you to also be like the stars, which by their light give light and beauty to others so they may rejoice. Little children, also you be the radiance, beauty, joy and peace - and especially prayer - for all those who are far from my love and the love of my Son Jesus. Little children, witness your faith and prayer in joy, in the joy of faith that is in your hearts; and pray for peace, which is a precious gift from God. Thank you for having responded to my call." (September 25, 2014)

On this special day, the Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, let's remember the moment when Our Lady appeared to St. Therese, and healed her of a terrible disease. Therese's description of that moment is beautiful, and reminds me of the description Our Lady is giving us in this message of how we should be!

Fr. Hardon tells the story this way:

Until Thérèse was nine years old, her sister Pauline took the place of her mother. But in 1881 when Pauline entered the Carmel at Lisieux, her younger sister felt the shock so severely that she came down with a nervous malady from which according to human calculations she was never to be cured. She seemed to be almost constantly in delirium. The doctors were perplexed about the nature of the sickness, but were sure that it could not be cured.

During moments when the pain was less severe, she found special delight in weaving garlands of flowers for Our Lady's altar. "We were then in the beautiful month of May, when all of nature was adorned with the flowers of springtime; only the little flower was languishing and seemed destined to die. That is until she received sunlight from above, and that sunlight was the miraculous statue of the Queen of Heaven."

Often in the course of her illness, she turned towards the statue of Our Lady and asked to be cured. Her father wrote to Paris to have some Masses celebrated in the Sanctuary of Notre Dame des Victoires, asking for the cure of his "poor little queen." At the same time a novena was begun to the Blessed Virgin, but no sign of improvement. In fact, Thérèse became steadily worse until she could not even recognize those who stood beside her. Finally, on the Sunday before the novena ended, during a spasm of delirious pain while her sisters were praying before the statue of the Immaculate Heart, "I also turned to our Heavenly Mother," she relates, "begging her with all my heart to have pity on me. All of a sudden the statue became alive! The Virgin became beautiful, so beautiful that I could never find words to express it...But what penetrated to the roots of my being was her ravishing smile. At that moment all my pains vanished." (Ibid., 51)

Our Lady smiled on Therese, and she was healed!! "Little children, also you be the radiance, beauty, joy and peace - and especially prayer..." Our Lady's smile brought with it all the radiance, beauty, joy and peace that God had filled her with. She who is full of grace, smiled, and that grace radiated upon little Therese and brought the healing God had for her.

Isn't that what Our Lady wants to happen through us? She wants us to become full of God's grace, and become His smile for others. She wants us to radiate God's love. We can be His smile for others through our faith, our prayer, our joy, and our love.

"Little children, witness your faith and prayer in joy, in the joy of faith that is in your hearts; and pray for peace, which is a precious gift from God."

May we become God's smile on earth for those who need so much to receive it!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2014

PS. Mary TV will stream the October 2nd apparition to Mirjana, Live! www.marytv.tv 
October 2, 2014 
LIVE streaming begins at 8:00am Medjugorje time  
(2:00am EDT in the US) 
Apparition at approximately 8:45am Medjugorje time  
(2:45am EDT in the USA)
  (Wednesday night or early Thursday morning in the USA).  

"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

Prayers for Fr. Groeschel

Cardinal Newman Society September 30, 2014
Dear friends,
fatherWe received word from the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal that Father Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., fell and reinjured the same arm that was hurt in his accident ten years ago.
One of his brother friars, Fr. Glenn Sudano, related that Fr. Groeschel is in much pain, and that they are asking for the intercession of Venerable Solanus Casey, a former roommate of Fr. Groeschel who is up for beatification, in his healing.
Father Groeschel was a very close advisor and friend to The Cardinal Newman Society until he retired a few years ago, and we owe him a debt of gratitude for his tireless work and prayers on behalf of faithful education. 
Now he needs our prayers. 
Will you do me a favor?  Will you please join me in praying the following prayer for Father:
O Gracious and loving father,
we humbly implore You
to look kindly upon Your son and servant
Father Benedict Joseph.
Invoking Your Divine Mercy,
we ask that You manifest in a unique, evident, and wonderful way
relief from the burden of his present illness and injury.
As we approach Your Holy Majesty
with certain faith, sure hope, and full confidence,
we beg to obtain this special grace;
so that he may receive even now
a foretaste of the full reward
that awaits him in the future.
We entrust this prayer in a special way
to Your dedicated and faithful servant,
Father Solanus Casey.
May this holy friar,
who so inspired Father Benedict here on earth,
now powerfully intercede for him from heaven.
May God bless you!

Sincerely yours in Christ

Patrick Reilly

Mary TV Daily Reflection 9/30/2014



September 30, 2014
St. Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church

Dear Family of Mary!

"Dear children! Also today I call you to also be like the stars, which by their light give light and beauty to others so they may rejoice. Little children, also you be the radiance, beauty, joy and peace - and especially prayer - for all those who are far from my love and the love of my Son Jesus. Little children, witness your faith and prayer in joy, in the joy of faith that is in your hearts; and pray for peace, which is a precious gift from God. Thank you for having responded to my call."

I have been studying the Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) of Pope Francis and it struck me that Our Lady's message pretty much sums up what the Holy Father teaches us in it. Pope Francis is very much aware that we, as Catholics, have been given the pearl of great price, and we have to stop hiding it away, for our own enjoyment, and instead hold it up for all to see. We have to share the radiance, beauty and joy of the Gospel, as the good news for all men. And we have to do this first of all by our lives.

And really, this is what Our Lady has been saying to us for all these many years! She asks us to "be like the stars!" Stars are our nightly companions who people the skies, and guide us on our way. They make us aware of the vastness of God's creation, and somehow at the same time comfort us with the realization that the God who made them, loves us!

Well, I want to share with you the prayer to Our Lady that Pope Francis gave us at the end of the exhortation, because it is so much a prayerful response to this message! It is as if the two of them are writing these things together!

(288)...It is the Risen Christ who tells us, with a power that fills us with confidence and unshakeable hope: "Behold, I make all things new" (Rev 21:5). With Mary we advance confidently towards the fulfilment of this promise, and to her we pray:

Mary, Virgin and Mother,
you who, moved by the Holy Spirit,
welcomed the word of life
in the depths of your humble faith:
as you gave yourself completely to the Eternal One,
help us to say our own "yes"
to the urgent call, as pressing as ever,
to proclaim the good news of Jesus.

Filled with Christ's presence,
you brought joy to John the Baptist,
making him exult in the womb of his mother.
Brimming over with joy,
you sang of the great things done by God.
Standing at the foot of the cross
with unyielding faith,
you received the joyful comfort of the resurrection,
and joined the disciples in awaiting the Spirit
so that the evangelizing Church might be born.

Obtain for us now a new ardour born of the resurrection,
that we may bring to all the Gospel of life
which triumphs over death.
Give us a holy courage to seek new paths,
that the gift of unfading beauty
may reach every man and woman.  

Virgin of listening and contemplation,
Mother of love, Bride of the eternal wedding feast,
pray for the Church, whose pure icon you are,
that she may never be closed in on herself
or lose her passion for establishing God's kingdom.

Star of the new evangelization,
help us to bear radiant witness to communion,
service, ardent and generous faith,
justice and love of the poor,
that the joy of the Gospel
may reach to the ends of the earth,
illuminating even the fringes of our world.

Mother of the living Gospel,
wellspring of happiness for God's little ones,
pray for us.
Amen. Alleluia!
(n.288 - Evangelii Gaudium - Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis)

Mary Star of the new Evangelization, pray for us!!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2014

"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

Monday, September 29, 2014

[Video] Pope Francis: The devil hates mankind

   Pope's Mass: The devil hates mankind and wants to destroy it


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During his daily morning Mass, Pope Francis talked about the devil. He explained that it only pursues one goal: to destroy mankind.



The Rosary, October, and World Peace

The Greatest Marian Prayer

“The Rosary is my favorite prayer, a marvelous prayer. Marvelous in its simplicity and depth. It can be said that the Rosary is, in a certain way, a prayer-commentary on the last chapter of the constitution, Lumen Gentium, of Vatican II, a chapter which deals with the wonderful presence of the Mother of God in the mystery of Christ and the Church. Against the background of the words, Ave Maria (Hail Mary), there passes before the eyes of the soul the main episodes of the life of Jesus Christ, and they put us in living communication with Jesus through, we could say, His mother’s heart. At the same time, our heart can enclose in these decades of the Rosary all the facets that make up the life of the individual, the family, the nation, the Church and all mankind, particularly of those who are dear to us. Thus the…
Rosary (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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The Fifteen Promises of Our Lady to Those Who Pray the Rosary Faithfully

The Blessed Virgin Mary promised to Saint Dominic and to all who follow her urgings that “Whatever you ask in the Rosary will be granted.” These are the fifteen promises she imparted to Saint Dominic and Blessed Alan de la Roche, granted to all Christians who faithfully recite the Rosary. All that remains for us is to pray and to respond to the great graces she gives to us. –Assistant Ed.

1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive signal graces.
2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.
3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.
4. The Rosary will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God;…

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Rosarium Virginis Mariae, Part I

1. The Rosary of the Virgin Mary, which gradually took form in the second millennium under the guidance of the Spirit of God, is a prayer loved by countless Saints and encouraged by the Magisterium. Simple yet profound, it still remains, at the dawn of this third millennium, a prayer of great significance, destined to bring forth a harvest of holiness. It blends easily into the spiritual journey of the Christian life, which, after two thousand years, has lost none of the freshness of its beginnings and feels drawn by the Spirit of God to "set out into the deep" (duc in altum!) in order once more to proclaim, and even cry out, before the world that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, "the way, and the truth and the life" (Jn 14:6), "the goal of human history and the point on which the…

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Rosarium Virginis Mariae, Part II

The Rosary, "a compendium of the Gospel"
18. The only way to approach the contemplation of Christ’s face is by listening in the Spirit to the Father’s voice, since "no one knows the Son except the Father" (Mt 11:27). In the region of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus responded to Peter’s confession of faith by indicating the source of that clear intuition of his identity: "Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven" (Mt 16:17). What is needed, then, is a revelation from above. In order to receive that revelation, attentive listening is…

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The Rosary, October, and World Peace

We are already on the threshold of the month of October, which, with the liturgical memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary, inspires us to rediscover this traditional prayer, so simple yet so profound.

The Rosary is a way of contemplating the face of Christ, seeing him—we may say—with the eyes of Mary. For this reason, it is a prayer that drawing upon the core of the Gospel is in full accord with the inspiration of the Second Vatican Council and very much in keeping with the direction I gave in the Apostolic Letter Novo Millennio Ineunte: the Church has to launch out “into the deep” in the new millennium beginning with the contemplation of the face of Christ.
Therefore, I wish to suggest the recitation…

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The Inestimable Fruits of the Rosary
Madonna of the Rosary
Madonna of the Rosary (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Never will anyone really be able to understand the marvelous riches of sanctification which are contained in the prayers and mysteries of the Holy Rosary. This meditation on the mysteries of the life and death of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the source of the most wonderful fruits for those who use it.

Today people want things that strike and move and that leave deep impressions on the soul. Nor has there ever been anything in the whole history of the world more moving than the wonderful story of the life, death and glory of Our Savior which is contained in the Holy Rosary. In the fifteen tableaux the chief scenes or mysteries of His life unfold before our eyes. How could there ever be any prayers more wonderful and sublime than the Lord’s…

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Blessed Bartolo Longo – Apostle of the Rosary

Sinner. Satanist. Social worker. Saint. A strange progression taken by Blessed Bartolo Longo. On February 11, 1841, a sweet tempered physician’s wife of Latiano, Italy, gave birth to a son whom she named Bartolo. Devoted to Our Lord and His Mother, she taught all her children to pray the Rosary daily and to visit and care for the poor while Dr. Longo instilled in them a love of music and beauty. Bartolo would later describe himself as “a lively and impertinent imp, sometimes rather a rascal.” The priests who educated him found Bartolo to be highly intelligent, cordial, and accommodating although prone to a fiery temper.

When Bartolo was ten, his mother died. Slowly Bartolo began to drift away from his faith. Eventually he studied law from a private tutor, then attended the University of…

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Sister Lucia’s Rosary Meditations: The Joyful Mysteries

The visionary and seer, Sr. Lucia of Fatima, provided the world with profound and inspired Rosary meditations in her book, “Calls” from the Message of Fatima. We begin this week by presenting her meditations on the Joyful Mysteries. – Ed.

Having seen that the prayer of the Rosary is the one which God has recommended most for all of us in general, both by means of the Church’s Magisterium and through the Message which He sent to us by Our Lady, we will now look at the mysteries of our Redemption which this prayer leads us to recall and contemplate in each decade.

For the majority of Christians who live in the corrupt atmosphere of the world, it is almost pointless to talk about mental prayer. Hence, what is most suitable for them is vocal prayer, in common or in private: the liturgical prayer of the Holy Mass and the recitation…

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The Rosary and the Family

“Dear Children! You have helped me along by your prayers to realize my plans. Keep on praying that my plan may be completely realized. I request the families of the parish to pray the Family Rosary. Thank you for having responded to my call” (Our Lady of Medjugorje, September 27, 1984).
The call to pray the Rosary is the principal form of prayer requested by the Blessed Mother, not only in the message of Medjugorje but in the overall Marian message to the modern world. I want to discuss this favored Marian prayer under three categories. First of all, I will discuss briefly the Rosary in this general Marian call to the modern world. Secondly, I will discuss a little bit of the origins, the history, and the nature of the Rosary. What is this prayer of the Rosary that Our Lady has called us to so regularly? Thirdly, and…

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The Family Rosary: Practicality in Family Prayer

How can we practically involve our children in family prayer? What are ways that we can teach them the beauty of communing with Jesus in prayer, even though homework needs to be completed, dishes washed, pajamas put on little ones, and we may even want to reserve a few moments of peace and quiet for ourselves after a busy day? In my last article dealing with the Family Rosary (see article “The Family Rosary” in the Marian Devotion section) I identified the need for parents to make the call of the family Rosary heard, knowing the result will at times be met with resistance and indifference. For the encouragement of parents, I reminded the reader that the suffering encountered in family prayer is redemptive, and that its application in the home ensures that spiritual goods soak into the little hearts and minds of their children, even if parents feel…

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The Importance of the Rosary for Priests

Dear ministers of the Most High, you my fellow priests who preach the truth of God and who teach the gospel to all nations… I beg of you to beware of thinking of the Rosary as something of little importance—as do ignorant people and even several great but proud scholars. Far from being insignificant, the Rosary is a priceless treasure which is inspired by God.

Almighty God has given it to you because He wants you to use it as a means to convert the most hardened sinners and the most obstinate heretics. He has attached to it grace in this life and glory in the next. The saints have said it faithfully and the Popes have indorsed it.
When the Holy Spirit has revealed this secret…

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Rosary “Helps to Put Christ at the Center, as the Virgin Did”

Pope Benedict XVI gave the following catechesis on the Rosary at the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome on May 3, 2008.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
At the conclusion of this moment of Marian prayer, I would like to address my cordial greeting to all of you and thank you for your participation. In particular I greet Cardinal Bernard Francis Law, Archpriest of this stupendous Basilica of St. Mary Major. In Rome this is the Marian temple par excellence, in which the people of the City venerate the icon of Mary Salus Populi Romani with great affection. I gladly welcomed the invitation addressed to me to lead the Holy Rosary on the First Saturday of the month of May, according to the beautiful tradition that I have had since my childhood. In fact, in my generation’s experience, the evenings of May evoke sweet memories linked to the vespertine gatherings to…

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“The Keystone of Marian History” – Message of the Lady of All Nations, October 5, 1952

In this message Our Lady tells us that he proclamation of the Dogma of Mary Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate will become the “keystone of Marian History”. She then asks the theologians: “Why can you not come to an agreement about this?”  Why not, indeed! – Ed.

Message of October 5, 1952

“Here I am again. I have come to bring a special message. Pass on everything well.
Never has Miriam, or Mary, officially been called Co-redemptrix in the community, in the Church. Never has she officially been called Mediatrix. Never has she officially been called Advocate. These three thoughts belong closely together. These three thoughts form one whole. That is why this will be the keystone of Marian history; it will become the dogma of the Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate.

And I am not reproaching theologians now as I say: why can you not come to an agreement about this…

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Mary TV Daily Reflection 9/29/2014 - Saints Michael, Raphael and Gabriel, Archangels

cross in sky over Medjugorje 8-12    
(c)Mary TV 2013    


September 29, 2014
Saints Michael, Raphael and Gabriel, Archangels

Dear Family of Mary!

"Dear children! Also today I call you to also be like the stars, which by their light give light and beauty to others so they may rejoice. Little children, also you be the radiance, beauty, joy and peace - and especially prayer - for all those who are far from my love and the love of my Son Jesus. Little children, witness your faith and prayer in joy, in the joy of faith that is in your hearts; and pray for peace, which is a precious gift from God. Thank you for having responded to my call." (September 25, 2014)

We can't let this day go by without honoring these three powerful angel saints. We need them so much in this day of intense spiritual battle. We can learn so much about each Archangel through their litany. We need to know them, so that we can learn to call on them for help and counsel.

Blessed be God in His Angels and His Saints!!!

Litany in Honor of St. Michael
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Queen of the Angels, pray for us.
St. Michael, the Archangel, pray for us.
Most glorious attendant of the Triune Divinity, pray for us.
Standing at the right of the altar of Incense, pray for us.
Ambassador of Paradise, pray for us.
Glorious Prince of the Heavenly armies, pray for us.
Leader of the Angelic hosts, pray for us.
The standard-bearer of God's armies, pray for us.
Defender of Divine glory, pray for us.
First defender of the Kingship of Christ, pray for us.
Strength of God, pray for us.
Invincible Prince and warrior, pray for us.
Angel of Peace, pray for us.
Guide of Christ, pray for us.
Guardian of the Catholic Faith, pray for us.
Champion of God's people, pray for us.
Guardian Angel of the Eucharist, pray for us.
Defender of the Church, pray for us.
Protector of the Sovereign Pontiff, pray for us.
Angel of Catholic action, pray for us.
Powerful intercessor of Christians, pray for us.
Bravest defender of those who hope in God, pray for us.
Guardian of our souls and bodies, pray for us.
Healer of the sick, pray for us.
Help of those in their agony, pray for us.
Consoler of the Souls in Purgatory, pray for us.
God's messenger for the souls of the just, pray for us.
Terror of the evil spirits, pray for us.
Victorious in battle against evil, pray for us.
Guardian and Patron of the universal Church, pray for us.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, O glorious St. Michael,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray: Relying, O Lord, upon the intercession of Thy blessed Archangel Michael, we humbly beg of Thee, that the Sacrament of the Eucharist which we have received may make our souls holy and pleasing to Thee. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Litany of St. Gabriel
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary , Queen of Angels, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel, glorious Archangel, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, strength of God, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, who stands before the throne of God, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, model of prayer, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, herald of the Incarnation, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, who revealed the glories of Mary, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, Prince of Heaven, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, ambassador of the Most High, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, guardian of the Immaculate Virgin, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, who foretold the greatness of Jesus, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, peace and light of souls, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, scourge of unbelievers, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, admirable teacher, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, strength of the just, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, protector of the faithful, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, first adorer of the Divine Word, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, defender of the Faith, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, zealous for the honor of Jesus Christ, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, whom the Scriptures praise as the Angel sent by God to Mary, the Virgin, pray for us.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
V. Pray for us, blessed Archangel Gabriel,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.
Let Us Pray: O blessed Archangel Gabriel, we beseech thee, intercede for us at the throne of Divine Mercy in our present necessities, that as thou didst announce to Mary the mystery of the Incarnation, so through thy prayers and patronage in Heaven we may obtain the benefits of the same, and sing the praise of God forever in the land of the living. Amen.

Litany in Honor of St. Raphael
Lord, have mercy.
Icona della Chiesa Ortodossa Russa dell' Assem...
Icona della Chiesa Ortodossa Russa dell' Assemblea dell'Arcangelo Michele. Tempera su legno. La rappresentazione dei sette arcangeli. Michele al centro, sopra la mandorla di Cristo. Gabriele and Raffaele in piedi a fianco rispettivamente a sinistra e destra. Dietro di loro, da sinistra a destra Jehudiel, Selaphiel, Uriel, e Baraquiel. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God the father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Jesus, King of Angels, have mercy on us.
Mary, Queen of the Angels, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, whose name means "God has healed", pray for us.
Saint Raphael, preserved with the good Angels in God's kingdom, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, one of the seven spirits that stand before the Most High, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, ministering to God in heaven, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, noble and mighty Messenger of God, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, devoted to the Holy Will of God, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, who offered to God the prayers of the father Tobit, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, traveling-companion of the young Tobiah, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, who guarded your friends from danger, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, who found a worthy wife for Tobiah, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, who delivered Sarah from the evil spirits, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, who healed the father Tobit of his blindness, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, guide and protector on our journey through life, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, strong helper in time of need, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, conqueror of evil, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, guide and counselor of your people. pray for us.
Saint Raphael, protector of pure souls, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, patron Angel of youth, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, Angel of joy, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, Angel of happy meetings, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, Angel of chaste courtship, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, Angel of those seeking a marriage partner, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, Angel of a happy marriage, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, Angel of home life, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, Guardian of the Christian family, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, protector of travelers, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, patron of health, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, heavenly physician, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, helper of the blind, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, healer of the sick, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, patron of physicians, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, consoler of the afflicted, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, support of the dying, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, herald of blessings, pray for us.
Saint Raphael, defender of the church, pray for us.
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world; spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world; graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world; have mercy on us.
Pray for us, O glorious Saint Raphael the Archangel,
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
  Let us pray:
God, you graciously gave the Archangel Raphael as a companion to Your servant Tobiah on his journey. Grant us, Your servants, that we may ever enjoy his protection and be strengthened by his help. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Tomorrow we will meditate on Our Lady's message from September 25. Also, get ready for October 2, when we will stream Mirjana's apparition, live!! The time will be posted on our web page!

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2014

PS. These Litanies may be found on www.2heartsnetwork.org 

"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Spiritual Gems-Your Role in Spreading the Flame of Love-September 28, 2014

Your Role in Spreading the Flame of Love

My Flame of Love will blind Satan to the same extent that you spread it around the world...whoever has felt it once
English: stained glass window of the Immaculat...
English: stained glass window of the Immaculate Heart of Virgin Mary, choir of Cathedral of Cordoba, Spain Français : vitrail représentant le coeur immaculé de Marie, Cathédrale de Cordoue, Espagne (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
will communicate it to others, because my grace will be active in them.

Our Mother to Elizabeth Kindelmann

A Free Flame of Love book can be ordered in the US at www.flameoflove.us.

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    Anthony Mullen
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From CMMB: Your Weekly Reflection 9/28/14

“Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though He was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave…” Philippians 2:5-6
September 28, 2014
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Friend,

English: The Last Supper of Jesus Christ
English: The Last Supper of Jesus Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It is clear that the Ebola epidemic will get worse before it gets better. There are dire predictions about its effects on populations, nations, and the world economy. And yet, as with as with many tragic situations, we see that it also brings out the best in many people. We hear of the doctors and nurses who stay with their threatened and suffering patients—some of whom have sacrificed their own lives, endangering their own lives in their efforts to serve others. Medical researchers dedicate time and effort to finding ways to treat and prevent the virus from spreading.
In all of this, we are reminded of the Scripture today, the image of Jesus Christ who emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave. Jesus came not to be served but to serve, to help others. What about us? Surely we can offer prayers for those suffering and those responding to the suffering. Perhaps we can also make some donation or contribution to help one of the many organizations, such as Catholic Relief Services, UNICEF, Doctors Without Borders, and the Catholic Medical Mission Board, in their response to the Ebola crisis. In this way we imitate the example of Jesus Christ, and give strong witness to our Christian faith.
Give us, O God, the power to go on, to carry our share of labor to the end, to live all the years of our lives faithful to the neighbor, not looking back, no cowardice. Give us the power to give ourselves, to break the bread of our lives for others, as You, O Lord, have done in your Son, Christ our Lord. Amen.
 Rev. Peter Schineller, S.J., CMMB Board of Directors

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Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 25, 2014 Message From Our Lady of Medjugorje

(c)Mary TV 2014   


September 25, 2014

Dear Family of Mary!

Here is the message from Our Lady through Marija for September 25, 2014:
 "Dear children! Also today I call you to also be like the stars, which by their light give light and beauty to others so they may rejoice. Little children, also you be the radiance, beauty, joy and peace - and especially prayer - for all those who are far from my love and the love of my Son Jesus. Little children, witness your faith and prayer in joy, in the joy of faith that is in your hearts; and pray for peace, which is a precious gift from God. Thank you for having responded to my call."

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2014

Next reflection will be September 29, 2014!

"Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world."
Saint John Paul II
Be connected!

[Video] A Perfect Diamond

Catholic Military Chaplains: America's Forgotten Heroes

Tribulation Times
September 25, 2014  

(Joh 15:12-13) This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 

MUST SEE: Fr. Kapaun- When the story of human history comes to a close, death and violence don't get the final word. The love of God does. That love, burning bright in the heart of Fr. Emil Kapaun in the darkness of a POW camp in the Korean war, made him a hero.

REVIEW: Catholic Military Chaplains: America's Forgotten Heroes

Soldier’s spiritual life by Chaplain (Capt.) Mark Mastin

As a battalion chaplain, I am excited to be able to serve Soldiers and their Families. I truly believe that this is the level where our Soldiers can be reached and cared for most personally, especially in the daily struggles that they may encounter. It is a level where we as chaplains can be quietly present and available, and hopefully, be an effective and immediate instrument to bring a sense of encouragement, hope, emotional well-being and I pray some spiritual guidance, no matter what faith one has or does not have.

It is in those deep encounters with our Soldiers that we learn about the scars of their lives.  Yet unsurprisingly, we also hear that many have a lack of religious beliefs, practices, or spiritual experiences, even though they are longing for something beyond themselves. This internal longing is what the great Saint Augustine referred to as our hearts being restless until they rest in God.  From a Christian perspective, spirituality is “about the disposition of the heart toward God.   A spiritual person is not someone who is merely ‘serving’ God but the one who is in relationship with God and seeks to be holy as God is holy.”

When a Soldier seeks this understanding, I remind him or her about the importance of having spirituality in one’s life. Just as one must be physically, emotionally, and psychologically fit for battle (and for life), along with having workable weapons and equipment, a Soldier too must either develop or prepare and exercise one’s current spiritual life.

One of our great World War II generals, George Marshall, said in a 1941 speech entitled “Morale in Modern Warfare,” that “The Soldier’s heart, the Soldier’s spirit, the Soldier’s soul is everything. Unless the Soldier’s soul sustains him, he cannot be relied upon and will fail himself, and his commander, and his country in the end.”

From George Washington until now, our leaders have always known that we all need to develop, nourish, and care of our spiritual life and soul. By doing so, we will truly understand and live out the profound meanings of our Army values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage.

Be prepared! Keep longing and keep developing one’s personal spiritual life.

The Desert Fathers: sayings of the Early Christian Monks: Discretion

68. A brother said to Sisois, 'Why do my passions not leave me?' He said to him, 'Because the vessels that fill those passions are within you. Empty them and the passions they cause will go away.'

Prayer request?  Send an email to: PrayerRequest3@aol.com
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